Home > Swoon(27)

Author: Lauren Rowe

“My honest reaction is I love it. The red brings out the green in your eyes.”

“That’s what everyone keeps saying! I’ve never gotten so many compliments in my life—even from strangers!”

My stomach clenches. What strangers? People at her father’s law firm, where she’s been working this week . . . or dudes in bars?

Oh, God, no.

Did Amy go home with some random dude this week and show him Keane’s video about The Sure Thing? The odds are low, considering Amy worked long hours every day and then chatted for hours on the phone with me every evening afterward. But even if the odds are low, the mere thought of anyone laying a pinky on Amy is driving me fucking crazy.

“I know it’s silly,” Amy says. “But what you told me about Caleb warning everyone off me during the tour boosted my confidence like crazy. And then, getting so many compliments this week boosted it even more. Thank you again for telling me about that. It changed everything for me.”

That’s it. That’s what’s so different about Amy—her confidence. In fact, I’d even call it swagger. I’m sure Amy felt beautiful at Logan’s wedding last weekend in that pretty purple dress. But it’s clear the siren standing before me feels sexy as hell. Indeed, the girl’s now got sex appeal oozing out her pores.

“So, can I have a tour of the house?” Amy asks with a wave of her hand.

“Of course.” I clear my throat. “Follow me.”

I lead Amy through my house, and she oohs and aahs and compliments everything. When we arrive in my bedroom, Amy oohs and aahs again. But this time, seeing her standing next to my bed makes me feel the impulse to throw her down onto it and fuck the living hell out of her.

“Such a beautiful bedroom,” Amy says, looking around. “I love it, Colin.”

“Thanks,” I say, turning away from her, so she won’t see the erection growing in my pants. “Lemme show you the room I’ve got for you.”

We cross the hall and enter my guest room, and Amy oohs and aahs, yet again. When she notices a bouquet of lilies sitting on the dresser, she squeals.

“Lilies are my favorite!” she says excitedly.

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I got them.”

She looks shocked. “How did you know I love lilies?”

“I overheard your conversation with Alessandra at the wedding. And I know your mother always had fresh flowers in your kitchen, so I thought having fresh flowers in your room—your favorite kind—would make you feel at home.”

I’ve rendered her speechless. Shit. Were the flowers a misstep? Too much? I was only trying to welcome her. Let her know I’m excited she’s here. But I think maybe in my effort to erase the awkwardness I felt during brunch last weekend, I quite possibly over-corrected.

“The flowers cost thirty bucks at the grocery store,” I say quickly. “They were on display next to the checkout line, so I grabbed them, last minute. It was nothing.”

Amy presses her lips together. “It was very thoughtful of you. Thank you.”

I feel my cheeks turning hot. Shit. I don’t even know how to act around her anymore. I thought I was being nice getting those flowers for Amy, but now I see it was all wrong for our agreed-upon platonic friendship.

“Uh, I’ll get your suitcase, so you can unpack and wash up before we head out.”

“How soon are we leaving?”

“An hour or so, if that works? We’re going to Dax’s to pre-party with the gang before heading to Laila’s party.”

“Yay. I can’t wait to see everyone. Oh! Can you tell me some of the famous people I’ll see at Laila’s, so I can flip out here, in advance, rather than embarrassing myself at the party?”

“Just be yourself at the party, Ames. Whatever your honest reaction might be, people will love it.”

Amy shakes her head. “I walked into walls, repeatedly, during the tour—each and every time someone famous came backstage. Trust me, we don’t want a repeat of that tonight.”

“Speak for yourself,” I joke. But ultimately, I tell Amy the guest list for tonight’s party, as far as I know it, concluding with, “And of course, Savage’s bandmates will all be there.”

Amy’s face lights up. “All of them, you think?”

“As far as I know.”

“Their drummer?”

My heartrate increases, slightly. “I assume so. Kendrick is Savage’s best friend and a good friend of Laila’s.”

Amy smiles broadly but says nothing, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Kendrick Cook is a good-looking guy. A badass drummer. Also, single, as far as I know. He’s got game, but he’s not a douchebag. In other words, he’s perfect for Amy.

Uh oh.

“Kendrick isn’t a good bet to hire you,” I say quickly. “He’s a low maintenance kind of guy, like me, so—"

“Oh, I don’t want to meet Kendrick Cook so he’ll hire me,” Amy replies. “I just want to meet him because he seems nice in all his interviews.”

Excuse me?

In all his interviews?

When did Amy start checking out interviews of Kendrick Cook? This past week, after I threw on the brakes in Seattle, or before then? Has Amy had a longstanding crush on Kendrick, or is he the consolation prize she’s set her sights on, now that I’m not an option? Frankly, I’m not sure which scenario I’d prefer. Either one makes my stomach twist and my heartrate increase.

Amy grins at whatever she’s seeing on my face. “What can I say? After living next-door to you, and being on tour with Caleb, I guess I’ve got a soft spot for drummers.”


Jealousy throttles me, even though I know I have no right to feel this way. I’m the one who threw on the brakes last weekend. I’m the one who said that kiss couldn’t ignite anything between us. And yet, suddenly, I feel determined to keep Kendrick Cook away from Amy tonight, far away, the same way I kept that Luke guy away from her last weekend.

“Is everything okay?” Amy says, tilting her head to the side.

I inhale deeply. Remind myself of the list of reasons why turning Amy down in Seattle was the right thing to do. “Everything’s great.”

“Good.” Again, she smiles. “Well, I guess I’d better jump into the shower so we can head over to Dax and Violet’s.”


My brain shows me Amy’s wet, naked tits in the shower. They’re pink from the hot water. Glistening and mouthwatering.

“You want a cocktail?” I choke out. “I’m gonna make myself one.”

“Great. Surprise me. You can leave it on the dresser for me, if I’m still in the shower when you come back, and I’ll enjoy it while getting dressed.”

Shower. Enjoy. Naked. Tits.

In a flash, I see myself getting into that shower with Amy. Sinking to my knees, eating her pussy and making her come, while hot water rains down on my head. I imagine myself pulling her from the shower and laying her wet body down on the bed mere inches from where she’s standing now, and doing The Sure Thing to her, until she’s speaking in tongues.

“Sure thing,” I whisper hoarsely. And when Amy arches her perfect eyebrow, I quickly add, “One surprise cocktail and one suitcase, coming up.”

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