Home > Christmas Playboy : A Billionaire Holiday Novel(35)

Christmas Playboy : A Billionaire Holiday Novel(35)
Author: Sloane Howell

The moment he says that to me, for the second time… I almost lose it. I want to let him back in so damn much. I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy as I was with him. Clearly, everyone at the firm is okay with us having a relationship. Then, reality dawns on me, that he put all this together, this insane Die Hard cockamamie scheme that’s utterly ridiculous and honestly perfect, something I’ll never forget in my entire life.

Every moment between us flashes before my eyes, and I realize the last time he said that to me, “You’re everything,” was the moment I realized I was in love with him. The same day that destroyed us, in the supply closet.

When my eyes roam back over to his, I stare for what seems like forever, just replaying the things he’s said, everything that’s happened between us, trying to process all this information. I’ve hated these fucking redemption moments in every Hallmark movie I’ve watched, made fun of them, but it feels so different with Matthew. It’s Die Hard for crying out loud.

All that aside, I know in my heart he’s the one. I always have. I knew it sounded insane at the time, but I knew it then. I know it now.

There will never be another Matthew, and if I didn’t give him another chance, I’d regret what could’ve been the rest of my life. If I try to date someone else, I’ll just compare them to him, and nobody else is ever going to live up to that—for me.

I look right at him, try my best to smile, and nod. “Okay, I forgive you.”

I don’t even have time to blink, because it’s like a Mack truck slams into me. I’m wrapped up in Matthew’s arms, and his lips smash into mine. He squeezes me so hard I don’t know if he’s ever going to let me go, so hard I can barely freaking breathe, and it’s so surreal. It’s like a blanket of comfort just washes over my entire body.

The Collins brothers and everyone else hoot and holler as Matthew kisses me like it might be the last time he ever gets to.

I never realized it until now, but I really do feel safe when he holds me like this. Like it’s a wall of protection, shielding me from anything the world can throw my way, and I really hope I make him feel the same way.

I know I can take care of myself. I always have. But it’s a form of comfort I’ve never experienced before, a welcomed dependency.

While my mind is still reeling from the events of the evening, Matthew leans back and both of his palms land on my cheeks.

I stare at him for a long moment, my chest flushing a little with heat at the sight of him. God, he really does look fucking hot as a beat-up John McClane, even with that stupid swimming cap.

“I love you, Karli Rains.”

My face warms, just at the way he says my name. “I love you too.”

He kisses me once more, then we turn and face everyone, and I don’t know if I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my entire life. Seriously, I have to be pinker than a carnation. I can’t believe this crazy asshole got Decker freaking Collins to do that. And I can’t believe Decker absolutely nailed the accent when he finally tried.

It really is a perfect Christmas party, though. The lights and decorations, and the Die Hard theme. I’ll never forget this, as long as I live. Something tells me in the last month, I’ve experienced more stories I’ll tell my kids one day, than I’ve experienced in most of my life. All because this stupid asshole next to me didn’t know how to watch where he was walking on the sidewalk.

Everyone comes up to us and congratulates us on getting back together. The rest of the evening, we drink and have fun, and talk about how silly these ridiculous men are. Alicia makes new contacts and secures herself a summer internship. All of this—it’s a new side to everyone I didn’t know existed. They all act so professional and like pompous assholes at work, almost like they’re playing some kind of predetermined roles as powerful attorneys.

Like with Matthew, though, it’s nice to get to see the personal side of them, and I start to understand why these other women I admire fell for them. Even fucking Tate.

I always thought of Decker as this uncompromising rock, like someone elevated in this place. A Greek God of sorts, and his office is Mount Olympus. Seeing the human side of him, his humility, the things he said to Blake… I’ll never forget that. I get the feeling he’ll still be an asshole, but a human one.

One thing is certain the entire night, though. Even when I’m hanging out with Alicia, introducing her to people, or separated from Matthew, I can always feel his eyes on me. We always steal a glance at each other, every chance we get. And when he finally makes his way back and holds me, all is right in the world again.

No matter what comes between us, I have a feeling we’ll always find our way back together.

Because he was right.

We’re perfect for each other.

We’re meant to be.






Six Months Later




The last six months have been incredible—and busy. Super busy.

I graduated law school. It was grueling yet satisfying. Matthew and I moved in together. He’s been nothing short of amazing, cups of coffee during late-night study sessions, pampering me, making sure I have everything I need to succeed. I just started as a staff attorney at The Hunter Group and they’re paying for everything I need to study and pass the bar exam, plus a very nice starting salary.

Personally, I think Decker still feels bad about how everything went down. Honestly, I’ve felt a little guilty about how much attention Matthew pours all over me, considering how busy he’s been. The rollout of the new production company went amazing, and Blake leaking the Hedgeman/Knox deal turned out to have the Streisand effect, which actually worked in their favor. Even more attention was drawn to it simply because it leaked early, once other outlets picked up on it.

Online searches went through the roof, and they were able to tease even more information about upcoming movies and productions, and the A-list directors they’ve signed on. It’s truly been incredible to watch Matthew succeed.

I walk out of our apartment downtown, and the weather is incredible. It’s that sweet spot where the end of spring is transitioning into the beginning of summer. Birds are chirping, the streets are alive. Every once in a while a cool breeze wafts between the buildings from the lake.

I have the day off and I want to soak up and relish every second of it, refuel before my nose is back in the books tomorrow.

Even though I have absolutely no responsibilities today, I know Matthew is working and I want to do something nice for him, so I set a lunch date for us. He has a meeting that ends in an hour then he’s free.

I take a deep breath and start down the sidewalk toward The Hunter Group building. It feels weird, walking toward it in the middle of the day, when it feels like I should be there working right now. I’ll be glad when the bar exam is in my rearview mirror. It really is grueling, and I can’t imagine having to do it on my own with no support system.

I smile when I think about how well Matthew gets along with my parents. They adore him. Nowadays, I sometimes wonder if they like him more than me. I joke, of course, they’d always have my back, but he’s definitely won them over.

When I turn the final corner to get to the firm’s building, I blink what feels like fifty times, because what in the ever-loving hell is this?

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