Home > To Capture a Thorn (The Society Book 2)(41)

To Capture a Thorn (The Society Book 2)(41)
Author: Sam Crescent

The press had also been enjoying running stories and bullshit tales about each and every one of us.

Bastards. I hated the press.

Fortunately, Justin, Mateo’s father, ran enough of the story to not make it explode into something viral, but made sure the released footage of the moments leading up to Heather’s murder took priority. They considered it real news.

Sian sat silently beside me.

We hadn’t gotten a chance to really talk since she’d thrown her future into our hands and at the mercy of The Society. I had no clue what to say to her to make her feel better. Did she need to feel better?

“Are you okay?” I asked.

I kept casting glances her way. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her nod.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“Are you sure?” She didn’t sound it.

She released a sigh. “Just … thinking about my dad. You know, what he did, and all that. He didn’t once tell me about my mom. He threatened to kill you guys but no mention of Mom.” She rubbed at her temple. “If Chloe was the one giving him money, he really can’t be too far. Now he can’t go out undetected. I just wish he’d be done with this already. Take us all head-on, you know? This waiting around is bullshit.”

I kept hold of the steering wheel with one hand. “It’s fine. We’ll figure it out.”

“I hope so because right now, it’s driving me crazy. This needs to be stopped so we can live our lives.”

Sian had told us all about the phone call with her father. His threats. His anger. Her responses.

My dad believed she was too irrational. I’d laughed when she told him to eat shit. She was done playing the game their way. All it had done was release a very private video and make her father believe he was on top. The one in control.

We were a few minutes from the hotel, and as I made the turn, I saw the parking lot was in fact really busy. I found a space toward the back. There was a time limit for us to get to the room, and Sian was already climbing out of the car. I joined her.

There was a small pattering of rain as we climbed out of the vehicle. After we slammed our doors closed, I clicked the lock and joined Sian at the front of my car. Taking her hand, we walked together toward the main building.

I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

We checked the room numbers, and when we found the right selection, we walked toward the single door.

Sian put the key into the hole, and I grabbed her wrist just as she was about to open it.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked.

“Gideon, we don’t have a choice. I made mine.” She touched my cheek. “Have a little faith.”

She had given her life to us in trying to bring her father to justice. So far, they hadn’t been able to locate him, but it wouldn’t take too long now.

Sian flicked the lock and we entered the hotel room.

No one was around. We stepped over the threshold and I went to the window, looking out, but I couldn’t see anything.

Sian went to the bed. “What do you think this is all about?” she asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. We’re going to get a list of instructions?”

Turning back to Sian, I watched as she got up and moved toward the en-suite bathroom.

“Nothing is here.”

I pulled out my cell phone to see several missed calls from my dad and the guys. They were a little pissed that only I was selected to go with Sian.

Running my fingers through my hair, I sent a quick text to them all to say we’d arrived safely. I pocketed my cell phone and joined Sian where she sat on the bed.

She ran her hands up and down her thighs. I took one, locking our fingers together as we waited for whatever waited for us.

“Are you ready to study the English language?” I asked.

Sian laughed. “Do you know there was a time I would have given anything to be able to go to college to study what I wanted? It seems like a lifetime ago now. I can’t believe I’m going to be able to do that. No business or law courses for me.”

I loved the smile on her lips. True, real happiness oozed from her.

“No one’s holding you back.”

“And no one’s holding you back.” She nudged my shoulder. “What is it you want?”

“To take over my dad’s company some day.”

“Really? Out of everything you want to do?”

“Yeah, it’s what I want to do. I see myself being the boss one day.”

“I can see that.” She chuckled. “I doubt for a second you would have been able to not be the boss.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and took a deep breath. “What do you think they’re waiting for?” she asked. “For us to be bored to death?”

“Who knows? It’s probably a control thing. They like to keep us in our place.”

She nodded. “What kind of things do you think they’re going to make us do?”

“Whatever is required of us.”

“I never want to hurt anyone,” Sian said. “I know it sounds crazy, and believe me, it really is, but I don’t want … you know … to actually hurt people. That shit with Chloe was insane. That’s not who I am.”

I cupped her cheek and turned her face to look at me. “I know it’s not who you are. Pain makes us do strange things.”

She rested her head against my arm. “Thank you.”

I kissed the top of her head.

The door to the room opened, and we both instantly stood, on alert. I tensed up as I saw not one, but three men enter. One looked to be a priest, and he stepped back.

What the fuck was happening?

“Sian. Gideon.” One of the older-looking men nodded at us. I didn’t recognize him.

He handed out two envelopes for us to take.

I let go of her hand to take my envelope and tear into it. Out fell a female wedding band. Holding it up, I looked at him.

“By order, The Society wants you to join together today, right now, in Holy Matrimony. You will be wedded and it will be consummated today,” the man said.

I noticed the man in the back stood very still, and I didn’t like the way he looked. “And if we refuse?” I asked.

This wasn’t exactly Sian’s choice. I was very conscious of the fact Sian’s decisions about her future were being taken from her, one by one.

I’d been the one to take her virginity, and I doubted I was her first choice. Now they were telling us she had to get married to me.

“Then we will handle things. Mark my words, there will be punishment as she failed her initiation.”

“She had her fucking initiation along with me!”

“That was your initiation along with Dante, Mateo, and William. It wasn’t hers. Sian’s was going to come after. This is her chance.”

Sian put her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it,” she said.

“Don’t worry? They’re forcing you to marry me.”

She cupped my cheek. “It could be much worse.” She turned toward the man talking to us. “I accept.” Her gaze fell back on me. “Unless you don’t want me?”

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her against me. “I will always want you, but I don’t … don’t do this if you don’t want to.”

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