Home > Dirty Deal (Slayers Hockey #5)(14)

Dirty Deal (Slayers Hockey #5)(14)
Author: Mira Lyn Kelly

It wasn’t too bad, he said, but then followed up with some reference to another injury… and suddenly, it was ninety minutes later, and somehow the conversation had segued through a dozen different topics and I was wiping tears of mirth from my eyes, demanding to know how he’d gotten his overalls caught in a box spring when he was seven and why being stuck under a bed made him think he was paralyzed.

It was like it had been in the beginning with us. Too easy to talk about too many things. Too easy to look forward to.

Now it’s early afternoon Wednesday, and Otto’s currently holding on to my pinky finger from his bouncer while I sing my sister Caroline’s favorite song. His eyes are open and alert, curious. Sweet.

It’s really too bad I’m going to have to maim his father.

My phone sounds with an incoming video call, and I answer with a wide grin and a saccharine voice. “I’ve been waiting for you to call.”

Axel’s nothing if not observant, and his smile falters, eyes turning wary. “Yeah? What for? I’m not even in the same time zone, what could I have done?”

Right, like he doesn’t know.

“Really? That’s how you want to play it?” Except, for some reason, I can’t seem to get mad about it.

“Okay, I can see Otto, so I know everything’s okay with him.”

“Otto is perfect.” I lean over and give him a kiss, making him blink and purse his lips. “Always.”

A deep laugh sounds through the phone. “Did you see his face when you did that? He loves it.”

“He’s a little flirt.” I give his cheek a soft stroke and look back at the screen. “But you’re in trouble.”

Axel’s in another hotel room, sitting on another bed in a Slayers T-shirt that fits him so well it looks like someone sewed it on him. He raises a brow. Then leans forward.

“Wait, move the phone around. Is it the couch? Did it finally come?”

“You know, it did, actually.” I pluck Otto out of his bouncer and hold him to my chest before grabbing the phone.

“What’s wrong with it? I swear, they said it was the same as the last one.”

I walk through the space where the couch should have been. “And you asked them to deliver it, right?”

“Yes. We confirmed the window for delivery.”

I shake my head and, after checking the peephole, open the front door.

Axel makes a choking noise and pushes to his feet. “Nooo.”

“No?” I reverse the camera, so he can see the hall and the enormous paper-wrapped couch blocking nearly the whole thing. It’s parked in front of the door that used to be Diane’s… and now belongs to a neighbor who is not amused.

“I swear, Nora. It was an accident.”

My eyes narrow on the camera. My head tilting.

I wait.

He runs a hand over his mouth, trying to cover the grin fighting to get free there. Then, finally, “I swear it was an accident… this time.”



Chapter 9






Nora forgave me.

When I saw the couch in the hall yesterday, I thought that was it. But by some miracle, instead of flipping me off and dropping Otto with my brother because she was done, she laughed. Really laughed, letting her head fall back and her eyes close as that sound I like way too much spilled across the miles, filling me with a sense of rightness I could get hooked on.

Now it’s Thursday afternoon, and I’ve got Anders and some of the guys from the team over. Like they were told, they brought gifts. Unfortunately, that’s where the obedience ended.

I was pretty fucking clear about Nora being off-limits, but so far, the only single guy who hasn’t chatted her up is Diesel, who’s leaning against the wall in the living room about as far from Otto as he can get and still be in the apartment.

“For fuck’s sake, Boomer, stop calling her Fun Wrecker,” he groans, echoing my thoughts.

I don’t like it. Though she doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, Nora seems to take perverse delight every time one of my teammates “accidentally” lets it slip. Probably because she knows how uncomfortable it makes me, and everything that makes me uncomfortable makes her grin.

There’s gotta be something wrong with me that I like that. But damn it, I do. Which is the only reason I haven’t followed through on the beatdown I promised if he didn’t knock his shit off.

“My bad,” Boomer says, looking about as contrite as I used to when I’d have my stuff delivered to Nora’s place. Except the couch and baby stuff. Those were legit mistakes.

Nora cuts me one of those looks that tells me she knows exactly what I’m thinking. And yeah, there’s that smile. The one that seems to be equal parts threat and amusement, and I like it probably more than I should.

Definitely more than I should.

But Christ, she’s cool.

It’s not exactly a newsflash. I knew it that first week she moved in to the building. Couldn’t quite let it go in the months since. But having her talking to me again, really talking to me, drives it home.

I like her. I look forward to talking to her. And even though I’m fully aware there’s no room for romance in either of our lives, I feel like we’re becoming friends.

“Whoa, D-Man, you’ve got to try this,” Boomer says to Bowie. He’s stretching out on the new, untainted couch with Otto laid over his chest. “This is the shit.”

He’s not wrong. There’s nothing more soothing than having Otto sacked out on my chest. His warm, slight weight. The steady rise and fall of his chest. The way he sometimes tries to burrow in against me.

Bowie’s trying to talk him into a turn, but Boomer’s already changed his mind and doesn’t want to give him up. Meanwhile, Whalen is working Nora over by the game console. His flirty bullshit doesn’t normally bug me. He’s a good guy. But today, that steady flow of chatter and too-quick smile has me on edge.

He says something that has her laughing, her head tipped back as that musical sound spills free.

Damn, I like that sound.

And based on the way half the guys have stopped talking, turning toward her with dopey smiles that probably match mine… I’m not the only one.

Which I don’t like. My eyes narrow. “That’s it. Everybody beat it.” I’m out of my chair, walking over to Boomer to scoop my son off his chest. “Thanks for stopping over. See you later.”

I can feel Nora’s eyes on me. But as strong as the pull to turn around is, I resist.

“Dude, they’ve barely been here an hour,” Anders says, chuckling as I shoo one player after another out the door.

“Yep. They got to see Otto.” And Nora. “Hang out a while. Now it’s time to go.”

Anders’s brows raise, his focus shifting to Nora and back to me.

I don’t give him the chance to say anything. “You too. Out.”

While the guys from the team don’t put up a fight, grunting and offering head nods as they exit, Anders isn’t exactly known for respecting authority.

His arms cross over his chest, a belligerent look filling his eyes. “I’ll go in a minute.”

My molars grind. “You’ll go now.”

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