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No Strings(33)
Author: Nikki Ash

“Sorry,” he says with a knowing smirk, not sounding sorry at all. “I was in the shower. Have you been knocking for long?”

“No, I just got here. I take it the birthday boy isn’t up yet?” I step inside and try with everything in me not to let my gaze descend.

“No, not yet. I’m going to wake him up soon, though.” He eyes the present in my hand. “You didn’t have to get him anything.”

“I know, but the gift kind of fell into my lap. I mean, I had planned to buy him something. But then this happened.” I shake the box, giddy inside. “So, yeah.”

“All right. Well, I hope you didn’t spend too much. The kid’s already spoiled.”

“I actually didn’t spend anything.”

Ben eyes me curiously but doesn’t ask about it. “I have fresh coffee in the kitchen if you want some. I’m going to get dressed.” I expect Ben to retreat to his room, so I’m momentarily stunned when instead he closes the distance between us—his body so close to mine I can smell the fresh masculine scent of his body wash. “You look beautiful this morning.” He leans in and kisses my cheek. “I’m glad you came.”

And with those parting words—which leave my head spinning—he retreats to his room, shutting the door behind him.

I’m making myself a cup of coffee when Brody enters the kitchen. “Hey,” he says, his voice still gruff with sleep. “What are you doing here?”

“Your dad invited me over for breakfast.” I finish stirring my coffee and drop the spoon into the sink. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks.” He leans against the counter and grins. “Dad said once I turn fifteen, even though I can’t get my permit until I’m sixteen, he’ll take me to practice driving in one of his badass cars outside of the city.”

“That sounds like fun.” It also reminds me that I need to put my SUV up for sale. Brianne was right. There’s no need for a vehicle while living here in the city. I might as well bank the money instead of dishing out hundreds every month for insurance.

“You’re up,” Ben says, walking out, dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans and a hunter green collared shirt that makes his hazel eyes pop. “Happy Birthday.” He pulls Brody into a hug.

“Thanks. Savy mentioned breakfast?”

“Yep, I’m making chocolate chip pancakes. Your favorite.”

Brody beams, like literally beams. “Cool.”

“I brought over your gift,” I tell him, handing him the wrapped box.

“You’re not coming to the arcade later?” Brody asks with a small pout.

“I’m not really much of a video game person,” I admit. “But I’ll be at dinner tomorrow night.”

“I’m not either,” Ben says. “You can keep me company while Brody and his friends spend all my money playing.”

Brody laughs, playfully punching his dad in the arm. “It’s gaming, Dad, not playing.” He takes the box from me and unwraps it, pulling a football jersey out. “Thanks, Savy.” He grins. “Jennings is my favorite.” He’s referring to Toby Jennings, the quarterback for New York.

“I know,” I tell him. “You mentioned that at dinner with your mom. Flip it over.”

He does as I say, and when he spots the signature, he gasps. “Holy shit. How’d you get this signed?”

“He offered. He’s using Sharp to remodel his home, and when I was in a meeting with Lucas, he stopped by to pick something up. He introduced himself, and when I asked if he was the same guy you mentioned, he said he was. I told him how much you loved him and wanted to play like him one day, and when he came back to drop something off, he brought that for you.”

“Wow.” Brody sighs. “I can’t believe you met him, and he signed this. This is awesome. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” If he loves the jersey, he’s going to freak out over the next part of the gift. “There’s something else in there.”

Brody pulls the envelope out and tears it open. After a few seconds, he glances up at me, his eyes bugging out of their sockets. “Are you freaking serious? Four tickets to the first home game of next season? Thank you!”

“You’re welcome.”

“I gotta go tell Sam and Ishmael! Thank you!” He hugs me quickly before he sprints out of the kitchen.

Once Brody is gone, and the sound of his door being slammed closed echoes, Ben cuts across the kitchen, cornering me against the countertop. “You must’ve made quite the impression on this guy.”

“Or he’s all about his fans.”

“Maybe…” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Or he saw a beautiful woman and wanted a way in.” His eyes land on my mouth, and he wets his lips. The action has my lady parts clenching in memory of what his tongue is capable of. “Can’t blame him if that’s the case. If I would’ve seen you strutting around at Sharp in your sexy work attire, I damn well wouldn’t be able to resist.”

With his finger and thumb, he pinches the tip of my chin and raises my face, placing a lingering kiss to the corner of my mouth. “…ask you… number…?” I’m trying to focus on what he’s saying or whatever it is he’s asking, but my head is fuzzy. He kisses the other corner of my mouth, and I swear my brain literally turns to mush. “Is that what happened?”

“Huh?” I can’t focus on what he’s saying with him this close to me, with his hands and mouth on me.

“Did he ask you out? Ask for your number?”

“Yes,” I breathe, unable to lie to him.

“And what did you say?” He kisses my cheek this time, then trails his lips downward, along my jaw.

“I… I said no to dinner…”

He hums his approval, then works his way up my neck. “But you gave him your number, didn’t you?” His teeth close around my earlobe, sending shocks of pleasure through my body.

“Yes,” I whimper, shifting my head to the side to give him better access.

He peppers kisses along my neck and back over my jaw, stopping at my lips. “You seem to have quite a few men courting you…”

“No, only two.” I’d hardly call that quite a few.

He takes a step back, and his eyes meet mine. I’m waiting to see what he’s going to say, but instead, he simply swallows thickly and nods. “I better get started on the pancakes.”

He walks away, taking his warmth with him, and I’m left standing here wondering what the hell just happened.



Chapter Sixteen






Savannah has two men courting her… Two. Not three. Two. Because I’m not courting her. And I need to remember that. Because she obviously has. And that’s the way it should be. I’m not the settling down, commitment type. Commitment leads to expectations, like babies and families, and with those expectations come the inevitable disappointment—I witnessed it firsthand with my parents. The fact that Savannah gets it and accepts it and knows I’m not trying to court her should make me happy.

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