Home > On the Sweet Side (Wish #3)(55)

On the Sweet Side (Wish #3)(55)
Author: Audrey Carlan

   “Come again?” he said so low and deep I had to strain to focus on the words.

   “Your wife showed up at Hope’s school. I don’t know how or why. After insulting me, she told me to tell you hello and that she was back. No, she said his wife was back. Are you still married to her?” I choked out as the tidal wave of emotion threatened to close off my throat altogether.

   “Fuck, no! When I asked for a divorce she disappeared. Had to wait two full years of her abandonment for the judge to award me an uncontested divorce. Been free and clear just over a year. Though I suspect she may not realize that.”

   “Okay, good,” I said softly.

   He tugged me into his arms and held me close. “I’m sorry she freaked you out, baby.”

   “Me, too. Though she didn’t really approach Hope. That was all I cared about.”

   “Thank you for protecting my daughter, Isa.”

   I trembled a little in his arms. “I’d never let anything hurt her, Ky. Never.”

   He pushed a lock of hair behind my ear and traced the side of my face until his finger was just under my chin. “I know. You’re a good woman with a pure heart. Don’t worry about this. I’ll talk to my brothers and Pops. He’ll get his club to ride out and find her.”

   I swallowed and nodded against his shoulder. “What if what she wants is you and Hope back?” I wasn’t able to keep the jitteriness and fear from my tone.

   His arms tightened around me and I savored the feeling. “Not gonna happen. Don’t worry about anything. We don’t know what she wants yet. I’ll figure it out and then we’ll hash it out together, yeah?”

   I leaned back and looked into his soulful eyes. After what we shared last night, and physically this morning, we were connected. Really connected in a way that wasn’t going to be easy to break. I closed my eyes and nodded, having faith that what we were building was strong enough to handle any storm that might come our way.

   He kissed me deeply before pulling away. I followed his lips, taking another smaller kiss for myself, feeling greedy with the need to be close.

   Kyson smiled and I sighed. Just that smile let me know it was all going to be okay. Because he would make it okay.

   “Go make cookies with my daughter, baby.”

   “Okay, honey. We’ll be ready when you’re done.”

   “Looking forward to feeding my woman and my girl tonight. Let’s not let anything take that joy away from us.”

   I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. “I trust you.”

   He hooked my shoulder with his strong arm and turned us toward the main area of my shop. When we entered arm in arm, Hope looked up from where she was standing, put her hands in the air and cried out, “Cookies!”




   “Tell us every single detail, and don’t leave out any of the sexy parts,” Suda Kaye demanded, holding her wineglass as though it was a cup of warm soup, right at the edge of her lips. Her amber-colored eyes twinkled, reminding me of my papa Ian. She had his exact coloring and eyes, even a bit of his quirky smile. My heart squeezed at the thought. I needed to touch base with my parents again. It had been a week or so since I’d last chatted with either of them.

   After yesterday’s sex, meet and greet with Veronica, cookie baking and an excellent dinner made by Kyson, we’d hung out and watched a movie until we knew Hope was asleep. Then he’d made slow, quiet love to me. It was beautiful, mind-melting and filled my heart with such love I was afraid I’d slipped right past thinking he was awesome and worthy of falling in love with him, right into definitely, probably in love with him. Present tense.

   He treated me like a queen. Worshipped me so many times I was barely able to crawl out of his arms and drive home—though he didn’t want me to leave. When I explained that I didn’t want to confuse Hope by being there in the morning, especially since we hadn’t been together very long, he conceded. Only with the compromise that we’d spend more family time together so that Hope could get used to me being around. That way, we’d move into spending the nights together much quicker.

   Today Hope was with Kyson’s dad at the club, being doted on by some of the old ladies. Apparently, the old ladies were the top of the female hierarchy in the club. This meant that none of the desperate women who hung around were allowed on premises. Since Hope was with Razor, I was free to spend the day with my sisters and Jasper.

   The three of them woke me up at noon—I hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before—and dragged my booty out of bed, into the shower, then into a super-cute outfit Jasper picked out.

   We were at Suda Kaye and Camden’s ranch house, sprawled on their comfy sectional, drinking wine as though it was our job. All four of us took off work today because Suda Kaye demanded a girls’ day, Jasper included of course.

   “Kaye, she doesn’t have to share the intimate parts,” Evie scolded.

   Jasper frowned. “Speak for yourself. My Izzy doesn’t go light on details. At least she never used to. Not with me. Until suddenly, she fell head over heels in love with hunk-a-licious and the cat got her tongue.” He pressed his lips together and zigzagged his head dramatically.

   “Fine. Let me just say this. Kyson is brilliant in bed. With his mouth, his fingers and his huge dick. Does that make you feel better?” I narrowed my gaze at Jasper.

   He shrugged. “More details.”

   “You want girth, length, to know that he drives me insane when he uses the tip of his tongue in a swirling motion right...” I started to point at my lady bits when Evie stood up and put both of her hands out in a stop gesture.

   She shook her head, her blond waves falling over her shoulders. “Nope. Stop right there.”

   Suda Kaye tossed a throw pillow at Evie and hollered, “Heck, no! Do not stop there. I was getting an awesome visual!”

   Jasper started to fan his neck. “Day-um. Sounds like my Izzy is being taken care of in the bedroom. Not to mention his brother is super skilled. Must be a family gift. Though it’s about freakin’ time she had a man rock her world.”

   I preened and sipped my third glass of wine. “He’s awesome, you guys. Loving, sweet, gentle when I need it and then turns that all around and becomes greedy, possessive and bangs me like he’ll never get the chance again.” I tipped my head back against the couch, the wine swirling in my stomach warmly. “He’s amazing,” I breathed, visions of the things he did to me last night and yesterday morning rolling around my mind like a high-powered hamster wheel.

   “Righteous!” Suda Kaye whispered.

   Camden entered with two new bottles of wine, one in each hand.

   “I vote Camden best husband ever!” Jasper called out with glee at the sight of the wine.

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