Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(12)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(12)
Author: B C Morgan

“Sure, thanks for the training, I’m going to go run a few laps,” I mumble out as I head towards the door.

His hand is on my arm in seconds and I’m being spun around to face him.

“This isn’t a brush off, after what just happened, damn I don’t think I could stay away if I tried.”

He pushes me up against the wall as his mouth falls back down into mine, and I push up onto my tiptoes to make up for the slight difference in height as I wrap my arms around his neck.

I stroke my fingers across his neck and pull gently at the hairs on his nape, causing him to growl. The kiss intensifies, growing harder, and as his body pushes flush against mine, I can tell it’s not the only thing that is growing harder.

I don’t know why this is making me laugh and I really hope I haven’t pissed him off, but he’s grinning down at me and I can’t look away as he adjusts himself.

He drops one last kiss on me before pushing away from the wall. “Enjoy your run, see you at breakfast,” he says and then he leaves me and my head in a tailspin.






Even with the way I’m pounding the ground, I can’t get Amias off my mind. His kiss has consumed me, what am I supposed to do? I mean sure, it was just a kiss and it doesn’t mean that we’re now together, but what do I hope will come from it?

I really suck at relationships; I’ve had friends that I’ve fooled around with, but I’ve always refused to make anything of it. The way I’m going, I’ll probably die a virgin. Damn it.

I push harder until my chest is heaving and my legs are burning, and I’m still not done. Not until my head switches off, that’s my plan anyway but nothing ever goes to plan when it comes to my life.

“Take it easy, you’ll end up passing out,” says Finley, as he appears on my left-hand side.

I give him the two-finger salute and he laughs before making the same gesture, although he goes one step further and puts it to his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth.

“Do you have to be so lewd, sod off mate I’m not interested. Keep running to your girlfriend,” I say, although my breathing is laboured and it’s a struggle to force any words out right now.

“That’s no way to make friends babe, I’d rethink your tactics,” he says with a laugh as he carries on running, and I just sit down on the track and try to catch my breath.

I’m finally ready to head off and I see Finley with his tongue down some random girl’s throat, I really need to figure out the paradigm here. Cause Chelsea hates it whenever he shows me an ounce of attention but she’s fine with him making out with whatever poor sap falls for his moves. It doesn’t make any sense, ah sod it, time for a shower and then I’m going to get myself something to eat.

It takes me fifteen minutes to get ready, and I love being out of my uniform. I’ve got my wet look leggings on, with a pair of knee-high boots and a figure hugging, sleeveless grey jumper dress. My hair is falling in loose curls and I have a pale pink gloss on my lips with light eyeshadow and a dash of mascara. I am not doing this for Amias; even my brain is calling me a liar.

I open my door to find a letter taped to it, I’m too hungry for whatever is in here. So I tuck it inside my boot and hurry off to the canteen.

Amias is already here and his eyes lock with mine instantly, I’m not blushing it’s just really hot in here. He has this sexy half grin on his face and I’ve never rushed so fast to get my breakfast in my life.

I drop my tray down opposite him, inhaling my bacon and eggs, the best breakfast in the universe, but his grin has gone.

“You’ve put your tray in the wrong place,” he says, his face completely blank of any and all emotions.

“Fine, enjoy your table,” I say back as I pick up my tray and go to walk away.

“You’re supposed to sit next to me,” he shoots out and I meet his eye and see that half grin has returned.

“Okay I’ll play along, but don’t start thinking you can tell me where I can and cannot sit.”

I take my seat and almost jump as he pushes his thigh against mine, I glare at him before starting on my breakfast and I’m not even going to attempt to hold back the moan that passes from me as I eat my bacon.

“Can people stop taking my spot, why are you interested all of a sudden?” asks Noah as he pops up out of nowhere.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, we’re just having breakfast,” replies Amias, his dark look returning as the canteen starts to fill up, and Harrison strolls past.

If looks could kill, I’d be buried tomorrow. Why does he have it out for me so bad, it can’t just be because I sat in his chair that one time surely.

“I heard golden boy got caught smoking the old Mary Jane by the track the other night, one guess what happened to him,” comes from Ivy as she sits opposite me, her eyes taking in our reactions.

“If it was my old school then the teacher probably would have confiscated it, expelled the kid and then got high on it himself,” I reply as I look morosely at my bacon free plate.

Suddenly four more rashers of bacon appear before my eyes and Noah looks away when I look up to see who had done it. Ivy looks like she’s about to shit a brick and Amias looks angry, hungry, something like that. He’s always got dark, menacing eyes but I know now that they can also be filled with heat and I’d love to cause that reaction again.

“You don’t share food, if anything, you claim everything she leaves behind. And let’s not forget the bread fiasco of two weeks ago.” Ivy is getting louder, but her voice still has that husky quality that I’m sure most guys love.

“The bread fiasco?” I ask, as Amias has a full-blown grin on his face and Noah face palms.

“I missed all the good lunch because I got detention, and none of these bone heads thought to grab me anything. So, I came in absolutely marvin and all that was left was some tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches and soup.” Ivy sends dirty looks at Noah as he lowers his head down to the table, clearly dreading where this is going. “Now I do not eat sweetcorn, so my only option was soup; and we all know that without bread or a roll it isn’t going to be all that sustaining.” She says the word sustaining with such disgust I want to laugh. She rolls her eyes before continuing. “Now ‘Nono’ over here had a lovely stew and three bread rolls and he wouldn’t give me a single one. How selfish is that right, so when he got up to get a drink I... took one. You should have seen him when he got back, he threw the biggest hissy fit I have ever seen.” She slaps both her palms onto the table.

I’m staring at Noah, the guy who painted my locker and gave up his bacon. The same guy who offered to help me even if I wasn’t willing to play nice with him and his friends, and I can’t imagine him doing anything like that.

“No, that’s not the whole story, something else was going on to cause that reaction. That’s if you're not exaggerating it a bit,” I reply and Amias has that sparkle in his eyes again, shit is about to get stirred.

“Ivy had this boyfriend that no one could stand, and when it went sideways she was in a really crappy mood for well over a month. Biting our heads off, punching anyone who even looked at her the wrong way. She was angry that we had been right, and Elijah reminds her of it even now. Anyway, Noah asked her for a favour or something and she told him to go and shag a horse, and she wouldn’t do anything for anyone, and wouldn’t ask for anything either. A month later she stole his bread and he reminded her of her own outburst in a less than mild Noah manner.” Amias filled in. Sure, I have questions. What was the question? Who was the guy? And why and what does Elijah do to still remind her that they had been right in their assumption?

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