Home > Obsessed(62)

Author: Ivy Smoak

“I don’t know, I like when Jen visits.”

“Me too,” Ian said.

I just stared at both of them.

“I didn’t realize Ellen didn’t know yet,” Ian said. He whistled and started to fill up his plate.

“I was going to tell her during dinner.”

“Well, that’s wonderful. But it’s not that much of a surprise,” Ellen said. “It’s clear that you’re dating someone. I prepped that cooler for your beach date. And I just filled the closet with clothes that wouldn’t fit you even if you were a cross dresser.”

I wasn’t sure whether or not I should be offended by that statement. “But you just said you thought the clothes were for Jen.”

She waved her hand through the air. “I was busy all day running errands for you. I just needed a second to put it all together. Especially since you were in such a foul mood after that beach date. I thought it might be over.” She shook her head. “I’m getting sidetracked. So you’re dating again? That’s wonderful, James. But hardly a reason to almost give me a heart attack.”

Ian laughed as he handed Ellen a plate and made himself another. “He’s definitely dating someone. But it’s a little juicier than that.”

“Oh, is it a colleague?” Ellen asked as we all sat down.

Ian laughed again.

“Not exactly,” I said and glared at him. I honestly didn’t know how Ellen was going to react to this. I knew her husband had been older than her but I doubted they met under these circumstances. But she’d find out eventually. “Penny’s my student.”

Ellen took a big bite of her taco. “That’s nice.”

What now? “I’m dating my student. I’m going to ask her to move in with me.”

“Well I figured that with all the stuff I bought for her today. I hope she likes blue, it’s Jen’s favorite color.”

Ian and I stared at each other for a moment before I looked back at Ellen. “That was not the reaction I was expecting, Ellen.”

“Does she make you happy?”

“Yeah, she does.”

“Well that’s wonderful. Isn’t that all that matters? What, did you want me to reprimand you for dating a student? How could I possibly? My husband is ten years older than me and I…” She cleared her throat. “Was ten years older.” She gave me a weak smile and then looked down at her plate.

I knew slip ups like that were the hardest for her. She’d lost her husband a few months before I decided to move here. I reached out and grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Ellen really was the best. I wasn’t sure why I’d been worried about telling her in the first place. She was the kindest person I knew. She’d never judge me.

“I’m fine, James.” She patted my hand on top of hers and then pulled away. “Now eat before it gets cold.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ian said.

Ellen glared at him.

He knew she hated being called ma’am, and just like that the tension in the air was gone.

“So tell us all about her,” Ellen said.

“I can do you one better,” Ian said and pulled out his phone. “I have pictures. And I can give you her background check. Hold on a sec, I’ll email it to you.”

She shook her head. “Men. I meant what is she like.”

“Well, her name is Penny. We ran into each other at the coffee shop on Main Street on the first day of classes.” I told Ellen a very PG version of the story.

“One last question,” Ellen said. “On a scale of one to ten, how much is she like Isabella? Ten being the most like her.”

I laughed. Ellen had always hated Isabella. Ian too. It was something the three of us had in common. “Penny’s definitely a one on that scale.”

“I like her already,” Ellen said.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket. I looked down to see that Penny was calling me. “Excuse me for a minute.” I walked over to the windows overlooking Main Street. “Hey, Penny.”


This was the first time we’d spoken on the phone. Her voice sounded so small and far away. “Is everything alright?” I wasn’t opposed to going back to her dorm and reminding her why we should be together.

“Yes, everything’s fine. I told Melissa about us.”

“How did she take the news?”

“She wants to meet you.”

“Well, that’s good, right?”

“I guess so.” There was a long pause. “She thinks you’re a bad boy.”

I laughed. That was probably more accurate than either of them realized. “And what do you think?”

“You know I think you’re a terrible influence.”

She sounded happy now. Maybe she’s been worried about calling me for the first time. But this just felt so natural. I could talk to her like this all night. “And I think you like that I’m a terrible influence.”

She laughed. “I do.”

“I have an idea. How about I take the two of you to my country club tomorrow night so I can get to know Melissa?”

“Um. I think maybe giving it an extra day to let the idea settle in might be better.”

“So, Wednesday?”

“Yeah and maybe you could just come here? In case she makes a scene or something. I’m not saying she’s going to. I just…she’s very outspoken.”

I laughed. “You think she hates me.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I’ll win her over, I promise.”

“I believe you. She’s coming back from her shower now. She probably has more questions for me. I gotta go.”

“Good night, Penny.”

“Good night, Professor Hunter.”

It was like she knew those words would tease me, making me think of nothing but her for the rest of the night. But that was already going to happen.



Chapter 38


It had been a while since I’d been able to walk into my Comm class without being in a bad mood. But today was a crisp fall day and everything was falling into place. I felt grounded. I walked into the room and was even happier when I saw that Tyler wasn’t sitting next to Penny. He’d moved up a seat, leaving the one next to my girlfriend empty for me. Geez, that term really did make me feel young again. I couldn’t help but smile. Penny was mine. And now Tyler was out of the picture. I wasn’t sure my mood could improve any more.

I moved the podium to the middle of the room. "So, the first day of speeches was interesting," I said.

Several students laughed and I gave Penny a reassuring smile.

"I'm hoping that today will be a little more toned down. But I guess we shall see. First up, Heather Matthews."

I made my way to the back of the room. I smiled as I sat down next to Penny. She looked equally excited by the new seating arrangement. I pulled out a stack of papers and began writing as Heather started talking. But I wasn’t writing about her speech. The paper said, “I wish we were alone right now.” I folded it in half and slid it onto Penny’s desk. I turned my attention back to Heather. I needed to try to focus.

Penny slid the paper back on my desk. I looked down at her note: “And what would you be doing to me if we were alone?”

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