Home > Doctor Mistake(30)

Doctor Mistake(30)
Author: J. Saman

“I think I just came.”

The woman at the table near ours gives me a scathing look and all I can do is shrug at her. Carter laughs, rubbing his finger along his bottom lip.

“Maybe that’s what you’ve been missing with Tony all these years. An earth-shattering… meal.”

Oh, hell in a handbasket.

“Definitely,” I agree, going about making Carter a forkful of my breakfast, the way he did with his, and I offer him my fork. He takes the bite, humming appreciatively.


“Amazing. Now you try it. I want to watch.”

And just like that, our breakfast has turned into some form of food foreplay. I can’t tell if this is actually happening or if it’s just sleep deprivation and I’m either dreaming or imagining everything.

“You’re making me feel like a goldfish,” I tell him as I make myself a bite. Carter chuckles, but he’s undeterred. He watches with voyeuristic enjoyment as I shovel it into my mouth and sure as hell, I moan again. It’s not even intentional, it’s just that damn good.

Carter has a satisfied gleam to him as he takes a bite of his own breakfast and then it’s just the two of us eating. Well, him eating like a human and me wolfing down my entire plate and smoothie.

“Do you want dessert?”

I glare at him, ready to explode. He knows it too because he can’t keep the humor at my expense off his face or out of his voice.

“That a no then?”

“If I put anything else in my mouth right now, I’ll die.”

“Shame. I was hoping I’d get to see you put something else in there.”

My jaw drops, my eyes a cartoon as they fly out of my head.

“Carter I-don’t-know-your-middle-name Fritz!”

“It’s James. But what’s the look for?” he asks innocently.

“I. You…” I’m at a loss. I squint at him. “That was pervy.”

“Only pervy, if that’s where your mind went with it. For all you know, I was simply talking about dessert.”

Standing up, he drops a ton of bills onto the table. His large hand extends for mine, smooth as ever. I stare up at him, allowing him to help me up. Is he being serious or not?

And why can’t I tell with him?

It’s maddening.

Am I just that far out of practice, or is Carter being sly?

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” he asks as we step out into the bright Boston morning, heading up Boylston, crossing the street and turning left onto Tremont, strolling along the sidewalk.

“Likely taking it easy. That’s what I have to do after long shifts. I’ll do some laundry, some yoga maybe, and then fall asleep. What about you? I won’t be in your way, will I?”

“No. I was going to shower and then ride out to the compound to see my parents before they leave for The Vineyard house.”

Octavia finished her last dose of chemo the other day. “Has your mom had her scans yet?”

“Tuesday, but they plan to leave on Thursday regardless of if the results are back or not. They’re hoping they can stay out there for the rest of the summer, but if she needs more chemo, that won’t happen.”

I know how terrifying it is having Octavia Fritz, the matriarch of their family, be so sick. I’ve seen it in Oliver and Rina. It’s rattling all of them to the bone. Me too, if I’m being honest. I can’t imagine losing her.

“Do you want me to come with you?” I offer.

Carter stops in the middle of the sidewalk and just stares at me for the longest of moments. Finally, he takes a step into me, towering over me until I have to crane my neck to meet his eyes.

“You’d do that?” he asks softly. “You’d come with me even after you’ve worked all night and have laundry and yoga to do?”

“Of course. I love your parents. I’d love to visit with them before they leave town.”

“How are you feeling though? I know disruption in sleep can cause—”

“I’m fine, Carter. If I was at all concerned about having a seizure, I wouldn’t have offered. I’ll bring my rescue meds with me just in case.”

“We’ll only stay a little while. I’ll make sure you’re home by two. That sound okay?”

He’s worried about me. Similar to how Oliver worries about me, but yet… not the same at all. Especially with how I feel about Carter doing it.

“Sounds perfect.”

“We're going to take my Ducati...” He leaves that hanging and I smirk.

“God, I totally forgot you ride that thing. What kind of doctor rides a motorcycle? Especially one like that? I'm shocked your neurosurgeon brother hasn't killed you already.”

“I'm an organ donor, Luca’s thrilled.”

I roll my eyes but smile all the same.

“It's faster to get out to the compound. You think potholes and traffic are a deterrent? Nope.” Now he’s grinning. “You'll have to hold on real tight to me and prepare to fly.”

I hesitate, the thrill of adventure lighting his eyes quickens my pulse and heats my blood. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. Truth, it scares the crap out of me. But with him driving it…

“Is that a warning? That I have to hold on tight while you take me for a fast ride?”

His grin turns impish. Like the devil.

“Absolutely. Come on, Grace. When was the last time you had something that powerful between your thighs?" He dips in, his mouth gliding along my cheek until his lips hover by my ear. "Trust me to show you how good it can be?”

Oh hell.

“I trust you,” I tell him, and he smiles that Carter dazzling smile. The one that never fails to make me flutter in the most girlish of ways. Taking a strand of hair that’s blowing across my face, he tucks it behind my ear, his fingers lingering for just a second longer than they should. I like that too.

Especially with how I feel about Carter doing it. I like Carter taking me out for breakfast because he knows I like waffles. I like him offering to throw me a party for my birthday because he knows I want one. I like him wanting me to come with him to see his parents but makes concessions for me to ensure I’m safe and looked after. I even like his slamming me against the wall and getting all up in my face, boiling with fire and passion over a man who doesn’t even exist.

Hell, I think I just like Carter.

But more than that, I want to rip his clothes from his body and suck him blind for dessert. Hell, he dropped the idea in my head in the first place. Then there’s all that fast ride and something powerful between my thighs. Wooh. I’m totally sweating, and my panties are absolutely wet. I wonder if he’s as talented in bed as he is in the OR.

Is it rebound from Tony? I don’t know.

Is it too soon after my relationship just ended? Probably to most definitely.

But as I stare up into his oh-so chocolaty eyes, it’s a truth I can no longer fight or ignore.

Yep. It’s official. I want to fling with Carter. And I’m thinking he might want that too. But how could that ever happen when it feels like everything is stacked against us?






The ride out to the compound took forever, but for once, I didn’t mind the drive. Even if we didn’t get to take my bike. The idea of having Grace behind me, holding on tight… fuck. I would have been hard the entire time. Then it decided to start spitting rain and while that might not have been a deterrent for me, I wouldn’t take the risk of slick roads with Grace.

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