Home > Badger's Claim (Devil's Riot MC #7)(29)

Badger's Claim (Devil's Riot MC #7)(29)
Author: E.C. Land

Getting him hooked up in his seat and locking the twin’s car seats in place, I tell my brothers and Connors I’ll text them when I get to the house. Sitting in the driver’s seat I pull my phone out, sending a quick text to Badger and put on kid-friendly music. Time to get to the home.

By the time I got halfway home, I realized too late that something was wrong. Reaching for my phone, I unlock it ready to hit Badger's number only to drop my phone as I see the truck coming directly at me. Holding the steering wheel tighter, I yanked on the wheel to get out of the way only the truck follows. Screaming at Logan to close his eyes, I brace for impact as the truck turns just enough to clip my passenger side, sending me spinning into the ditch.

Oh God, please let the kids be okay.

What feels like forever seems to past though I’m sure it was only seconds my driver’s door is yanked open. Standing over me is the one man I feared would find me before the club found him. Kayne.

“Finally found you alone, and you have a gift for me as well. Now, I suggest you listen, my sweet bréagán gnéis, otherwise, I’ll put a bullet in the two boys instead of leaving them here. You and the little girl will be coming with me now,” he says with an evil glint in his eyes.

“Please don’t hurt them,” I beg, tears filling my eyes.

“Then I suggest you get out of the car, grab the girl and get in the car waiting next to the truck,” he growls as he grabs hold of my arm.

“What about the boys?” I ask.

“I’ll kill them now if you don’t shut the hell up and do as I fuckin’ told you to.” Kayne snaps, lifting a hand he backhands me, sending me back a step.

Nodding, I do as he says. Reaching in to grab Keegan, I look at Logan, his eyes filled with fear. “When you don’t see any cars, unbuckle, climb upfront to the floorboard, grab my phone, and call your daddies and tell them what happened. I’ll protect your sister, you protect your brother and get your daddies. Okay?” I tell him. At his nod, I give him a sad smile and unlock the car seat from the base.

“Hurry the hell up, before I change my mind and kill you with the boys and take the girl,” Kayne growls.

“Then why don’t you?” I murmur as I stand with the car seat in my hands.

“Because, bréagán gnéis, you were promised to me and though I’ll be punishing you for your indiscretions, you're mine,” Kayne says. Smiling, he looks down at the car seat. “And bonus we’ll have a child to barter a contract with when I get you to Ireland. Now get to the car.”

Ireland? Oh god. I need to figure out a way to delay him from at least taking Keegan. She doesn’t deserve to be a part of this.

She’s innocent and I won’t allow Kayne or even my father to destroy this perfect angel’s life.



Chapter Twenty-Eight






After leaving Jordan at work to finish her shift before going to get the kiddos, I head back to the tattoo shop to grab some things. I’d intended to do this here at the shop, but I can do it at home all the same. For the past two months, I’d been working on a design that took me the entire time to make it perfect.

Picking the sketch up, I smile at the image of a flower blooming from the ashes of a fire. The details of the petals hold the animal prints where the crease usually would be. The stem is filled with thorns and my name both road and legal are entwined. I can’t wait to see this on Jordan.

I’d been planning to do this for her as a surprise.

“Yo, Badger, you got about an hour to spare?” Burner asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Suppose so, Jordan is gonna go get Dragon and Gadget’s kids after she gets off work. I’m supposed to pick pizza up from that place Lo likes. What’s up?” I ask.

“Ally wants to try a hand at using the tattoo gun. You need any ink?” I can’t help but grin at his question. He knows I love being under the gun and don’t mind being the test subject.

“Ally’s ready to move on from working the desk and piercing?” Chuckling, I pat him on the shoulder.

“Fuck if I know, but she’s asked to try her hand. Says she has an image in her head that she wants to put on skin.” Shrugging Burner leans against the door frame to the room I use.

“Well, then let’s not keep the lady waiting,” I say as I pull my phone out to shoot Jordan a text letting her know Ally was gonna experiment on me with the ink gun.

The simple ‘have fun with that’ response has me shaking my head. She’s come to realize I love ink. That’s why I want to share the experience with her. She’d asked me once what it felt like. I think she might just love the sensations the ink gun gives you. A lot of people say the humming of the machine is soothing. While others say the needle driving into the skin is unbearable. Those are the ones who pussy out on us.

Making my way to the front desk, I give Ally a shit-eating grin. “You ready to give the ink rather than take it?” I ask jokingly.

Ally blushes as she smiles, and Burner growls.

Yeah, when it comes to Ally, he can deny it all he wants but I know the truth— the fucker is completely in love with her.

“Um, yeah, if you don’t mind me working without a sketch,” Ally says.

“No problem at all, let's get to it. I’ve got pizza to order and a woman to get to,” I tell her as I move toward Ally’s station. Burner made sure each area was set up for both piercing and ink.

“So just point out a good spot and I’ll get you prepped.” The way Ally’s voice begins to tremble, I know she’s getting nervous. I hesitate to go any further with letting her do this.

Glancing in Burner’s direction, I lift a brow in question, knowing he’d be the one to make sure. At his nod, I lift my shirt and sit in the chair.

Pointing at my chest, I say, “Have at it.”

“Okay,” she says while pulling everything she’ll need out. Once she’s finished with the prep work, she sucks in a breath and turns the ink gun on and begins to work her magic. Closing my eyes, I listen to the hum of the machine.



By the time Ally finished, I was impressed with not only the work of art she placed on my chest but the way she handled the ink gun. She would definitely be a good fit for those who can’t handle the pain with the way she’s light-handed.

That and the way she drew from her mind the best piece I have ever seen. A skull with jagged claw marks running across it with the jaw burning in flames. I’d have never thought to use claw marks across the face of a skull but fuck if it doesn’t look badass.

“Next time I get a tattoo, I’m coming to you. This shit is fuckin’ incredible,” I say as I pull my shirt back on. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I check it to find a text from Jordan, letting me know she got the kids and was heading home not even ten minutes ago.

Perfect timing.

Searching my contacts, I find Vino’s number and order three different pizzas making sure one had pineapple on it. How anyone could eat that shit is beyond me. I’ll stick to supreme.

Heading back to my area, I grab what I need and start for the door, when my phone rings. Pulling my phone out, I find Jordan calling me. Swiping the screen, I answer, “Hey, Honey, I’m heading to grab the pizza now.”

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