Home > An Immortal Guardians Companion(30)

An Immortal Guardians Companion(30)
Author: Dianne Duvall

Night Reigns Blog Tour


SHELDON: Thank you for doing this, sir. I know that as the leader of the Immortal Guardians, you must be incredibly busy.

SETH: I’m happy to do it. The men and women who work for the network rarely have a chance to interact with the immortals they aid, so Reordon and I both thought this would give them an opportunity to get to know us better.

SHELDON: Actually, the network might be a good place to start with the questions. How extensive is it?

SETH: It’s global. There are three major branches here in the United States. Chris Reordon heads the East Coast division.

SHELDON: Was creating the network your idea?

SETH: Yes. I knew early on that immortals who couldn’t tolerate direct sunlight or who had to severely limit their exposure to it would require the aid of humans. Even today, most business—financial and otherwise—is conducted during daylight hours, making Seconds like yourself and other members of the network invaluable.

SHELDON: Thank you. So you’re the eldest Immortal Guardian?

SETH: Correct.

SHELDON: Many would like to know just how old you are.

SETH: Old enough to have witnessed biblical events.

SHELDON: Really?

SETH: Yes. [small smile] David witnessed many as well, though he isn’t quite as ancient as I.

SHELDON: You’re also the most powerful Immortal Guardian. What gifts do you have?

SETH: All of them—telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, healing, precognition, et cetera—that the other immortals have combined. Plus a couple they don’t have. Those I won’t discuss, however.

SHELDON: Which one is your favorite?

SETH: It’s a tie between the ability to heal and the ability to teleport. Both have saved countless lives in the past, so it’s difficult for me to choose.

SHELDON: [looks at his list] I have some questions here that network employees would like me to ask you.

SETH: Excellent.

SHELDON: What is the best thing about being an immortal?

SETH: Being able to help others.

SHELDON: What’s the worst?

SETH: Losing our human friends and family to age, illness, or injury.

SHELDON: [nods] That’s what I was thinking. What’s your one fear?

SETH: I don’t have just one.

SHELDON: Then what’s one of your biggest?

SETH: Currently? That Ami will fall into our enemy’s hands.

SHELDON: Do you envy humans their shorter, simpler existence?

SETH: [ponders that a moment] I don’t know that I envy them, but I do wonder sometimes what such an existence would be like.

SHELDON: [peruses the list] If you could relinquish your command to anyone, who would you want the new leader to be?

SETH: David. Aside from me, he has lived longer, seen more, and acquired more wisdom than any other immortal. As the second eldest, he is also more powerful and possesses more gifts than the others. Already he performs many of the duties I do, which is why he is my second-in-command. I couldn’t accomplish all that I do on a daily basis without him.

SHELDON: And he really goes the extra mile to make immortals and Seconds feel like family.

SETH: Yes, he does.

SHELDON: As the eldest Immortal Guardian, do you have any regrets?

SETH: Too many to count.

SHELDON: [consults list] In all your years of living, when did you feel the most powerless?

SETH: [long pause] The day my wife died.

SHELDON: [stares] You were married?

SETH: Yes.


SETH: Many lifetimes ago. Next question, please.

SHELDON: Of course. Why did you assign Ami to be Marcus’s Second?

SETH: Marcus suffered a great loss recently.

SHELDON: You mean Bethany? The woman he loved for, like, eight centuries?

SETH: Yes. And his actions of late have become too…

SHELDON: Nutcasey?

SETH: Erratic for my peace of mind. I thought having a Second again would bring a little structure into his life and…

SHELDON: Calm his ass down?

SETH: [smiles] Perhaps.

SHELDON: What do you think about the whole Roland and Sarah thing?

SETH: I’m glad they found each other.

SHELDON: Did you see it coming?

SETH: [laughs] No. I don’t think anyone could have seen that coming.

SHELDON: [checks his list again] Okay, the women at the network all want to know this one. Who would your fantasy woman be? Hair, height, eyes, and so on?

SETH: I don’t indulge in such fantasies since they will never come to fruition. Such only leads to disappointment.

SHELDON: You don’t think you’ll ever find love again?


SHELDON: Dude. You didn’t even hesitate when you said that.

SETH: [cell phone buzzes]

SHELDON: [watches as Seth retrieves his phone]

SETH: I have to take this.

SHELDON: No problem.

SETH: Ja? … Wie Viele? … Wo? … Ich bin auf dem Weg. [returns phone to pocket] I have to go.

SHELDON: [looks at the sunny window] Now?

SETH: [shakes his head] It’s always nighttime somewhere. Thank you for the interview. [vanishes]




December 2011

Night Reigns Blog Tour



SHELDON: Hi, David. Thank you for taking time out of your night to do the interview. I know you’re busy.

DAVID: I’m happy to do it. The human members of the network are invaluable. I consider them a part of our family and think this is a nice way for them to learn a little bit more about the immortals they aid in so many ways, since few of them have the opportunity to meet us in person.

SHELDON: I think everyone will like knowing they mean so much to you all. Now, you are the second-eldest Immortal Guardian on the planet?


SHELDON: You’re also the second most powerful.

DAVID: That’s correct.

SHELDON: What gifts do you possess?

DAVID: I’m telepathic and telekinetic and can heal with my hands, among other things.

SHELDON: Is it true you’re so powerful that you can reattach severed limbs?


SHELDON: That is awesome! Roland and the other healers can’t do that, can they?

DAVID: No. Only Seth and I can.

SHELDON: Is there a gift you don’t have that you wish you did?

DAVID: Teleportation. It would make it much easier to help immortals and humans all over the globe.

SHELDON: Is it true you can walk in daylight?

DAVID: I can withstand a few hours at a time, yes. Seth is the only one with no limits.

SHELDON: [consults his list of questions] Does being second-in-command bother you?

DAVID: Not at all.

SHELDON: You don’t ever wish you were in charge?

DAVID: [huffs a laugh] Hell no. I’ve seen what Seth goes through, the many demands made of him. I’m much happier taking up the slack and helping him out.

SHELDON: You go out of your way to create a family atmosphere among the Immortal Guardians, opening your homes to them and welcoming one and all. Why is that?

DAVID: Immortality can be difficult. Over the centuries, we lose countless mortal friends to age, illness, and fatal injuries. Our Seconds inevitably die. Any relationships we form with humans die as well. By bringing the immortals together as a family, I give them brothers and sisters they can count on to always be there.

SHELDON: Brothers and sisters. Right. I noticed you left out the weird, antisocial cousin.

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