Home > Danika's Heart(4)

Danika's Heart(4)
Author: Leah Negron


Trying to stand is a bit of a challenge at first. The only thing I’ve eaten in almost two days are the berries that the little red fox brought me yesterday. Wait a minute, why would a fox help me? How stupid can I be? Danika wasn’t surprised about me being a shifter because she is the little red fox. My bear is roaring in my head to be let out. He wants to find his mate. Painful or not, I let the shift start. At first, my body fights it because of the pain and being weak from the blood loss.


The roaring in my head continues until I feel the change taking place. Soon no longer Jax, the man, but Jax, the Kodiak bear, is released from his human confines. Rearing up on my back legs, I start sniffing the air. I can smell the fox, Danika, and another familiar scent. The bastard who shot me yesterday. He is the reason she didn’t return. A roar from hell escapes my jowls as I land on all fours, taking off at a dead run trailing the all too familiar scent. Not far into the woods, I find where Danika was gathering firewood. Her scent is everywhere. Close to one of the fallen trees is a rag before I got close to it, I could smell the strong odor of chloroform on it. The bastard had snuck up on her knocking her out.


Avoiding the rag, I catch Cooper’s scent taking off in the direction he had taken Danika. I have to find them before he hurts her. Good lord don’t let her accidentally shift in her drugged state. He would kill her for her fur. What the idiot doesn’t realize is that when we die, our bodies transform back into our human form. He would never get a pelt from a shifter, but he could be charged with murder if he was caught with the body.


This guy is slick, he keeps doubling back and changing directions in the hopes that he won’t be caught. Stupid man has no idea that I can find him no matter where he goes. My sense of smell is very keen, even more so with Danika’s scent. He keeps accidentally bumping into things, leaving a strong scent trail for me to follow. He must not have been using a flashlight to find his way through the woods since he was carrying her.


It takes me about forty-five minutes to find them. I would be willing to bet Cooper spent hours traipsing through the woods to get this far. Just on the other side of the clearing is a cave not too far from the lake. Making my way through the woods as quietly as possible so he doesn’t hear me. The last thing I need to happen is to be reshot before I can rescue my mate. What the hell, there is that mate thing yet again.


Finally, close enough to the entrance, I can hear Danika screaming at Cooper. All he does is laugh at her. Deciding to wait and listen to their conversation before I go in so I know what I’m getting myself into.


“Cooper, you’re an even bigger idiot than I thought you were. How the hell are you going to explain my disappearance? You know they are going to find out everything you have done.”


“Oh Danika, what you don’t know is that our dear Captain knows all about my poaching. Why do you think he hired me? The Captain said he needed a little extra cushioning for his retirement fund. He knows I am an excellent hunter, so he hired me as a ranger. It was also his idea for me to always wear my uniform when I hunt just in case someone spotted me. I would just explain the kill away like it was a wounded or dangerous animal that had to be put down.”


“I’ve got news for you and the Captain when I get out of here and I will, you are both dead!”


“Foolish girl, you won’t be getting out of here. At least not alive anyway. I happen to know that this cave is frequented by the Kodiak bears in the area. Once I kill you per our captain's orders, the scent of your blood will draw them in to dispose of most of your body. I have nothing to worry about. You, on the other hand, well, it looks deadly. Such a tragedy to befall one of our own.”


Laughing maniacally at his own joke. “Now before I slit your throat, tell me where that damn nosey fireman is. You will also be telling me where you buried my damn bear so I can dig him up before his pelt is worthless. Believe me, Danika, I have no trouble torturing you until you give in telling me everything that I want to know. So, start talking.”


“Sure, I will talk. What do you want to talk about first? What a frigging moron you are or how the captain made the biggest mistake of his life? Maybe you want some fashion tips since you don’t know how to dress or is it makeup tips? With that red hair of yours, I wouldn't try dying it though, it would turn out hideous.”


It’s everything I can do not to chuff at what she is saying. That is until I hear a loud crack as Cooper smacked her across the face. Oh, hell, no, no one hits my mate. Before I could move, I heard Danika laughing at Cooper.


“You hit like a pansy. You act all tough when you have a knife in your hand or a gun against an animal. You want to know what I think, Cooper? I believe you have little man syndrome. No, I’m not talking about your height, either. What’s wrong, Cooper Jr to small, so you have to act like a tough guy to make up for it? You’re a pathetic waste of space.”


I could hear her laughing as she spoke. Feisty doesn't even begin to describe that woman. What I don’t understand is why she is intentionally provoking him? Maybe she is working her bindings free so she can go on the defensive against Cooper. Taking a small step closer, I try to peek inside the cave so I can see what things look like. Thankfully, Cooper’s back is to me, but Danika catches a glimpse of me. That’s all it took for her to really start in on him.


“You know what Cooper I think you need to bend over and start kissing your ass goodbye. I would be willing to bet the captain is out here just waiting for you to kill me. Once you have, he is going to put a bullet right between those shit brown eyes of yours! As stupid as you are, he is probably the one who told you about this cave. What’s wrong, Cooper, you look nervous? Are you really gullible enough to think that the captain will let you live after you kill two people? He can kill you and be justified in doing it.”


While she keeps Cooper distracted, I slowly make my way into the cave. His gun is against the far wall, so I don’t have to worry about that. Please let me get to him before Danika is hurt. It’s bad enough she has a red mark from his hand on her face. Usually, it would bruise, but as soon as she shifts into her fox, it will heal. Just a few more feet and I can knock him on his ass. Danika is still taunting him to keep him distracted.


“Cooper, I got to know why you would kill for the captain? Is he at least paying you or is this just something for you to get your sick rocks off on? What’s the matter, Cooper cat got your tongue? I can tell by the look on your face that what little sense you have has kicked in. The wheels are turning in that pea-sized brain of yours.”


Lifting my left leg, I let my claws extend from my paw. Before Cooper even knew what happened, I swatted him so hard across the back, it shredded his shirt and flesh to the bone. He went flying across the cave, screaming in pain. Slowly approaching Danika, I chuffed at her trying to get her to turn around so I could use a claw to cut her bindings. She did as I wanted; with one nail, I ripped the ropes that were around her wrists. Turning my attention back to Cooper, I pace over to him, growling the whole way. Standing over him as he whimpers and wets himself, I let my lips peel back, showing my razor-sharp teeth. Roaring at him, showing who the boss is. Some hunter Cooper has turned out to be, especially when he is faced with his worst nightmare.

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