Home > Outlaw (Devil's Fury MC #2)(17)

Outlaw (Devil's Fury MC #2)(17)
Author: Harley Wylde

“You don’t need to run it by Griz? He was going to look into who drugged her. If she hadn’t come home with me, we would have never known about all this other stuff. And I still don’t know who roofied her drink.”

“You mean no one told him?” Dagger asked.

“Told me what?”

“We found out who’s drugging the girls,” Demon said. “They got sloppy. We don’t have her on camera, but one of the regulars from town bragged to her friends that she was taking out the competition. Thought she’d snag herself a spot as an ol’ lady. Not sure how she figured that would work, unless she thought docile was a turnoff.”

“And is she in the basement?” Wolf asked.

“What is your fascination with the basement?” Wire asked. “If you’re so fixated on it, go down there.”

Demon, Dagger, and Steel all burst out laughing. I realized Wire hadn’t seen that addition to the clubhouse and had no idea that’s where we interrogated people, but it still earned him a glare from Wolf. Couldn’t blame him for wondering where the woman was because I wanted to know the same thing. She could have gotten Elena hurt. What if we hadn’t noticed and she’d tried to drive herself out of here?

“She’ll be handled,” Demon said. “And since it seems she harmed the property of a brother, her punishment will be severe. I’ll take care of it.”

“I’ll need a property cut,” I said.

“I’ll have Magda make one. Give her a few days. She’s getting up there and her hands don’t work as well as they used to. Until then, I’ll make sure everyone knows that Elena is yours. No one will fuck with her, and she’ll be protected.” Demon slammed the gavel on the table. “Now everyone get the fuck out of here. I have shit to do.”

I stood and Wire followed me from the room, but he hesitated outside the door. When Demon came out, he went to speak with him. I kept my distance. If Demon wanted me to hear what they were discussing, he’d let me know. After a few minutes, it didn’t seem like Wire was going to wrap it up anytime soon so I decided to leave him to his discussion. It wasn’t like he didn’t know how to get to my damn house. I took my bike through the compound and pulled up in front of the small home I’d be sharing with Elena from now on. The Prospect was standing near the front door and I dismissed him before going inside.

The sound of laughter drew me to the living room and I smiled at the sight of Elena holding Atlas. Maybe one day we’d have a kid of our own. Even if my dick worked, I’d been told I had a low sperm count during one of my many tests after the incident years ago. Probably something I needed to discuss with her. If she wanted kids, I’d try my damnedest to give them to her, but it probably wouldn’t happen overnight. Not unless we were really fucking lucky.

“You’re home,” Elena said, smiling widely.

“Yeah.” I glanced at Lavender. “Your man hung back to talk to Demon.”

Lavender took Atlas from Elena. “It’s nice enough outside I think the little man would probably like some playtime. We’ll be out front if you need us, but I have a feeling the two of you need to discuss a few things.”

She leaned against me as she went past and I gave her a brief hug. Elena twirled her hair around her fingers, her expressive eyes belying her nervousness. I wasn’t sure how much to tell her, but I needed to make sure she knew she was mine without question. The rest… I’d tell her what I could.



Chapter Seven



Wire, Lavender, and the adorable Atlas had left to rest, saying it was time for the little boy’s nap, which left me alone with Outlaw. I was still processing what he’d told me, but it was so hard to believe. I didn’t know how the Garrison West who had charmed everyone at church, and even around town, could be the same man he called Bastard, a traitor from another club. It was just… baffling.

“Why would my foster parents help him?” I asked.

“That’s the million-dollar question. If Wire knows, he didn’t share it with me. I’m glad you left when you did. If you’d stayed and ended up with that guy, he’d have made you disappear and turned you into a drug mule or worse.”

I’d talked a bit with Lavender while he’d been gone. She’d explained the way the club worked a bit better than Outlaw had, or maybe it was more that she’d been able to tell me how it worked from a woman’s perspective. Anyone could see that she was happy with Wire, and their son was adorable. I could also tell she thought the world of Outlaw, and she swore that he was one of the best guys she knew.

I’d already come to terms with him claiming me, but hearing all the good things she had to say about him made me feel better about my decision. No, I didn’t know her, and she could have been lying, but I didn’t know why she’d bother. The affection she held for Outlaw was clear, and didn’t seem faked or forced.

I did have to wonder if I was so wrong about Garrison, couldn’t I be wrong about Outlaw too? I’d thought the church deacon was just after a babymaker, but if he had something far worse planned, and I’d never once felt like I was in serious danger, then what if I was making a mistake to stay with Outlaw? In my gut, it felt like the right thing to do, but I didn’t think I could trust my instincts right now. He was praising me for running the way I had, but I hadn’t escaped because I felt like Garrison was evil, I’d only run because I didn’t want to be badgered into a marriage I didn’t want.

“Demon said they found the woman who drugged you,” he said. “It was a regular. He assured me that she’ll be handled. Not sure what he plans to do, but I have no doubt he’ll scare the hell out of her so she keeps her distance.”

“Any more surprises?” I asked.

He sighed and tugged on his beard, seeming troubled as he stared at a blank spot on the wall. What else could he possibly need to tell me? It couldn’t be worse than all the rest, could it? Was I still in danger? Had the club told him that I couldn’t stay?

“You’re scaring me, Outlaw. Just tell me.”

His gaze jerked to mine. “Told you when it’s just us you can call me Noah.”

“Fine. Please tell me what’s wrong, Noah.”

He held out his hand and I went to him. His arms came around me, and it almost felt like he was scared I’d run if he let me go.

“Demon gave the approval for me to claim you, so as of now, you’re officially my ol’ lady. But there’s something I haven’t told you about me.” He chewed the inside of his mouth, his gaze locked on mine. Whatever it was, I wished he’d just say it. “When I came home four years ago, after I kept Lavender alive, the doc ran all sorts of tests trying to figure out what all was wrong with me. One of those tests was for fertility.”

His cheeks warmed and I tried not to smile. It was cute that he’d get all bashful talking about something like making a baby. Then the words really registered. If he was concerned about how I’d handle the news, then did that mean he was sterile? Would we never have kids if I stayed with him? While I hadn’t wanted to be barefoot and pregnant all the time, I’d always wanted a baby or two at some point.

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