Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(10)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(10)
Author: B C Morgan



The next two hours have me utterly occupied with all things science, I’m doing my final assessments to see where my permanent class will be. Today is Friday so I’ll know by the end of the day, I’m hoping it’s announced privately I really don’t need every Tom, Dick and Harry knowing what I’m capable of academically.

Amias is waiting for me when I leave the room, he doesn’t even acknowledge my presence before he starts walking off towards the canteen.

“I take it you drew the short straw.”

“No, I claimed you for today,” he replies, his eyes sparkling as I growl at his word ‘claim.’

“No one claims me, I’m not an object to be owned,” I retort.

“I should hope not, you wouldn’t be anywhere near as fascinating if you were. I love a challenge and you’re causing Harrison a great deal of turmoil; I want to see how it all plays out.”

“You get off on it don’t you,” I say, shaking my head in exasperation.

“That and other things, I’m a fucker, doll, and I’m proud of it.”

We enter the canteen and collect our lunches before claiming our regular table. The others haven’t arrived yet and I can’t imagine our conversation is going to be all that riveting. Yet another guy I can’t quite figure out, I may know what gets him excited, but I don’t know why.

I’m unwrapping my sandwich when something connects with my head, looking down I see an orange segment on the floor. Then a straw paper is launched at my cheek right before a goddamn spoon catches me in the corner of my eye.

“That’s enough,” I shout as I stand up and whirl on the culprits, Britney and Chelsea surprise, surprise.

“We are so clumsy, we do hope it didn’t hurt too much,” says Chelsea smirking.

“Amias, any chance I’m being watched right now?”

He smirks at me as he shakes his head and I make my way over to them. I love that Chelsea has chosen soup whilst Britney has a pudding with custard. The part I love the most, though is when I flip the bowls over and the contents cover them as they sit there sputtering and gaping at me.

“I don’t take things lying down, do something to me and I’ll make sure it’s returned. See ya bitches,” I give them a little wave and sit down at my table, making sure I don’t turn my back to them.

Finley appears and cracks up laughing when he takes in the state of them and they shriek, putting on the crocodile tears, and I assume run off to the bathroom or their living quarters.

“Nicely played brownie,” he says as he sends me a wink before getting his own food and claiming a tidier table to sit at.

Ivy and Elijah are lost the moment Amias tells them what I did, it wasn’t that funny but at least they’re getting a kick out of it.

“They’ll do a lot worse next time,” she warns as she points her fork at me.

“What are they going to do? I mean really, I can deal with a lot of crap I doubt they can push me past my breaking point,” I reply. I sound sure of myself, and I am. I really can’t see them being able to push me past my breaking point. If I even have one anymore. They can beat me and scare me, but they can’t break me.

“Don’t get too cocky Henleigh, they're working off their own steam at the moment. Should Harrison recruit them, their attacks will be a lot more severe,”

warns Amias, and I think he actually wants to see it happen.

I won’t let them see how worried I’m getting, I’ve already been beaten, what else will he have them do if he actually puts some thought into it?



It’s Friday evening and for some reason the headmaster has broadcasted my advanced classes to the whole school, I mean it’s not really a big deal but I would prefer they’d told me privately. All the teachers said it should have been like that, but a computer error occurred which sent it to every email instead of just mine, yeah likely story.

Ivy is already hammering on my door, I know it’s her because I can hear Elijah telling her to calm it down. I wonder if I can pretend that I’m not here, I doubt it, where else do I go when classes end. I’m not willing to sign up to the extracurricular activities just yet, not until I know someone won’t try to murder me and hide my body somewhere discreet enough that I won’t be found until the end of the week.

Damn I am so morbid, guess I better get the show on the road. I pull the door open and Ivy falls into my room. If Elijah hadn’t caught the back of her top, she would have ended up planting face first on my floor.

“Take it easy woman, who set a rocket off up your arse?” I ask, earning another round of laugher from Eli. I wonder why he doesn’t mind me calling him that.

“Didn’t you see, you’re in the advanced classes for maths, English and science. You’ve also been selected for the track team, do you know what this means?” Ivy is brimming with excitement and is jumping on the spot.

My look is enough of an answer because no, I can’t see any real significance not for them anyway.

“Means some people get all the luck,” grumbles Elijah and I’ve never seen a look so dark and full of anger like the one Ivy is sending his way.

“Ignore this prick, he’s just sulking because it means he doesn’t get to share any classes with you now. That honour goes to Noah,” she’s directing her words my way but I think she honestly wants to kill Eli right now.

“What is going on between you two?” I ask and they look at the floor in synch.

Sod it, I don’t have the effort or reason to press them, instead I lay back on my bed and Elijah tries to join me, but I push him off quick. I’m not going to push Ivy off, and she is thoroughly enjoying rubbing that fact in.

“There is a slight issue with your new classes, Noah isn’t on the track team and he won’t be in your maths class. Which means you’ll be riding that one solo with Harrison and Finley.”

“Hang on, Finley is in maths with us. Why would he be in that class?” I ask.

“Because he’s a privileged arsehole and is never where he’s supposed to be. The only reason he was in our class was because you were, he’s got detention for joining your class, but he won’t suffer for it. Perks of being the son of the assistant head,” says Elijah, crouching on the floor beside me and dragging his fingertips up the underside of my arm.

I’m trying not to react but it’s making me want to curl my toes, in a good way. It’s ticklish but it’s also lighting a low ember inside me. I know if I pull away it’ll only encourage him, but I don’t know how long I can keep up an air of indifference, besides how many other girls does he flirt with? I’m not willing to be just another number or the only one, I’m complex so shoot me.

“Lija, back off, you know she’s not interested,” states Ivy as she tries to bat his hand away, but he uses his other one to deflect her.

“She can pull away if she wants, besides it’s harmless, just a little stroking between friends.” He winks at me as he licks his lips suggestively.

Okay, that makes me choke on my own laughter and my hands goes flying to my mouth.

“Bloody hell, she can laugh. I was starting to think she didn’t have it in her,” says Eli and even Ivy is snickering at that.

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