Home > On the Sweet Side (Wish #3)(56)

On the Sweet Side (Wish #3)(56)
Author: Audrey Carlan

   Camden’s lips twitched as he went over to his wife and refilled her glass. He leaned down and took her mouth in a kiss that was relatively decent, but I totally caught the tongue slip before I averted my gaze.

   “Thanks, handsome,” she said with a smile.

   “That is wonderful, Izzy. I’m happy things are working out for you and Kyson. He seems to be a good man. But why didn’t he tell any of us about his child?” Evie sat back down and picked up her wineglass.

   Camden sat his butt on the back of the couch behind Suda Kaye. “I knew about her. I’m actually surprised you girls didn’t. Sweets, you remember when we had drinks and appetizers with Peyton and that woman he was dating for a bit? Sheila or something. Kyson was in a booth with his folks and his daughter having dinner.”

   Suda Kaye tapped her bottom lip and then her eyes widened. “Yeah, but Cam, that was ages ago. It never dawned on me to ask who the little girl was. And besides, when he came over to say hello, he said he was alone.”

   Cam shrugged. “The girl is his spitting image. Plus, Porter had mentioned at Sunday dinner a couple months back that he’d seen Kyson and Hope.”

   “Again, you didn’t say it was his daughter. You said the name Hope. I figured it was a chick he was dating or a friend with benefits,” Suda Kaye responded.

   “Look, it doesn’t matter. Kyson has a daughter. She’s beautiful and I love spending time with her. I’m not at all afraid to be with him, knowing he has a kid.” I defended my man even though I didn’t need to. His reasons were his own and all of them had to do with protecting his daughter.

   Evie pulled up her legs into the couch and turned more toward me. “Does it worry you, the stuff you mentioned about her mother? And her coming to the school yesterday? What is that all about?”

   I shook my head. “I don’t know. She made it clear she was back in town. I figure she’ll connect with Kyson whenever she’s ready to talk to him.”

   “What did Kyson say about that?” Jasper asked and reached for my hand.

   I took it and let out a sigh. “We didn’t really talk more about it. He said he was going to have his father’s motorcycle club brothers look for her around town. Then when he finds her, I guess he’ll approach.”

   “Are you afraid that she wants Kyson and Hope back in her life?” Suda Kaye asked.

   “Of course. I’m nervous about that, but I don’t think he’ll go back to her. She hurt him deeply, and the fact that she gave up on her daughter and abandoned them both...” I shook my head. “She’ll never get his affection the way she used to have it again. Though I know he’d like for her to be in Hope’s life if she’s healthy and rehabilitated. I’m just not sure what that will look like. My plan is to simply be there for him in whatever way he and Hope need.”

   Evie nodded. “That’s a smart plan.” She sipped her wine and then added, “Will he be coming to the wedding next weekend when you get to meet Toko for the first time?”

   I let out a long breath and Jas squeezed my hand. There was a lot to unpack with that question. The mere mention of my grandfather had my palms sweating. I’d never had a grandparent before. I wasn’t sure how to act, what to say, and on top of those things, he was an elder in the tribe. I knew next to nothing about my Native American heritage, not that I’d taken the time to quiz the girls.

   “Honestly, I don’t know. He said his mom should be able to watch Hope, but four days is a long time to be away from his daughter and his business. I was thinking maybe he could come the night before the wedding instead of staying for the whole long weekend. That way he’s not gone as long.”

   “Whatever works for you is fine with me. And of course, Jasper, Lincoln is welcome to come. It’s not going to be a big event. The ceremony will be us standing at the bluffs, one of the elders marrying us and then a small party in front of Toko’s home. The food will be made by Milo’s family. At my count, including Kyson and Lincoln, we’ll have fewer than fifteen people. We’ll marry at sunset over the bluffs, drink amazing wine and enjoy traditional Native American cuisine.”

   I licked my lips and frowned.

   Jasper sat up and tugged on my hand. “Tell them,” he urged.

   “His tone leads me to believe this is for all of you to hash out.” Camden rose from his seat behind Suda Kaye. “I’m going to order a couple pizzas.”

   “Thanks, honey.” Suda Kaye kissed her husband and then we all watched his fine ass walk out of the living space and into the kitchen.

   “He’s so good-looking...” I tried to change the subject.

   Both Evie and Suda Kaye shook their heads but it was Jasper who spoke first.

   “You can’t keep your fears bottled up, Izzy. It’s not healthy. Think of all the toxins coming straight out of your pores as big blackheads and pimples.” He shivered. “You don’t want that.”

   I smiled awkwardly, sat up and grabbed my wineglass, taking a couple big gulps of liquid courage.

   “Izzy, we’re family. You can tell us anything...” Evie reached across the couch and curled her hand around my knee.

   I inhaled full and deep and then swallowed. “I’m scared to meet Tahsuda.” I said it superfast to get it out before I chickened out.

   Suda Kaye frowned. “Why?”

   I shrugged. “I’ve never had a grandparent before. I’ve never had any family before aside from my dads and Jasper’s mothers. They were the closest things I had to a mother figure growing up. They taught me about my body, my cycle, hormones...everything. Our two little families had all of our holidays and birthdays together. It wasn’t traditional, but it was filled with love. I have no complaints.”

   “Okay, then. What would make you afraid to meet Toko?” Evie asked gently.

   The room felt suddenly like the furnace had been turned on. I grabbed my shirt and flapped it against my chest, trying to get some air.

   “Wow, you’re really bothered by this?” Suda Kaye asked with genuine concern. She moved to a spot on the floor closest to Jasper and me, reaching out to put her hand just above my knee. “Izzy...talk to us,” she encouraged.

   Evie scooted down the couch so her knees were touching mine and she could put her hand to my other leg.

   “I... What if he doesn’t like me? What if he doesn’t see anything of Catori in me?” Tears hit the backs of my eyes, and my nose started to tingle.

   “No, oh, my word. Toko will love you. He won’t like you. He will fall absolutely in love with you,” Suda Kaye promised, tightening her hold on my leg.

   “How do you know? He’s never met me. Does he even know I exist?” I barely got the words out.

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