Home > Mated Enemies(19)

Mated Enemies(19)
Author: Jordan Silver

“Do you know what that means? It means that he really has imprinted on you and your bond is growing, if that’s the case it’s growing faster than normal. How strong is he that he can shut out the rest of us and hone in on you?”

This I’ve got to hear. Obviously she hadn’t told them what the nosy ass bird had told her about my identity. “Well, about that…” She wrung her hands and stalled for time. Then it came out in a rush as if the words burned her tongue.

“What, who did you say he is?” Their panicking shit was messing with my equilibrium, especially hers. It was then I realized that their influence on her was the real problem here. She was feeding off of their fear and her fear was like daggers in my chest.

I couldn’t turn now, the sun hadn’t quite gone down yet and besides, I didn’t want her to know that I was here. “Okay this is getting serious Natalia. We don’t know how long ago he imprinted on you but we know we don’t have a lot of time. You have to make up your mind what you’re going to do. If he’s followed you here there’s no telling what he’ll do next.”

“I know, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Are you crazy? What’s there to think about? We have to get you out of here now.” Bitch girl was on that shit again.

Just then Natalia clutched at her tummy as if in pain and I risked touching her ever so slightly. Cramps, ovulation. Fuck! I pulled back and away from her just as I felt my body about to change. Shit-fuck, not now.

I flew over their heads and out the open door heading hard for home as she called after me. The damn sun followed me to the balcony where I changed just before walking through the door into my bedroom. The pain in my gut was agony and the need in my growing cock wasn’t much better.

I dropped to my knees and doubled over on the floor holding my crotch and trying to get her scent and the fact that she was prime to breed out of my head. Dennis appeared out of nowhere with an icepack and left it on the floor next to me before turning to leave the room again without uttering a word. I need his snooty shit.

I grabbed the pack and pressed it against my balls gritting my teeth all the while until the pain receded. Sweat beaded my brow and made my clothes stick to me as I focused hard on my breathing.

I’m not going to make it. If she’s ovulating then being anywhere near her is going to be pure torture. I really must’ve pissed off someone for them to do this shit. Sick sadistic fuck!

Or was someone trying to get rid of her? I knew both questions made no sense, but what are the odds that she’d be ovulating just at the time I imprinted on her? An ovulating mate suffers about the hardest mating of anyone.

Because of her body’s natural instinct to procreate and mine to plant my seed in her she can find herself under me for days, even weeks until I get the job done. That means, prolonged hours every day of nonstop fucking that she’d have to take. Her tiny ass might not be able to handle me.

Expecting a normal mating between us two was already pushing it, but this new development is cause for even more concern. I’ve never been able to fuck any one woman no matter the species for more than a couple of hours without causing pain or some kind of damage.

Someone as tiny as her, how tight is she? My dick elongated even more with the thought. Think of something else Lucien you fuck! My body went hot and cold as my need for her grew. This is only going to make things worse in the next few days. Worse for her but absolutely pleasurable for me; poor baby.

Knowing that my woman’s body is in heat that she wants to be mounted because of the changes going on inside her is going to make it hard to resist her. I may not be able to give her the time I think she needs and it’s too late to come up with a new strategy.

Hopefully the other side of this thing will come into play soon and help soften the blow. As much as I’m programmed to fuck her hard and often, I’m also preconditioned to love her just as hard.

Since I’ve never loved anyone like that I can only hope that it means I’d hurt myself before I’d hurt her. It’s the only way I’d be able to withstand the pain of being around her these next few days.

Once my dick softened enough for me to stand I rushed into the shower and made the water as cold as I could stand it, but I needed a tub full of ice for this shit. I stayed in the shower for a good hour with my head bent and arms outstretched against the shower wall as the water ran down over me, cooling me off.

I’m running out of options, the more I try the more things seem to be working against me. It’s almost as if something or someone was deliberately raising the stakes each time I jumped over a hurdle. If her damn egg drops anytime I’m near she’s done for. Shit!

I switched off the water and took my time drying off since my skin was so sensitive that the slightest touch made me want to fuck. When I left the bathroom wrapped in my favorite black silk robes because I’m a sadist I found the table in the sitting room set with dinner for one and a bottle of my favorite wine. Dennis must’ve told the others to leave me alone because I didn’t feel them in the house.

I dug into my steak and drank the wine like water as I recapped all of the day’s events in my head. Shit! I need to check on her but I’m afraid of what would happen if I do. Just seeing her now, knowing that her body is preparing itself to bear my child might be a bit much for me to take.

No wonder her scent had been so strong, she’s literally asking for it. Maybe there’s a way to lure her nymph out to play and leave the fairy behind. It’s a sure bet that I’d get further with the nymph, but then there’re her sisters to deal with. How do I get them out of the picture long enough to take her and get the deed done? Show her that there’s nothing to fear.

Think Lucien think, you can systematically end wars and bring peace between kingdoms that have been at odds for centuries but you can’t figure out how to talk your own wife into letting you fuck? Yeah, but I think putting a sword to her throat or a gun to her head and telling her to stop the bullshit might not go over so well.

I’m only putting myself through this for her sake, because I wanted her to accept me, accept us. I can overpower her and take her at my will sure, but I don’t want that. I want her to want me, and not just because I imprinted on her. Since I’m going to be stupidly in love with her for the rest of my life, which is forever, she damn sure is going to do the same.

That’s part of my problem. I never learned how to leave well enough alone. Some men wouldn’t care if their woman learned to accept them or not. If a man imprinted on a woman as long as they go through the mating ritual she’s bound to his side whether she wants to be or not. That can lead to either total bliss or abject misery for both parties involved.

It doesn’t happen often but it’s happened often enough for me to know that that’s not what I want. I want all of her, to possess her completely. A lot of time the reason the woman never falls for her mate is because of the way he handled the mating ritual.

Some males of my species just know how to take, they see the female as their due once they’ve imprinted and don’t take the time to woo her because they don’t see the need. Me on the other hand never wanted that.

It’s a given that my heart will belong to her, that everything I am is already hers. But I want the woman I spend the rest of my life with to love me as much as I’m programmed to love her once we mate. I want that ease that true love brings its lovers. I want what my parents have, no anger and animosity between us.

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