Home > Danika's Heart

Danika's Heart
Author: Leah Negron

Chapter One

I’m so glad I moved here all those years ago. The city life in Anchorage became too hard to hide my secret. Being a national park ranger on Kodiak Island isn’t the easiest job in the world. So many people come here looking for a good time. What they don’t realize is that this is some of the most dangerous territories in the world. Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge covers over 1.9 million acres on Kodiak and Afognak Islands. The Kodiak bears are some of the most majestic and deadliest creatures on these islands. It breaks my heart when the government decides the bear population has grown too large, so they allow hunters here to kill these magnificent creatures.


Those hunting seasons are when I am needed the most. Too many hunters not following the rules. They either get hurt, accidentally shoot themselves or someone else, or they get lost. It’s very easy to get turned around here if you don’t pay attention. So much of the landscape looks exactly the same. The worst are the hunters who shoot an animal wounding them but are just too lazy to track them. Those poor creatures die a slow miserable death. I’ve seen some that were left crippled. Being unable to care for themselves, they either starve to death or become prey for the larger animals.


“Ranger Walker, come in, please.”


“This is Ranger Waker, go ahead.”


“Walker, some tourists just came back from a hike out to Dark Lake, they said there is a bear out there that looks like it’s wounded. Everyone else is tied up helping with the fire on the other end of the island. I need you to get out there as soon as possible.”


“Yes, Captain. Did they happen to say what kind of bear they thought it is or where it was hurt?”


“From the description, it sounds like one of the big Kodiak’s. They said it had a left front shoulder wound that appeared to be bleeding and the bear is limping.”


“Sounds like a hunter who didn’t finish the job. I’m on it, boss, it should take me about two hours to get there. As soon as I know something, I will check-in. Walker over and out.”


Getting as far away from the path or any people who might happen to come along, I stop and listen carefully. Once I am content that no one is near me, I strip quickly, throwing my clothes and boots in a backpack that I specially designed. Once I am ready closing my eyes, I let my spirit flow through and around me. The shift into my animal spirit happens within seconds. Now on all fours, I shake my fur out and wag my tail as I sniff the air for any signs of trouble. No one anywhere near me.


Stepping into my backpack, I slip my head through the loop on top. Once it’s situated perfectly, I take off in a dead run. If there is a hurt bear, I need to get to it as fast as possible before a rage takes over and it starts hurting anything in sight.


It struck me as funny. I couldn’t help but yip as I ran along. I would love to hear someone explain to my Captain that they saw a red fox darting across a field wearing a backpack on their belly. Yipping, even more, when the Captain would have to call me to try and explain. Oh well, enough silliness for now. Time to find my bear.


It only took me about thirty minutes to get to Black Lake. Hiding my backpack in an old hollow fallen log so no one could find it. Now it’s time for my senses to kick in, especially my smell. Sniffing the air for any signs of blood. So far nothing, but the lake is decent sized. I start running a zig-zag pattern around the lake. Looking for signs of blood or the scent.


Just as I caught a whiff, I heard the loudest roar I’ve ever heard. That has to be the bear that’s hurt. It sounds terrible, please let me be able to help him. The last thing I ever want to do is destroy any of the creatures here. That’s the one part of this job that breaks my heart. I know that sometimes it’s a blessing and spares them a ton of pain, but yeah, I hate being the one to do it.


Taking care not to step on any branches as I creep my way through the underbrush so I can get a good look at the bear. Just as my nose peeked out from under a bush there he was lying on his side, panting heavily. The scent of blood in the air was heavy. He must be hurt really bad, or he would have heard me. Come to think of it, he didn’t even smell me, or he isn’t afraid of a little ole red fox. I might be small but darn it, I’m feisty.


Creeping closer, I notice his fur is coated with blood and it’s starting to pool on the ground under him. I need to help him fast, or it’s going to be too late. What can I do to try and gain his trust? I did pass some berries on the way in. Maybe I can get a bunch of them for him to eat. Making my way back through the brush until I find the berries. Well, I didn’t think about this. I can’t pick them and carry them back. Looks like I’m going to have to gnaw the branches then take them back that way.


Within five minutes, I had all that I could drag. Making my way back to the bear, I made sure to exit the woods a little distance away from him. The last thing I need is a mad bear coming after me. No sooner than I was out, he spotted me and growled. I immediately dropped to the ground showing him my submission, that he was in charge. Slowly I crawled a little at a time, dragging the branches full of berries along with me. The bear snuffled a few times but made no attempts to come after me or growl again.


Once I was close enough, but not so close he could swat me with his humongous claws, I dropped the berries. Slowly backing up still on my belly, I kept a close eye on him. Reaching forward, he tried to grab the branches; instead, he roared in pain. Inching my way forward again, I let out a small cry alerting him I wanted to help. Very carefully, I used my nose nudging the branches inch by excruciating inch until they were close enough to the bear’s jowls that he would be able to eat them.


This time I turned tail running to a safe distance before I became fox chops for the bear. Stopping, I turned around, pleased to see that he was eating the berries. It’s the funniest thing I swear it almost sounds like he is making a blowing noise and clicking his tongue as he eats. I wish there was more that I could do for him, but if I change back to my human form, I’m sure to be attacked since a human tried to kill him. For now, I will just lay here and keep an eye on him. Maybe he will pass out soon. If he does, I can go get my backpack. I have a dart gun with tranquilizers in it. That way, I can knock him out long enough to take care of his shoulder.



Chapter Two

The sun had felt so good that I must have dozed off. Upon waking, I looked over to where my new bear friend had been lying. What the heck, where is my bear? Standing up, I shake myself to finish waking up. That’s when I see something that I wasn’t prepared for. Blinking my fox eyes a few times to make sure I am not seeing things. Nope, laying right where the giant Kodiak bear had been is one fine-looking man. Oh yeah, not to mention the fact that he is entirely naked. Good grief, what is another shifter doing here?


No time to think about that now. I race back to the hollow log, retrieving my backpack. Quickly shifting back into my human form, I don my uniform once again, then make a mad dash back to where I left the man lay. He had extreme blood loss. I have to get the bullet out and stitch him up before he loses much more. It’s a good thing we keep our kits prepared for anything.

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