Home > An Immortal Guardians Companion(36)

An Immortal Guardians Companion(36)
Author: Dianne Duvall

CLIFF: [grins] My point is that Bastien knows and didn’t tell a soul. He isn’t a bad guy, Todd. Perhaps if you interviewed him, you would see it for yourself.

TODD: [hesitates] Okay, I’ll think about it.



May 2013

Shortly before In Still Darkness released




RICHART: [stares] You’re doing the interview?

SHELDON: Yeah, why?

RICHART: It just occurs to me that you do a lot of these interviews for the network.

SHELDON: [shrugs] I like to do them.


SHELDON: I’m a people person.

RICHART: Try again.

SHELDON: Why does it matter?

RICHART: What would you be doing if you weren’t conducting these interviews?

SHELDON: [mumbles something]

RICHART: [arches a brow] Painting a barrel?

SHELDON: Training with Darnell.

RICHART: [smiles] I know. I just wanted to hear you say it again. You’re not still avoiding Ami, are you?

SHELDON: Maybe. Do you think she’s gotten past the whole desire-to-kick-my-ass thing?

RICHART: I doubt it. I feel the same desire myself every day. As do many of the other immortals in the area.

SHELDON: Oh, ha ha ha. Let’s just do this.

RICHART: As you wish.

SHELDON: So who’s the woman you’ve been seeing?

RICHART: [face darkens] Did you tell anyone?

SHELDON: [rolls his eyes] I didn’t have to. You kinda let the cat out of the bag yourself the time you went missing.

RICHART: [sighs] Not my best night. Has anyone asked you about her?

SHELDON: Are you kidding? Everyone is asking me about her. That’s why I thought I’d mention her in the interview. Gossip is flying.


SHELDON: Bets are, too. You know how immortals are. They’ll wager on anything.

RICHART: Lovely.

SHELDON: Come on. Can you blame them? When was the last time an immortal in the area pretended to be human and tried to date a mortal?

RICHART: [frowns] I didn’t pretend to be human. I just…

SHELDON: Neglected to mention you were immortal?

RICHART: [grumbles] Yes.

SHELDON: And stalked her.

RICHART: Now you’re making it sound sleazy.

SHELDON: Did you or did you not—

RICHART: I wasn’t stalking her. I was watching over her. I thought she was in danger.

SHELDON: Uh-huh. In danger and attractive.


SHELDON: And charming.

RICHART: Absolutely.

SHELDON: Irresistible.

RICHART: Incredibly.

SHELDON: So how do you like dating?

RICHART: How do you like it?

SHELDON: It sucks. I can never seem to land a second date. I don’t get it.

RICHART: [murmurs] Yes, it’s a mystery to us all.

SHELDON: [flips him off] Seriously, how do you like dating? You haven’t—how did you put it—courted anyone since before I was born.

RICHART: I haven’t courted anyone since before your great-grandparents were born. And that wasn’t serious.

SHELDON: Is this serious?

RICHART: Yes, it is. I adore Jenna.

SHELDON: I know. The sappy grin you wear whenever you talk about her kinda gives it away. What do you think about her son?


SHELDON: [nods] He’s a student at UNC, right?

RICHART: Yes. I like him.

SHELDON: I do, too, even though he threatened to feed me my own entrails.

RICHART: He did?


RICHART: Well, I wouldn’t hold that against him. We’ve all done that once or twice. And those who haven’t want to, I’m sure.

SHELDON: [deadpan] You’re a laugh riot.

RICHART: [consults his watch] How much longer will this interview take?

SHELDON: I don’t know. I’m supposed to ask you how you like being immortal and that sort of thing.

RICHART: Love the speed, strength, and longevity. Hate the loneliness. Or I hated it until Jenna came along and eradicated it.

SHELDON: Dude, you are so far gone.

RICHART: Happily so. Can we either wrap this up or finish at a later date? I’d like to get the night’s vampire hunting over with early so I can spend more time with Jenna.

SHELDON: Sure, we’re done. Tell her I said hi.

RICHART: [smiles] Will do.



September 2013

Darkness Rises Blog Tour



SHELDON: Thanks for doing the interview, man. I know things have been crazy lately, but these get-to-know-you pieces seem to be helping out down at network headquarters.

ÉTIENNE: [arches a brow] The mortal employees no longer fear us?


ÉTIENNE: It always seemed odd to me that they would fear us considering all they do and all they risk to protect us and help us in our quest to eliminate the vampire threat.

SHELDON: Well, in their defense, you guys can be a little intimidating. [shifts anxiously] And it’s hard to feel comfortable around someone who can read your mind.

ÉTIENNE: Relax. I stopped reading your thoughts a couple of years ago. There’s just too much weird shit up there.

SHELDON: [laughs] I hear you can’t read Krysta’s mind. Is that true?

ÉTIENNE: I catch the occasional stray thought, but most elude me.

SHELDON: Is that a good thing?

ÉTIENNE: Very much so. I’m not as powerful as Seth and David. They only hear the thoughts of others if they want to hear them. I hear the thoughts of everyone around me all the time unless I consciously block them. With Krysta, I don’t have to do that. I can relax my guard and simply enjoy being with her. [smiles] And often the thoughts I do catch from her are the titillating ones.

SHELDON: [grins] Lucky you. That actually leads me to one of the questions the network employees wanted me to ask. How does it feel, after two hundred plus years, to find someone who completes you?

ÉTIENNE: It’s… bliss.

SHELDON: Even when she scares the crap out of you in battle?

ÉTIENNE: [smiles] How can I condemn her for the boldness, courage, and ferocity that drew me to her in the first place? I do so love strong women.

SHELDON: I gotta say, I agree with you there. Strong women are hot.

ÉTIENNE: [eyes him speculatively] Do you have your eye on any strong woman in particular?

SHELDON: [avoids his gaze] No. And don’t read my mind!

ÉTIENNE: As you wish.

SHELDON: So you were born a telepath. That isn’t a result of the virus that gives you vampiric traits?

ÉTIENNE: Correct. The telepathy is a result of the advanced DNA I possess, which also protects me from the brain damage the virus causes in ordinary humans infected with it.

SHELDON: Did your gift ever lead to any awkward moments when you were a child?

ÉTIENNE: [wry smile] It led to many awkward moments. And still does, by the way. Ask Krysta if you don’t believe me.

SHELDON: If you could choose to have any gift other than your own, what would it be?

ÉTIENNE: Teleportation. I have always envied my brother his gift. He spawns such delicious chaos and fear on the battlefield. [smiles] And if you think telepathy can lead to awkward moments, it has nothing on teleportation.

SHELDON: [laughs] Awkward and dangerous moments. Roland still hurls daggers at Richart whenever he teleports to his home unannounced.

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