Home > Mated Enemies(11)

Mated Enemies(11)
Author: Jordan Silver

Since we’d been killing them out in droves back in the day, the meddling fucks that are our elders had decided that it was best if we avoided the sun altogether, which suits me just fine since I can rest all day and play all night, which for a freak like me is just about damn near perfect.

But I’ll be fucked if my wife is going to keep a different schedule than mine. “Where are you going?” Is this asshole for real? Leave it to the elders to send my most annoying relatives here to run herd on me. Or maybe they were looking for a way to get rid of them. Because sure as fuck the quickest way for them to end up dead is if they get in my damn way.

I jogged down the stairs leaving them for Dennis to deal with. His ass hadn’t been anywhere to be seen come to think of it. He hates company almost as much as I do, lazy ass.

Instead I heard them running to catch up. I guess they were under strict orders not to show their ass by using excessive energy while here. That’s something I’m very particular about, none of my guys are allowed to use their powers unless absolutely necessary.

I’d learned that shit the hard way over the centuries. It makes for an easier way of life, less hassle and we’re able to fit in much better with our human counterparts. Some asshole humans back in the day had got the bright idea to capture some of us and use us for experiments when we got too free with our movements.

That didn’t end well for them, but to avoid that shit again it’s best if we’re nothing more than a guessing game. Let them live in a perpetual state of wondering if we’re real or not. Smart as their race is supposed to be they still don’t understand fully the old adage, where there’s smoke there’s fire.

I hopped on my bike and was down the driveway before they made it to their cars. I didn’t use my senses this time since I knew where she was but when I got closer I realized she wasn’t there. Where the fuck is she this time of evening?

I opened my senses and went searching. She wasn’t too far, just a few short miles away. I turned the bike around and headed in her direction letting her scent lead me this time. I stopped in the parking lot of the little rundown shack masquerading as a restaurant.

The smell of grilling meat and grease reached my nose reminding me that I hadn’t eaten yet. I turned up my nose at the establishment. Not since my wayward youth have I eaten in a place like this. I saw the others pulling in just as I reached the door.

I didn’t wait for them but went on ahead. They weren’t all bad but some of them I could do without. Even though I’m the heir, some of them think because of their age that I should be more reverent in their presence. This is the reason I steer clear because I don’t do reverence for shit.

I found her as soon as I walked in, sitting at a table with three other women who all turned and looked when I walked through the door. For the barest of seconds I let my guard drop and gave her a taste of my essence. She damn near fell out the chair and the four of them kept a wary eye on me all the way to my table.

I made sure to find a seat where I could keep her in my sights as my family came in and joined me, pulling another table over to join the one I was sitting at to make room for all eight of us. It’s a testament to what the elders expect that they’d sent so many to watch over me.

“What’s this place uncle Lucien?” One of my younger cousins, Vespasian asked as he took the seat closest to me. Of all of them he’s the one I like best, maybe because he’s much younger and has always looked up to me.

“I don’t know, this is my first time here.”


“She’s here.” I cut him off before he could ask why I’d come to such a place as this with my eclectic palate. “Don’t look at her.” I warned all of them when they turned to look. “And for fuck sake turn down your essence before you scare the little fairies half to death.”

The four of them were nervous as fuck, jumpy even and I’m sure they would’ve bolted had they not wanted to protect the humans. I tried to appear as nonthreatening as possible while taking her in. This close she was still as gorgeous as I remembered, that face that had followed me into my dreams was even more spectacular in the flesh.

“Are you going to go over there uncle?” Vespasian asked in a quiet whisper as he disobeyed me and looked towards the table of women. I guess it was a bit much to ask seeing as all the women were gorgeous, but none more so than mine.

“I’m thinking about it.” Just then the waitress came over to take our orders and I absently ordered a steak and fries while staring across the room at her. I saw recognition enter her eyes and wondered how long she’d been seeing me in her dreams.

I wish someone had done me the courtesy of doing the same, maybe then I wouldn’t have been caught so off guard. Our gazes locked for the barest of seconds but it was enough. I knew that she knew and the look of panic on her face as well as the others here with her told me all I needed to know. She hadn’t known!

I called out to her in my mind, knowing that only she could hear me, testing the strength of the bond. When my kind imprint we form a special connection with our chosen mate, a kind of frequency if you will that no one else can hear. That’s why I heard her whispered ‘no’ in my head. ‘Yes!’

‘Look at me!’ When her gaze turned back to mine on my command I knew then that there was no mistake. I almost felt sorry for her, for what she must endure in the next few days. What I was going to do to her. She looked tiny as fuck. Too small to take a man like me.

My cock didn’t care, he’d been sniffing the air ever since I walked in. I see now why the others were here. It was taking all my strength not to fly across the room and take her out of here. Just like it was as I stood at the edge of the water my mind was filled with visions of taking her. ‘Soon!’

I sent out the message and watched her jump in her seat as a look of sheer terror entered her eyes. I only meant to calm her, to touch her mind gently as a way of reassuring her that I wouldn’t harm her but I think I went too far. It was just a small taste of my essence, something akin to running my hand caressingly over her hair, but she acted like I’d just driven my fingers into her.

I was halfway out my seat when her back arched and the light in her eyes changed. I knew there was going to be trouble when her nymph smirked at me. Oh shit! What the fuck is she doing?






Someone walked through the door of the little restaurant and all my senses went on high alert. Whoever it was had somehow sent my system into a tailspin. Not human! The thought made me look up in haste just as my sisters turned to the door as well as if they too had felt the invasive presence.

At first glance I got the shock of my life and almost fell from the seat of my chair. It’s him, I’d know that face anywhere and this feeling, it’s the same one I’d felt earlier this morning in the woods only a lot more intense. Had it been him out there watching, waiting?

For a split second his shield shifted or he dropped it intentionally and I had to force myself to remain seated and not jump up from the chair and make a run for it. I was aware of my sisters doing the same as the four of us tracked his every move. Like prey in the presence of a known predator.

And his presence was greater than most. It wasn’t just his enigmatic good looks, that wild mane of dark hair and those eyes that seemed to shift from turquoise to green. Or his body that seemed to dance as he moved. Neither was it his massive height of about six seven that kept every eye in the room on him, both male and female. It was his very essence that drew the eye and made it hard to look away.

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