Home > Mr. Dale and the Divorcee(46)

Mr. Dale and the Divorcee(46)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“No more than I since I was sure she’d gradually gain an appreciation from knowing I earned every penny we spent.” He shook his head. “Truth is I was young and blind. But my eyes were opened the day I returned home to fetch some papers I had forgotten and found her in bed with another man.”

“Oh no.” Genuine sympathy filled Mina’s eyes.

“We managed to muddle through for Michael’s sake, but our marriage was in tatters after that. And then she caught influenza one winter and died.”

“James…” Mina crossed to his bench and clasped his hand. Her palm settled gently against his cheek. Stormy blue eyes snared his, holding him captive for a brief moment before she leaned in and kissed him. Unlike the previous kisses they’d shared, this was a gentle caress intended to soothe. It eased the anger that still reared its head whenever he thought of Clara, and made him feel cherished.

He’d not expected that, nor was he prepared for how good it felt. But the fact was he’d loved Clara, only to realize she didn’t spare his feelings much thought. His wife had broken his heart, crushed it as if it were made of glass, and stomped all over the miserable remains. Since her, he’d had only superficial encounters with women.

Until Mina Lawson came along and turned his world upside down.

Grateful to her for the comfort she offered, he kissed her back, ever conscious of the fact that he tightened the bond between them by doing so. James couldn’t muster the strength to care. Not when the feel of her lips on his own was like tonic. He needed her more than he dared to admit.

“I’m sorry your wife was so beastly,” she said, her forehead propped against his. “You deserve so much better.”

“I think you do too.” When she started moving away, he wound one arm around her and held her in place. “Whatever your troubles, I’m here if you need me.”

A smile of acknowledgement captured her lips as the carriage drew to a stop. James looked out. They’d arrived at the coaching inn. “I’m going to inquire after Michael and Cynthia while the coachman switches the horses. Would you like to join me or do you prefer to wait here?”

“I’ll take every chance I get to stretch my legs,” Mina said.

James helped her down and issued instructions to the coachman, then started escorting her into the inn. Before they reached the door though, it swung open. A handsome, perfectly clad gentleman stepped outside. His eyes glinted mercilessly as they settled upon James and Mina. A sneer tugged at his lips.

“Speak of the devil,” Cloverfield drawled while striding toward them. His friends, the Earl of Everton, Viscount Rockburn’s youngest son, and two others who’d now spilled from the inn as well, stood at his back. Each wore an arrogant look of contempt.

James felt Mina’s hand grip him harder. He straightened his back and raised his chin. “Gentlemen, please step aside.”

“Not until you agree to grant me what I desire,” Cloverfield said.

“If it’s Mrs. Lawson you speak of,” James said while drawing Mina closer, “you’ll not have her if I have anything to say on the matter.”

“Everything in due course.” Cloverfield’s smirk warned James that what he said next would not be pleasant. “First, I’ll have satisfaction. Once you’re dead, I’ll have the lady as well.”



Ice seeped into Wilhelmina’s veins. Her stomach contracted, not so much in response to what Cloverfield meant to do to her but rather at the idea of James getting hurt. The duke merely grinned while his vile friends snickered, their eyes filled with diabolical humor.

“Duels are illegal,” James said with a calmness she did not share. “So is murder and rape, last I checked.”

“Details,” Cloverfield murmured. He leaned forward, bringing his face within one inch of James’s – so close, Wilhelmina had no trouble seeing the tight pull of resentment curling his lips. “You humiliated me, Mr. Dale, and denied me what I wanted. I’ll not stand for that. Not from an untitled nobody such as yourself. So name your weapon, sir.”

Wilhelmina closed her eyes and held her breath while clinging to James for all she was worth. Cloverfield’s father had spoken similarly to her once, and it had not ended well. Bile rose in her throat and her heart began trembling with fearful unease.

“I’ll do no such thing,” James said.

“Then you shall be branded a coward. Make no mistake, Mr. Dale, I will destroy you one way or the other.”

“My reputation is unflappable,” James gritted.

Cloverfield straightened with a snort. His gleaming eyes slid across Wilhelmina until she felt soiled. “Are you certain it won’t suffer once the world learns you’ve sided with the most shameful woman in England? Against a duke, I might add. If you were just using her, that would be one thing, but you’re not. Are you?”

James glared back at the duke. “My relationship with Mrs. Lawson is none of your affair.”

“In fact,” Cloverfield continued, “I think the two of you have a partnership of some sort, and that alone will be enough to discredit you.”

“You’re wrong,” James said.

“Am I?” Cloverfield’s gaze slithered over her once again. “Last I checked, the two of you weren’t even sleeping in the same room.”

James’s hand moved with lightning speed. His hand curled around the duke’s snowy cravat, crumpling the fabric. “I remember your intrusion upon her privacy all too well. Touch her again and I’ll have your head.”

Wilhelmina’s skin tightened as every nerve drew to attention. She gave Cloverfield’s friends a wary glance. All hints of amusement had vanished from their faces. Instead they looked ready to pounce.

“Dangerous words,” Cloverfield said, “coming from a man who refuses to fight.”

“I never said I wouldn’t fight you,” James said as he let the duke go. “Just because I won’t pick a weapon doesn’t mean I shan’t take pleasure in planting you a facer.”

Cloverfield tilted his head and grinned with eerie delight. “Fists it is then.”

“James.” Wilhelmina turned toward the man she wanted to share her secrets with but couldn’t. “Don’t do this.”

The corners of his eyes creased with compassion. “I’ve not much choice. Cloverfield won’t relent until we’ve had it out with each other once and for all.”

“There’s no guarantee he won’t spread false rumors about you anyway,” she said. “The man has no honor. And what then? You’ll be hurt and your reputation ruined. At least if you walk away—”

“I’ll do no such thing, Mina.” He held her gaze with fierce determination. “We’ll need witnesses though, so go inside and see if you can gather a few willing men while I discuss terms with the duke.”

“James, I—”


Wilhelmina’s heart sank. Was he truly so afraid for his reputation – so worried about what people would think if they thought he’d stood up for her – he was willing to put himself in danger? She backed away, adding distance between them. It had been so easy for her to pretend they were getting along while they were alone. She’d basked in his kisses and savored the close bond they’d shared while making love just a couple of hours ago.

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