Home > No Strings(32)

No Strings(32)
Author: Nikki Ash

I delete the text, then pull up Marcus in my contacts.

Me: Hey, how’s it going?



Marcus: Good, you?



Me: Chilling. What are you up to?



Marcus: Out to dinner at The Cove with Bri, Savy, and Scott.



What in the actual fuck? They set her up with Scott? The guy is a womanizer. He’s a divorce attorney who doesn’t believe in marriage. Of all people, him?

As I’m about to text back, another one comes in from Savannah.

Savannah: I have to go. I’ll text Brody later and let him know everything is okay.



I stare at my phone, wondering what the fuck just happened and how we went from fucking in the gym to her agreeing to go on a date with another guy. I’m still staring at my phone when Brody comes out and informs me that the oven has smoke coming out of it.

“Food’s ruined.” I switch the oven off and grab the pan from inside, throwing it onto the stove.

“Great, what are we going to eat? I’m starved.”

“I’ll make—” But then an idea hits me. “Let’s go out to eat.”

“All right.” Brody shrugs. “Where?”

“The Cove.”

“Can we invite Savy?”

“No, she’s out with some friends tonight. But you never know… maybe we’ll run into her.”



Chapter Fifteen






“It’s a shame I didn’t know you during your divorce,” Scott drones on, refusing to drop the topic since I made the mistake of telling him about it. In my defense, he asked me what prompted my move to New York, and I gave him the abridged version. Only I didn’t think about the fact he’s a lawyer, and my vagueness would turn into him questioning me like I’m on trial. Next time Brianne suggests we double, I’m going to laugh at her and then politely decline.

“I could’ve gotten you a nice settlement, even if you were only married for a short time…”

As he rambles on about how much money he could’ve gotten me and how my situation is a perfect example of why couples should never enter a marriage without a prenup, I zone out, thinking about Ben’s texts to me. I might be overthinking it, but it seemed like he was almost jealous. Which doesn’t make any sense since he hasn’t contacted me all week. I figured, after our slipup—times two—he was second-guessing our arrangement and had moved on—and I wouldn’t blame him. He made it clear he doesn’t do commitment, and possibly knocking up your stringless hookup is kind of the definition of commitment. Yet when we were texting, he seemed way more invested in what I’m doing and who I’m with than he should’ve been.

“Savy? I thought that was you.”

My name being called shakes me from my thoughts, and when I look around to see who the owner of the voice is, I find Brody and Ben standing at our table.

“Hey,” I say to Brody, getting out of my seat to give him a hug. “How’ve you been?”

“Good. Haven’t seen you in a while.” I don’t miss the way he side-eyes his dad, who rolls his own like a teenager.

“We’ll have to change that soon,” I promise, needing him to know I wasn’t purposely avoiding him.

“What are you guys doing here?” Brianne asks.

“Dad burned dinner,” Brody answers, “so he suggested we come here.”

“Quite the coincidence,” Marcus says with a chuckle.

When I look over at Ben, he’s glaring at Marcus. There’s no way… He wouldn’t have…

“I asked Dad to invite you over for dinner tonight, but he said you were out,” Brody says. “My birthday is this weekend, and my friends and I are going to the arcade. It has laser tag and shit—I mean stuff… You should come.”

“That sounds like fun,” I tell him noncommittedly since I’m not sure where Ben and I stand, and I’m not about to make things awkward.

“We’re doing a family dinner for him Sunday,” Ben adds. “Lucas and Laura will be there…” His gaze flits from Brianne, to Marcus, then to me—skipping over Scott like he’s ignoring him. “You guys are welcome to join. We’ll be eating at Dragon Fusion.”

“Hibachi’s my favorite.” Brody grins. “Savy, you’ll come, right?” His features morph into a frown. “My mom can’t make it because Ted needed her back in Seattle.” He shrugs, trying to play it off, but it’s obvious his mom choosing her fiancé over her son has hurt his feelings. I’ve never been in her situation, and I hate to judge people, but I can’t imagine missing my child’s birthday. Maybe it’s because I spent too many birthdays alone, wishing my parents would simply remember, let alone actually care enough to celebrate.

“I’ll definitely be there,” I tell him, no longer giving a shit how things are between Ben and me. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

When his face lights back up, I know I made the right decision.

Everyone’s silent for a few seconds, and then the hostess walks over and tells Ben their table is ready. Of course it’s in the same area as ours, not just nearby, but close enough that we’re in direct line of each other and able to lock eyes.

Thankfully, our meal arrives, and I’m able to focus on eating my dinner. Several times, though, my eyes find their way over to Ben’s table and catch him looking at me.



Ben: I’m making pancakes for Brody’s birthday. Join us?



I stare at my screen, confused as all hell, but know I’m going to say yes. For one, it’s Brody’s birthday, and I got him the best gifts ever. I’ve been chomping at the bit to give them to him, and I won’t be able to wait much longer. And two, I’m curious to see how Ben acts around me. Aside from the brief conversation when they just happened to run into us at dinner, he didn’t say another word to me all night. Not even after we finished eating and stopped by their table on the way out to say good night.

When Brianne and I got home, she confirmed my suspicions. Ben had texted Marcus, asking him what he was up to, and Marcus replied that we were out to dinner at The Cove. Brianne proceeded to tell me that it was obvious Ben was jealous and making his claim on me, and while I totally got that vibe, I waved her off, saying that Ben isn’t the claiming type.

Me: Sure. What time?



Ben: 10:00 after I get back from my jog. He should be awake by then.



I climb out of bed and jump in the shower, then get dressed and do my hair. Once I’m ready to go, I wrap Brody’s present, then head up to their place. I knock once, then again when no one answers. He did say 10:00, right?

I’m about to text Ben to let him know I’m here, thinking maybe he’s still out for his jog when the door swings open. My jaw drops, and I’m almost positive drool drips from the corner of my mouth as I take in an almost naked Ben. His hair is shaggy and wet, and his shoulders and torso are dripping with fresh droplets of water. Around his waist is a plush towel slung low, revealing his happy trail that leads down, down, down to what’s become one of my favorite spots.

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