Home > Jack Kingsley(23)

Jack Kingsley(23)
Author: Nina Levine

“Yeah, it has,” I agree before spotting Will behind her.

He’s not happy to see me, but then I didn’t expect him to be. Will and I had words after everything blew up between Jessica and me. Long, heated words in which he expressed his desire to hurt me. He made it more than clear he won’t hold back from doing that if I ever cause her pain again.

“Jack,” he grunts.


Jessica and Mira go into the house while Will and I stay where we are. I give him the space to finish getting his head around the fact I’m here. I don’t begrudge him this need; I’d feel the same if I were Will and Jessica was my cousin.

Finally, he stands back and allows me through, closing the door behind me. No further words are exchanged between us, but then, none are required. We both know where we stand, and I don’t intend on ever doing anything to give him cause to make good on his threat.

Will and I were close during the two years I was with Jessica. After meeting her, I rearranged my life so I could move back to Australia. Her career was just taking off, so it was important for that progress to not be interrupted. Jessica had big goals and I knew she would achieve all of them. I based myself in Sydney, flying back and forth between the States as needed. Will became one of my closest friends in that time, and the four of us spent many lazy weekends together. I’ll never forget the devastation in his eyes the day he came to me after learning of what I’d done to Jessica.

“So, we’ll be home around five tomorrow afternoon,” Mira says, glancing between Jessica and me. “Is that okay?”

Jessica nods. “Of course.” She smiles down at Mira’s youngest daughter who’s clinging to her skirt. Lifting her into her arms, she looks back up at Mira. “Stay out later if you want. It’ll give me more time with this beauty.” She pauses. “Wait, did you find that grass for me? I’m not sure I can cope without it.”

Mira laughs while Will says, “Check the backyard. Mira has an assortment of weeds growing out there in amongst the plants she’s trying to kill.”

Mira hits him playfully. “If you’re not nice to me, you won’t get your surprise today.”

“What surprise?” he says.

“The one I got up at an ungodly hour for,” Jessica says, lifting her chin at them. “You need to go so you’re not late. And make sure you bring me back a present. You know I like presents.”

Mira’s other daughter grows excited at the mention of gifts. “I want a present too!” She grips her mother’s dress, pulling it while babbling about the present she wants.

Will gives Jessica a pointed look. “Nice work.”

Jessica shows no remorse. “There’s a price to pay for taking a weekend off, Will. Presents all around.” She squeezes her niece tightly and blasts a smile her way. “Right, my little devil, we need Mummy and Daddy to go so we can start playing.”

The kids are excited enough to see Jessica that their parents don’t have any trouble leaving. Fifteen minutes later, Jessica has the girls outside in the backyard blowing bubbles, laughing, and having the time of their lives.

I watch in awe. This is a woman dealing with multiple work problems that have caused a level of stress that’s highly unusual for her, yet here she is spending time with her nieces like she doesn’t have a care in the world.

“Jack,” she says as the girls chase each other around the yard. “Can you do me a favour?”

I move towards her. “Anything, gorgeous.”

“I have to make a quick call. Can you please watch the girls? Maybe blow some bubbles with them?”

I accept her bubble-blowing wand when she holds it out to me. “Take your time.”

She looks at the girls before glancing back at me. “You need to watch Hazel the most. She’s like you. She likes to get into things she shouldn’t. Olivia usually watches out for her, but not always. And whatever you do, don’t let either of them near Will’s shed. It houses spiders and I do not want to be dealing with arachnids today. God knows you aren’t skilled in finding them or killing them.”

I chuckle. “Got it. No shed and no spiders.”

“I’ll be as quick as I can. We need to conserve your energy for tonight when I pass out early. You’ll be on clean-up duty.”

I track her ass to the back door until I can’t see her anymore. Jessica’s wearing jeans today that are hell on a man. Heels that are too, but they came off the minute she started playing with the girls. I’ve finally found something Jessica does without heels, and fuck if it isn’t a sight to see.

Once she’s inside, I devote all my attention to the girls. Hazel is two and Olivia is four, and after playing with them for an hour, I understand why Jessica said she’ll pass out early tonight. The energy these girls have appears to be unlimited.

I let them chase me around the yard.

I blow what feels like a million bubbles.

I make up stories about the fairies that live in the garden.

And then, when I need to catch my breath, I collapse to the ground with “Girls! Look at the sky!” Fuck knows what we’ll be looking at, but I recall my mother doing this when I was young, and I remember being fascinated to see what was in the sky every time she said it.

I haven’t had much to do with any children except Ashton’s sister’s kids. Every time I come to Sydney, Alessandra indulges my love of hanging out with Sadie and Bradley. Kids are free of the bullshit of adults, and I always find myself feeling happier after time with them. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be a parent. Up until this point in my life, though, I’ve never truly considered having kids. Not while alcohol ruled my life. But now, now I wonder if maybe it could be something for me.

“Jack!” Olivia squeals, her little voice filled with the kind of delight a man can’t help but smile at. She points to the sky. “A giraffe!”

I squint at the bright blue sky and make out what she’s looking at. It’s a blob that looks nothing like a giraffe. This is what I love about kids. They see things adults don’t.

I look at Hazel who’s squirming around like a worm on the other side of me. “What do you see, pumpkin?”

She looks at me, her face bright with joy. “Mummy!” She then points at the sky and repeats herself. “Mummy!”

I chuckle. “Let’s see what else we can find up there.”

We’re five minutes into searching the sky for more shapes when Jessica comes back out. She stands next to Olivia and looks down at me. “Honestly, Jack, do you know nothing about children? We need to be exhausting them right now, not encouraging rest.”

I lift myself up to lean on my elbows and grin up at her. “Trust me, I’m exhausted.”

“I said exhaust them. You still have work to do.”

Olivia grabs her bubble wand and takes off blowing bubbles again. Hazel follows her sister, and I remain where I am. “How’d you go with your call?”

“Not good. I’m waiting on someone getting back to me.” She gives me a pained look. “I’m sorry, but this might take a little while to sort out. Do you mind hanging out with the girls? I can put a movie on for them. You’d just need to sit with them and make sure they don’t get into any mischief.”

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