Home > Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(49)

Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(49)
Author: Sophie Barnes


One word and the smallest of movements was all it took for his mouth to claim hers. Softly, gently, with the utmost reverence, his lips played over hers in a loving caress that weakened her knees and curled her toes. It was delicious. He was delicious. And as she wrapped her arms more fully around him and he crushed her to him with greater abandon, she delighted in this gift Christmas had brought her – a man with whom she had no doubt a marvelous future awaited.



December 21



An Unexpected Encounter with a Highlander



Desperate for solitude, Fiona Brinkley marched across the craggy, unfamiliar Highland landscape. The winter climate had turned grass and moss a pale shade of yellow while low–hanging clouds dimmed the scenery. In spring and summer, the area would no doubt be covered in vibrant shades of green. At present, it matched Fiona’s dark mood.

She weaved her way over several large rocks and descended another hill while wishing she’d stayed behind in London. At least there she had friends with whom she could go out shopping. There was also the theatre along with the carefully adhered–to Christmas traditions that offered some much appreciated predictability for her.

Instead, she’d been swept away to the Scottish Highlands for a month–long stay at a chilly old castle so Papa could enjoy the company of a friend he’d not seen since childhood. Why this visit had to take place now of all times and ruin a holiday season she always looked forward to with excitement was beyond her. Worse, the entire trip thus far had only served to highlight her parents’ favoritism of her younger sister.

Fiona loved Rose, but she was becoming thoroughly sick of her sister always getting her way at Fiona’s expense. First, there had been the seating arrangements in the carriage. When Fiona had taken the forward facing bench for a change, she’d been asked to give it up so Rose wouldn’t suffer malaise from travelling backward.

Then, there had been the rooms upon their arrival at Dunkirk Castle. As soon as Rose had seen Fiona’s and commented on it containing the very view she’d always dreamed of having, a switch had promptly been made. And finally, this afternoon in preparation for tonight’s dinner, when Rose had lamented not bringing her blue velvet gown along with her, Mama had suggested she borrow Fiona’s, which was similar in style.

Fiona had promptly protested, in response to which Papa had demanded she not be so selfish. “You’ve had plenty of opportunity to shine, Fiona. Your sister deserves the chance to look her best too.”

“Well, she can go ahead and do so in my absence,” Fiona grumbled as she proceeded to climb a steep incline.

Bunching the front of her skirt in her fist she trudged up onto an even plateau and paused for breath. The irritation energized her. Indeed, she was fairly certain she could keep walking for days without pause she was so annoyed. Still, there was something to be said for stopping to admire the view.

It was stunning – an uneven rise and fall of unforgiving brutality. She scanned the horizon while taking a lungful of crisp winter air. She’d expected to see Dunkirk Castle from here but…

An unpleasant shiver clutched at her spine. It was supposed to be just over there but it wasn’t. She turned to her right, then to her left, desperate for a tiny glimpse. Hmm. At least she knew the direction from which she’d come. Surely if she went back down the slope and climbed up the other side, she’d find her way.

A frosty wind had set in, the sun had dipped low in the sky, and snowflakes had started to fall by the time she acknowledged she’d gotten quite lost. In a place where she’d likely be dead by morning unless she found shelter and warmth.


Unsure what to do besides keep on going, Fiona set off again while doing her best to ignore her rising panic. Succumbing to fear would be of no use. Instead, she had to be practical about this. If she could at least find a cottage…

It soon became apparent that no such dwelling existed within her vicinity.

Cursing the stupid decision her parents had made to come to this horrible part of the world, she hugged herself against the increasing chill and pushed forward, despite the blister she could now feel on the heel of one foot.

Fighting back tears she crested another hill and glanced around once again. Nothing. No castle, no town, no dwelling of any sort to be seen. It was as if she’d been plucked from the world she knew and deposited on a new planet where she was alone.

Dispirited and shaking with cold, she considered the danger she faced. To stop would likely mean freezing to death, but if she kept going as darkness took hold, she risked a fatal fall. She was in the process of choosing between the two options when a man’s voice echoed across the glen.

It took her a moment to spot the rider – a dark silhouette against the dusky sky.

Relief washed through her, prompting her to call out to him. “Please. Don’t go. I need your help.”

“Come to me if ye can. Quickly but with care.”

Without second thought, Fiona descended the rocky hillside she’d previously climbed and made her way up the opposite one. Darkness fell quickly now, leaving her nearly blind as she made her way upward. A whistled tune caught her ears, offering her the sense of direction she needed.

She followed the sound until she reached the man who’d saved her from her own folly. What on earth had she been thinking, walking out as she had in a place unfamiliar to her?

“Thank you for offering guidance,” she told the dark figure who stood before her, “and for waiting.”

“I’d nae leave a lass out here on her own. ’Twouldnae be right.” Without warning, he grabbed hold of her waist and hoisted her onto his horse before swinging himself up behind her.

Fiona squeaked in surprise. She wasn’t used to being handled so roughly or without a by your leave. In her experience, men asked permission before they touched a lady.

“Sorry,” the stranger murmured while kicking his horse into a gallop, “but time is of the essence.”

“I need to get back to Dunkirk Castle.”

“Aye. All in good time.”

No other words were exchanged as they rode. Not that Fiona minded. She was too busy appreciating no longer being alone, of having found someone who would surely be able to get her back to her family, a man whose apparent knowledge of the terrain brought comfort and assurance. She finally felt safe and while she’d no idea who he was, she was no longer frightened.

But when he drew the horse to a halt some time later, it wasn’t next to the looming walls of a well–lit castle, but rather in front of a squat building too small to house more than one room. Trepidation swept through her as he dismounted. Where were they? Good lord, was it possible she’d exchanged one peril for another? She’d read stories in which barbarians kidnapped women and held them for ransom. Perhaps then–

Strong hands lifted her onto the ground and then she was being dragged forward.

Finally, Fiona dug in her heels. “This isn’t Dunkirk Castle.”

The man offered a throaty chuckle. “Indeed it’s not.”

“But I told you that’s where I must go.”

“And I said all in good time. Now come on inside before we catch our deaths out here. I’ve still got the horse to tend to.”

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