Home > Savage Road (Torpedo Ink #7)(32)

Savage Road (Torpedo Ink #7)(32)
Author: Christine Feehan

So fucking hot. An inferno. His heart pounded, and he felt her heartbeat right through the walls of her feminine sheath. She was burning him alive, and he wasn’t even all the way inside of her.

She tried to push back, to impale herself on him, but he held her still. “Such a greedy little girl.” The marks on her skin inflamed him. Drove him wild.

“You did like it, didn’t you, baby?” He rubbed his hand over the hot marks on her rounded ass. The stripes were so beautiful to him. Bright and fiery, standing out so starkly against her perfect skin. “It feels like fire burning right through your pretty little pussy, doesn’t it?” She was so beautiful to him. Perfection. He wanted to savor this moment. To hold it in his memory as long as he could.

Sliding one hand around her throat, he tipped her face to the side so that her eyes met his. Confusion. Lust. Need. Acceptance. Complete, total acceptance. It was all there in her beautiful blue eyes. He bent his head to kiss her. Slow. Lovingly. Giving her that. Then he drove into that scorching-hot sheath, hard. Deep. Brutally. Taking everything she offered him. Claiming her the way he needed to. Savagely. Just like his name.

Fire streaked up his legs, roiled in his belly, rushed through his veins like hot lava and burned behind his eyes until he saw in black and red. He pounded into her. Rough. Vicious. He alternated between tracing those gorgeous lines on her ass with his fingernails and gripping her hips and losing himself in mindless bliss.

“Savage.” Seychelle’s ragged voice was pleading.

Her sheath coiled around his cock. Hot. So fucking tight. Like a damn vise. He pistoned into her harder, right through a million fiery, wet tongues intent on sucking him dry. He’d never felt anything remotely like this in his life, and he wasn’t ready to give it up.

“Let go, baby.”

“It’s too much.” Her voice was a strangled plea.

“Everything, angel. Give me everything,” he insisted. He was merciless. He needed her to give him everything she was. “For me.”

He smacked his palm hard over those perfect stripes on the curve of her beautiful, rounded ass, and she detonated. Exploded. A powerful, twisting, biting fist gripped his cock with such scorching heat he nearly lost it. He swore for a moment his vison went black and his legs wanted to go to rubber. He refused to give up paradise, his iron will fighting his body’s response.

She took everything away. His fucking past. The memories burned into his brain. Into his bones. Into his skin. She was like some laser, removing every bad thing and replacing it with fucking nirvana. He planted one hand on the mattress beside her hip and rose above her, getting a different angle, one that allowed him a deeper, merciless drive. Her body gripped his so tight, never wanting to let him go. Welcoming him. Wanting him. Loving him, no matter that he’d unleashed that beast in him and she saw all of him.

“Again,” he ordered. “Again, Seychelle.” He rubbed her upturned bottom gently. She was breathing raggedly. Panting. But she was moving on him, pushing back into his relentless feral rhythm.

She shook her head. “I can’t, Savage. It’s too much. I can’t.”

“One more time for me, baby. With me this time.” He lowered his voice to pure velvet. Coaxing her. Needing her to know she’d give him whatever he wanted from her. He watched his thick cock moving in and out of her. Disappearing into her body. It was sensual. Sexy. Dirty as hell when he was big and she was small and her body had to stretch for him. That just added to his power trip, his need to dominate, the rush the stripes on her thighs and ass gave him. Her willing sacrifice. “One more time,” he pushed. “Tell me what you need. Say it, baby.”

“I can’t.”

He was pushing her too hard. She’d given him so much already, and she had to be confused. He fucking loved her with every breath he drew. He raked his nails down those stripes and instantly felt the flood of liquid heat surrounding his cock. Fiery hot. Her body coiled tight. Seychelle giving herself to him.

“I’ve got you, baby. I’ll always have you.” He whispered the reassurance even as his hips surged into her over and over, driving her body forward with every forceful assault of his cock.

Once more he changed his angle, hitting her sweet spot, his finger on her clit, pushing her over the edge again, feeling her body clamp down on his cock like a fucking vise. His cock jerked hard—so hard it was painful. The scars stretched beyond limits, and still his cock jerked and pulsed, his spine bending, his legs shaking, as pleasure unlike anything he’d ever experienced shot through his entire system.

He felt as if lava were boiling in his balls, readying to blow from a volcano too long held suppressed. There was a madness rising in him, and for those few moments, with his release roaring through him, Seychelle forcing every last drop from his body, milking his cock with a determined ferocity, insanity reverberated through his mind. He lost every memory of the past of anything or anyone who had come before her. There was only this beauty. This madness. This agony and ecstasy. There was only Seychelle.

He had no idea of the passage of time or how long he lay over the top of her, soaring, flying higher than he’d ever been. His blood thundering in his ears so he couldn’t hear anything but the reassuring sound of his wild heart competing with hers. It took a while for the blackness to recede from around his vision. For air to find its way back to his body.

Savage moved down her body and pressed his forehead to the base of Seychelle’s spine, breathing hard, trying to find his way back into his skin. She’d shattered him. He had known all along she had the capacity to break him wide open. He was so damn vulnerable with her. If his enemies had any idea the way he felt about her, they would take him down so easily. He would do anything to keep her safe. Anything at all.

Her little body shuddered under his. She was confused. Upset. Flying too high. About to drop too low. She desperately needed care. He rubbed his face along the curve of her beautiful ass, right over the stripes he’d made, before he gathered her into his arms and lifted her fully onto the bed.

“Let me take care of you, baby. I need to rub lotion onto those marks. There won’t be any bruising, I was careful. I’m going to lay you facedown, on your belly, and I want you to stay that way for me while I work on you.”

He had already set up for her care. The soothing lotion for her skin was in the tray right next to the packs of wash-cloths and towels he had set under the bed to clean her with. He was a man who believed in being prepared when it came to his woman. He was very gentle as he washed between her legs. He’d been rough. More than rough, and he examined her for tears. For any damage. He was a big man, and he’d skated the edge of control with her. Okay, he’d been totally out of control. Fortunately, it looked as if he hadn’t done any damage to her sweet little pussy. Still, he made certain he applied the soothing, healing cream, which was absorbed into her tissues immediately. She mewled like a little kitten, but she didn’t pull away.

“Was I too rough, Seychelle? Are you sore, baby?” He kept his voice very gentle, as gentle as his hands, as he lifted her and placed her very carefully in the center of their bed.

She kept her face averted from him, her fingers slowly curling into fists on either side of her head, pulling the comforter into the center of her palms as she did so.

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