Home > She's the One (Boggy Creek Valley #3)(11)

She's the One (Boggy Creek Valley #3)(11)
Author: Kelly Elliott

“Bishop,” Greer said as she reached for my hand. “We’re not mad that you’re moving on. I’m just…sad…I guess. I mean, the meaningless crap you did was just you being a guy. But seeing you date someone…it’s just strange. I always thought you and Abby were forever.”

“You and me both, Greer.”

Arabella cleared her throat. “It just doesn’t make any sense to me. She was so happy with you. Right up until before she left, she was walking on cloud nine. Why would she leave?”

In the days and weeks right after Abby left, I had been questioned by Greer and Arabella. They’d both thought I’d cheated or done something terrible to make Abby leave. There were so many times I’d nearly broken down and told them about the baby, but I’d kept it bottled up inside. If it made them feel better to think worse of me than of Abby, then it was worth it.

“I wish I knew, Arabella. She wouldn’t let me…” I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath.

Greer squeezed my hand. “It’s okay, Bishop, we don’t have to talk about this. It was just a shock to see you with another woman, and one with a child. I mean, it’s different when I see you at a bar, and I know it doesn’t mean anything. But to see you with a woman and her little girl and to hear you’ve been dating her. It’s just…”

“Jarring,” Arabella finished. “You go back in and enjoy your lunch. We’ll talk soon, okay? Don’t be a stranger.”

Nodding, I leaned in and kissed them each on the top of the head. “Same goes for you two. See you around.”

By the time I got back to the table, Maggie was there and ready to take our order. My conversation with Greer and Arabella eventually faded away as I got lost in a story Ashley started to tell about a time she’d rescued a baby duck. I smiled at Jax as her daughter spoke. I didn’t feel the same zip of energy I did when was with Abby, but I was determined to make this work.



“Dinner was amazing, Bishop. That little Italian restaurant was so good.”

Smiling, I unlocked the garage door that led into my house and motioned for Jax to enter. “I don’t know what they put in their meatballs, but it’s addictive. I eat there at least once a week.”

She laughed and stepped into the mudroom, allowing me to lead the way. We walked through the butler’s pantry and into the kitchen.

“So, how about a drink?” I asked as I made my way to the refrigerator.

Jax looked around and spotted the wine cooler. “Wine sounds good.”

I wasn’t really a wine drinker. The wine cooler had been Abby’s, and I hadn’t opened it since she’d left. “Um, sure. Wine it is. Red or white?” I asked, opening the door. The red was on the top section of the cooler, the white on the bottom.

“I’m a red lover.”

I pulled a few bottles of red out and then pushed them back in before I glanced over my shoulder. “Truth be told, I know nothing about wine. My ex-wife was the wine lover. These were all bottles she bought.”

Jax flashed me a smile. “Here, move over and let me look.”

Doing as she asked, I stepped aside and then headed to get a beer.

“This merlot sounds good,” Jax stated as she pulled out a bottle and set it on the kitchen island.

I glanced at the bottle and immediately recognized the vineyard. An image of Abby running as she tugged me along behind her popped into my mind. They had been stomping grapes that day and she’d desperately wanted to try it. I let her talk me into it simply to see her laugh and smile. She’d bought three bottles of the merlot, claiming it was the best she’d ever had.

A part of me wanted to tell Jax to put the bottle back and pick something else, but I kept my mouth shut. I pushed the memory away and turned to get a wine glass. “Here you go. And here’s a wine opener.”

Jax opened the wine and poured herself a generous glass. “I’ve been to this vineyard. It’s in Maine, right?”

I shrugged, even though I knew damn well it was. “What made you get into horticulture?” I asked, hoping to change the subject.

Jax let out a knowing laugh and played along with the sudden switch in our conversation. “I love plants and have always been fascinated by how things grow.”

“I’ve never asked you, are you from the New England area?”

She nodded and took a sip of wine. “I’m from Boston. Born and raised. And are you originally from Boggy Creek?”

“Yes, ma’am. Born and raised,” I echoed. She smiled and then dug her teeth into her lower lip. I looked away and out toward the living room. “You want to watch that movie?”

Jax motioned with her hand. “Lead the way.”

It was strange as hell to have another woman in the house I shared with Abby. I had never brought anyone here. A part of me didn’t want to have Jax here, but if this was the process of moving forward with my life, then so be it.

“What are you in the mood for?” I asked. “Romantic comedy…horror movie?”

Jax sat down on the sofa, then set her glass of wine on the coffee table. Ignoring my question, she said, “This place is beautiful, Bishop. I’ve been in a lot of log cabins, but this one is stunning.”

I glanced around the living room. When Abby and I had the house built, we’d both decided we didn’t want the logs on the inside, but we did want the wood features. The living room had wood planks across the ceiling with an antler chandelier hanging down from the two-story height. The large river rock fireplace sat on the wall opposite the kitchen, so it was all one big open area.

“Did you want a tour of the house?” I asked.

She stood and took her wine. “Yes! Do you play piano?” She walked over to the baby grand sitting off to the side of the living room next to the windows. The large wall of windows in front of it had an amazing view of the tree orchard and the mountains beyond, but since it was evening it was all dark.

“No, I don’t play,” I said as I led her toward my bedroom, which was on the first floor of the house. “This is my room.”

When we entered the room, Jax glanced up and gasped. “Wow, look at that tray ceiling. I’ve never seen such beautiful detail work on wood like that before.”

I didn’t bother looking up. I stared at that fucking ceiling every night. I knew what was on the wood. Animals. Moose, bear, wolves, every kind of animal you could think of. Abby had drawn them all out and I had carved them into the wood. It took me nearly a year to finish it.

Jax wandered around the space. “Your tub is made out of wood?” She called out from the bathroom.

Laughing, I said, “No, it’s a cast-iron tub with a wood overlay.”

She walked out of the bathroom. “It’s stunning.”

All I could do was nod. I was beginning to think it was a mistake to bring Jax here. It felt wrong having her walk around Abby’s bathroom. Touch the tub Abby had soaked in.

I shook my head. “Let’s head on upstairs.”

Clearly sensing something was off, Jax smiled softly and walked past me out of the bedroom.

We walked through the rest of the house—the three guest bedrooms, my office, the library, the large family room upstairs, the home gym, and finally ended up in the game room.

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