Home > Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(46)

Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(46)
Author: Sophie Barnes

It felt incredible and yet…

Sam’s palm pressed against Edmond’s chest, pushing him back. “I cannot allow you to go any further before you know who it is you are kissing.”

“Then tell me,” Edmond urged, “For I’d dearly like to continue.”

Sam took a deep breath and met his encouraging gaze. “I’m not the man you believe me to be, Edmond. I’m a woman.”



Edmond was fairly certain he must be gaping at his longtime friend as though he – or she, as it were – had switched to fluent Chinese. On second thought, that would probably have been less shocking than his – her – comment.

He blinked a few times, attempted to catch his bearings even though it felt like the world was tilting.

“Forgive me. I’ve clearly shocked you,” Sam said. She moved to pull away from him but somehow, despite his brain feeling as though it had ceased working, he had the frame of mind to hold on.

Blood thundered through his veins as he studied her face in a brand new light. Her features had always struck him as delicate – not dissimilar to those one might find in young man who’d not yet fully matured. Or in a woman, he recognized with a startled grin. With dark brown hair sheared short, and dressed in men’s clothes that he now had to acknowledge were padded, Sam had deceived everyone.

After all, everyone knew only men could be admitted to university. And so, with the confidence of a master swindler, she’d made sure people saw what they believed must be true – that she was, in fact, a man.

“Incredible.” He continued to stare, noting each telltale sign of femininity he’d dismissed in favor of something that made more sense. As a physician, of all things, he ought to have taken notice. Clearly her jawline was too gently curved to belong to any man.

“You’re not angry with me?” Genuine concern clung to her words.

He shook his head. “I’m baffled, stupefied, and utterly astounded, but I’m not the least bit angry, Sam. Why would I be?”

“Because I lied to you from the moment we met and continued to do so for years, even after our friendship deepened.”

Since he’d recently stepped out on his own limb he understood her completely. Wanting to reassure her, he hugged her to him once more. “You were right to keep it a secret when we first met. Later I suspect it just got more difficult and that you, as you’ve stated this evening, feared it would ruin our friendship.”

She hugged him back tightly, her cheek pressed into his chest. “It’s everything to me, Edmond. You are the most important person in my life, and the idea of possibly losing you terrified me.”

His hand stroked over her spine while he murmured against the top of her head, “You’ll never lose me. In fact, I’m relieved to learn you’re a woman since that explains my attraction toward you. Honestly, as prepared as I was to launch myself into an unconventional relationship with you, I’m glad to know I shan’t have to.”

She leaned back so she could meet his gaze. “I’ll have to continue pretending in public if I’m to keep practicing medicine.”

This was true, he supposed. If anyone else learned the truth, she’d promptly lose her license and might even be arrested for fraud. “Agreed.”

Her eyes widened. “You won’t try to convince me to give it all up and live as a woman?”

“How can I?” He knew how much practicing medicine meant to her. “But maybe you should consider playing two parts. Perhaps it’s time for Sam to introduce me to his sister.”

“I don’t see how that can possibly work, I mean–”

“Marry me, Sam. Be my wife and let me help you. We’ll live discreetly. Two townhouses side by side with one belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Bankroft and the other to Mr. Hollander. When Mr. Hollander gets home from work, Mrs. Bankroft will be at home. Which means you’ll need a wig and a few appropriate gowns.”

She laughed. “You’re mad. The logistics of such a life would be a nightmare.”

“Most likely, but we’ll figure that out together. If you’ll have me.”

Her laughter faded as she gazed back at him in wonder. “Of course I’ll have you, Edmond but–”

His mouth met hers with a mixture of joy, pure relief, and hunger. He crushed her to him while relishing all that had happened between them this evening and all that would happen soon. She was his and he wanted all of her – the sharp mind that constantly challenged his own medical knowledge, the brave woman who’d boldly stepped into a man’s world, and the person he now knew her to be.

“Are you sure you’re not disappointed by my anatomy?” she asked him later when he’d undressed her before the fire, her voice teasing. “If I recall, you were planning to hop into bed with a man no more than an hour ago.”

Reaching out, he trailed his fingers over the curve of her waistline. “You’ll never let me forget that, will you?”

“Probably not.”

His hand moved over her hip as he closed the distance between them and kissed her once more. “To answer your question, I’m not disappointed. Quite the opposite as I’m sure you can tell.”

When she drew his mouth back to hers and kissed him with increased boldness, he swept her into his arms and carefully laid her on the rug before the hearth. There, with the warmth of the flames washing over their skin, he worshipped her while snow began falling outside. It was a singular experience, eclipsing all of the ones he’d had with other women in the past and made all the more special because this time he was with Sam.

Certainly, they would face challenges in the future. Starting a family, for example, would be tricky. But as long as they had each other, Edmond was confident they’d find a way. He loved her and she loved him. In the end, this truth was the most important of all.



December 20



Stranded at an Inn during Christmas



Assured his horse would be warm and well taken care of in the stables, Alessandro Rossi entered the inn he’d been forced to stop at. A drizzle had set in around two o’clock, wetting the ground and producing hazardous circumstances for all travelers as the afternoon progressed and the temperatures dropped. He’d dismounted and walked the last couple of miles, leading his horse through the fading daylight.

Only in England.

Had he been home in Naples, he’d have reached his destination without issue due to the milder climate, but he’d promised his sister he’d visit her and her English husband for Christmas. When he’d set out, he’d been certain he would arrive a few days early without issue. What he hadn’t counted on was a washed away bridge at Gergy in France, or a storm causing further delay in crossing the Channel.

And now this.

Welcoming warmth encased him as he glanced around the inn’s busy taproom. He was glad to be out of the cold even if it no longer looked like he’d make it to Thyburn House until tomorrow at the earliest. Weary from his travels, he crossed to a small worm–eaten table that stood in one corner. A serving girl came to take his order, which he placed by showing her a couple of the phrases his sister had sent him. He’d written them all down individually – Forgive me, but I don’t speak English. An ale and some food please. I’d like a room for the night.

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