Home > Danika's Heart(3)

Danika's Heart(3)
Author: Leah Negron


“Jax, other than the uniform, did you get a good look at the ranger who shot you? Something has to be done, I would be willing to bet he has been using his job so he can poach furs. This makes me so sick that I work with someone who could do this.”


“Yes, I got a good look at the punk. The ranger was about five foot nine inches, weighed about two hundred-twenty pounds. He had bright red hair and his face is covered with freckles. I will know him if I see him again you can bet on that.”


“Damn, I know who he is, Rick Cooper. He started right before I did. The guy has always given me the creeps. Even though he hasn’t gone out of his way to do anything to me. What will happen when you don’t report back for your shift with the fire department?”


“They gave me one day, which is almost over. I need to contact them, but my gear is back close to where we were fighting the fire. Would you be able to contact the ranger station, maybe tell them you found me and I twisted my ankle or something? Even with my shifter abilities to heal faster, it’s going to be at least another day before I can shift to finish healing.”


“Sounds like a good plan. I will tell my captain not to worry that I am going to stay with you until tomorrow when you should be able to walk on it better. Jax, are you okay with me telling my boss that you witnessed Rick shooting the bear and walking off, leaving it to suffer?”


“Yes, this way the guy will get punished for what he did.”


“Walker to base.”


“Base, go ahead.”


“Jill, is the captain around? I need to talk to him, it’s urgent.”


“Yes, he is give me a minute to get him for you.”


I want to get my hands on that weasel and punish him myself. I hate to think that he may just get a slap on the wrist. If that happens, they better not let him have his job back. I swear something will happen to him if they do.


“Walker, what’s so urgent?”


“Captain, can you go to a channel that no one else uses. I also need you to go into your office and close the door. This information is bad.”


“Walker go-to channel seven. I’m in my office and I just shut the door. Now, what the hell is so important.”


“Sir, I need you to contact the firemen. I have one of their firefighters here with me. Yesterday when the bear was shot, he was in the area. When he heard the rifle, he went to drop to the ground. Jax caught his foot between two of the rocks and twisted his ankle. He won’t be able to walk back until tomorrow. Let them know he is fine, that one of your rangers is with him and will make sure he gets back safely.”


“No problem, Walker. I’m going to need his full name. Now, what was so urgent about that?”


“Sir, that was only part of what I had to tell you. His full name is Jax Richardson. As I said before, he was in the area when the bear was shot. Sir, he saw who the shooter was and gave me a detailed description of what the offender looks like.”


“Damnit Walker, who is it? Do we know him?


“Unfortunately, yes, sir, we know him. It’s one of our own, Ranger Rick Cooper.”


I’m not even going to try and repeat what the captain had to say about Cooper. I just hope with his tirade that he wasn’t so loud that everyone else at the outpost heard him.


“Walker, you’re positive? It’s definitely Cooper?”


“Yes, captain. The gentleman described him from height to weight, the red hair, down to all the freckles on his face. Sir, even worse, the guy had on his ranger uniform when he shot the bear.”


“Walker, watch both of your backs until you can get back here. If Cooper even has a hint that the fireman saw what he did, you could both be in danger. Today is his day off. I’m going to have to get in touch with the local police and the game warden to report this. They will have to work together to arrest him. I will contact you as soon as I know something. Stay on this channel.”


“Yes sir, Walker, over and out.”


“Well, you heard what my captain said we need to watch our backs. If Cooper suspects

anything, he will be back. I’m worried that he may come back looking for the bear, hoping

that it bled out so he can take the fur.”

“Danika, don’t worry if he comes back, we will be waiting for him. Between the two of us and our animal spirits, there is no way the man can beat us.”


“Yes, but you won’t be able to shift until tomorrow. So, we have to be extra careful tonight. Go ahead and get some sleep. I’m going to take the first watch. When I get tired, I will wake you up so you can take over guard duty. If you start hurting or get tired, promise me that you will wake me up to take over.”


“You have my word, as a man, a firefighter, and a shifter. I can’t do any better than that. All are sacred to me.”


“Get some sleep. You need all the rest you can so you will be able to shift. The faster you can shift, the quicker that wound in your shoulder will heal. I’m going to grab some more wood for the fire. I won’t be gone long.”


“Remember what your captain said, be careful that nutjob may still be out here! I couldn’t stand it if something happened to you because of me.”


“I will be fine. I have my gun and I’m small enough that I don’t make as easy of a target as you do. You're very tall, even in human form. I can’t wait to see you actually standing in your bear form. Now go to sleep. I will be right back.”


I waited a few minutes until I was sure he was dosing off before I left camp. There is a lot of downed trees around here, so it won’t take long for me to gather enough wood to keep the fire going throughout the night. I had already carried two loads back. When I went to get the third batch of wood, something felt off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Something has my fix senses on alert, but I can’t smell as good in my human form as I can my animal.


As I was debating if I should shift really quick so I can scan the area faster, an arm snaked around me, shoving a damp rag over my mouth and nose. It’s only a matter of seconds before I start getting woozy. Damnit Cooper found me is the last thing that crosses my mind as the darkness creeps in taking over.



Chapter Four

Waking sometime later, Danika is nowhere to be found and the fire has been out long enough for the ashes to get cold. I look around and see the pile of wood she had already brought back. Something must have happened to Danika when she went to get more. Damnit, I knew I should have stayed awake until she came back. The pain had gotten worse, so instead of listening to my instincts, I went to sleep.


Carefully sitting up, I start moving my left arm cautiously as to not rip open the stitches. The pain is so much better this morning. It’s time to see if I can change into my bear. I need to finish healing so I can use my senses so I can start searching for Danika. I can feel my bear clawing inside of me, wanting out. For some reason, he thinks Danika is our mate. I have to admit she is gorgeous. I love her long brown hair with a hint of red highlights when the sun is shining on it. She’s also feisty, even the tiny nose ring she wears looks good on her. How can she be our mate when she is human? I think being shot affected my spirit animal.

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