Home > An Immortal Guardians Companion(34)

An Immortal Guardians Companion(34)
Author: Dianne Duvall

CHRIS: [nods] I imagine it’s hard on Bastien, too.

MELANIE: [faint smile] It kills you to offer him sympathy, doesn’t it?

CHRIS: [throws up his hands] Yes! I can’t help it! I can’t stand the bastard!

MELANIE: [laughs] Look, I know his past is a little dark…

CHRIS: [gapes] A little? He raised an army of vampires with the intention of destroying the Immortal Guardians!

MELANIE: [waves a hand] That’s all in the past.

CHRIS: I could name several thousand immortals who say it isn’t.

MELANIE: [frowns] Well, you could help us with that, you know. You have a lot of influence with the immortals. If you could convince them to give Bastien a second chance—

CHRIS: I don’t think he deserves a second chance.

MELANIE: Really? After everything he’s done lately?

CHRIS: [grumbles something under his breath]

MELANIE: [leans forward] I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch that.

CHRIS: I said it’s possible… if he doesn’t open his mouth… and if one examines his actions with a magnifying glass while squinting just so after getting blind stinking drunk… that Bastien isn’t all bad.

MELANIE: I wouldn’t love him if he were.

CHRIS: I’m not even going to—[fumbles in his pocket when his cell phone chirps, then frowns at the display and mumbles] Speak of the devil. [answers the call] Reordon. … [listens a moment] At David’s place, interviewing Melanie. Why? … [tosses her a disgruntled look] What? How many? … Damn it, Bastien! … No, you can’t just leave them there. What if humans see? … No, don’t throw them on the roof! … [growls] All right, all right. A cleanup crew is on the way. [ends the call]

MELANIE: [jumps when her cell phone rings, then answers it] Hello? … [glances at Chris] Hi, sweetie. Everything okay? … Uh-huh. … Uh-huh. … [purses her lips] Sure. Pizza sounds great. … Okay. Love you too. [hangs up and studies Chris] Wow. Your face is really red.

CHRIS: Pizza! Seriously? He just painted Duke University red with blood!

MELANIE: Not the whole university. And it isn’t his fault vampires like to hunt on college campuses.

CHRIS: [rises] I have to go straighten this out, send a cleanup crew. And by the way, we didn’t need a bus before Bastien came along. One or two cleaners at a time used to suffice.

MELANIE: [weak smile] Thanks for the interview?

CHRIS: [grumbles some more and dials his phone as he leaves]



October 2012

Phantom Shadows Blog Tour



SHELDON: Thanks for sitting down with me for an interview, guys.

MELANIE: Thank you for agreeing to do it. I know Chris Reordon was going to conduct the interview. But I didn’t think he would be able to… get past…

SHELDON: The deep-seated hatred he feels for Bastien?


SHELDON: His desire to kill him?



BASTIEN: We get it. First question.

SHELDON: [clears his throat] Right. So. Melanie, how do you like working with vampires on a daily basis? You’re the first mortal to do so for this length of time.

MELANIE: It’s been an amazing experience. A heartbreaking one, too. The vampires surrendered during Bastien’s uprising and were provided with apartments down at network headquarters.

SHELDON: Right across from your office.

MELANIE: Yes. It was a difficult adjustment for them, but they’ve settled in nicely and have really advanced our understanding of the virus and the madness it causes.

SHELDON: Were you scared?

MELANIE: I was nervous at first. Who wouldn’t be? But after working with them every day and getting to know them… [shrugs] They’re friends now. Family. It kills me that I haven’t been able to help them.

BASTIEN: You have helped them.

MELANIE: I haven’t found a cure. And even if I did and managed to destroy the virus, they would be left with no viable immune system.

BASTIEN: You’ve helped them, Melanie, in dozens of ways. And if anyone can find a solution to this, you can.

SHELDON: [nods] That’s what everyone is saying.

MELANIE: That’s a lot of pressure.

BASTIEN: But you’re handling it beautifully.

SHELDON: [smiles] They say that, too. So what do your colleagues think of your working hands-on with vampires?

MELANIE: I don’t really think about that.

BASTIEN: [snorts] The men are total wusses and make snide comments because they’re too cowardly to do it themselves.

MELANIE: You know about that?



BASTIEN: The walls at the network aren’t soundproof. The vampires hear everything that goes on there and passed it along.

MELANIE: [nibbles her lower lip] You didn’t… do anything, did you? To remedy it, I mean? Because there haven’t been any snide comments of late and I’ve been wondering why.

BASTIEN: I may have held a conversation with Dr. Whetsman and his cronies.

MELANIE: [groans] Bastien, what did you do?

BASTIEN: [innocent look] Nothing… [sly smile] …that they didn’t deserve.

SHELDON: [laughs as Melanie groans again] You’d better hope Chris Reordon doesn’t find out. He already wants your head on a platter.

BASTIEN: I’m pretty sure they won’t tell anyone.

SHELDON: I bet they won’t. Now, Bastien, you seem to spend an awful lot of time at the network visiting the, uh, vampires.

BASTIEN: They’re like brothers to me.

SHELDON: And it’s purely a coincidence that you usually visit during times they’re working with Dr. Lipton?


SHELDON: Dude, come on. I saw you kiss her.

BASTIEN: No, you didn’t.


BASTIEN: [eyes flash bright amber]

SHELDON: [swallows] No, I didn’t.

BASTIEN: [nods, eyes returning to their customary warm brown]

SHELDON: Okay, off the record, I did. Note I said off the record, so you don’t have to hurt me.


SHELDON: And she didn’t try to stake you, so she must have been willing. Melanie, when did you first realize you had a crush on Satan?

MELANIE: [laughs] You love to live dangerously, don’t you? [shakes her head] I was intrigued by Bastien before I even met him. The vampires talked about him often in their early days here. Still do, in fact. And I liked what I heard. Once I met him, [sends Bastien a flirtatious glance] I liked what I saw just as much.

SHELDON: Gag. Bastien, when did you first realize you had feelings for Melanie?

BASTIEN: None of your business.

SHELDON: Good enough.

MELANIE: [laughs again] He isn’t what you think he is, Sheldon.


MELANIE: Bastien is a good man, not the monster so many believe him.

SHELDON: He raised an army of psychotic vampires with the intention of destroying all Immortal Guardians.

MELANIE: That was just a misunderstanding.

SHELDON: Uh-huh. You’re not going to convince me, so I’ll just change the subject. Melanie, rumor has it you can kick some serious ass.

MELANIE: [blushes] Not really.

BASTIEN: Yes, she can. I’ve seen her in action. Melanie can hold her own against vampires, an amazing feat for a mortal.

SHELDON: Really? I thought only Ami could do that.

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