Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(32)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(32)
Author: B C Morgan






One day left until the last week of classes. Then we’ll be back for two months, and then it’ll be the start of the summer holidays. I mean sure that’s a whole six weeks off, but I don’t even know if I’ll make it back here after that.

My dad is going to kill me when I don’t turn up like he thinks I will, but I’ve put things off for long enough. This week off however, I have no idea what I’m going to do or if any of my friends will be around.

Amias is definitely going to see his parents and I’m thrilled for him, Roxie is going with Declan and she is so giddy it’s scary. And the others are off for a theatre trip, they invited me but I didn’t get the necessary permission, so I’m stuck here.

I think Dad thought if he said no then I’d go home instead, but that backfired on him. As long as Mum is there, I can’t face it. But maybe once I get the answers I need and can prove to her that Elliott’s death isn’t my fault, then we can finally move on. She’s blamed me ever since she found out I was there when he snuck out of the window, as if I could have changed the whole thing simply by telling on him.

The day passes smoothly, even though Noah has dropped my nickname we still sit together with everyone else. The girls are really emotional about leaving me behind, but I’m keeping a smile on my face so they don’t get any stupid ideas about staying back themselves. I’m not ruining their week because I’m stranded at school.

My last class of the day is maths and then I’m going to spend some time on the track. Mattias is now my desk neighbour and we work in companionable silence, but I can feel it every time Harrison stares at me. I notice a flashing symbol on Mattias’ laptop, and he glances at the teacher before opening it.


Henleigh, Henleigh, Henleigh.

You must really enjoy your life, I had hoped my threat to reveal how you really are, would have been enough to make you leave. Clearly, I’ve misread you or better yet, underestimated how self-involved you are. I knew you valued yourself above everyone else and your ability to ignore what I have to say just proves it even more. As you read this, your fellow classmates are receiving emails of their very own. Now, this isn’t the grand reveal. No, this is simply so you can see that I am not someone who only gives idle threats. I have attached this message so you can see it for yourself, the whispers and rumours will soon kick in and I won’t have to do a single thing.

The countdown to the whole truth being uncovered for all to see has begun, enjoy the rest of your year, by the time you leave this school no one will be hoping for your return. Leave or kill yourself, either way you’ve left it too late. Everyone will know how little you value the lives of others.




“Open the attachment Matthias, I need to know.”

He hesitates, his finger hovering over the mouse. So, I do it myself and we read it together.


To my fellow students,

Who I am is of little relevance, what does matter is the message I feel you need to be given. Take it as a piece of friendly advice or a warning regarding the wolf in sheep's clothing who is prowling around our school.

This individual likes to pretend that she is above the silliness of bullies and the cruelty that those she has taken to calling Shepherds, have bestowed upon her. But really, how can Henleigh Monterey believe she is better than them. An innocent person wouldn’t find themselves in a juvenile detention centre, now would they? It is a rhetorical question of course, now she may claim that she was wrongly convicted but can we really believe her?

There is more to come my dear students, but for now remember to beware. Who knows what she could do next and what she is truly capable of.

PastFinder, Padstow Academy's concerned student.



“Henleigh, I can’t fix this. Everyone in this school is going to see this message,” Matthias says, and I can't even tell what he’s thinking. Has this changed his opinion of me?

“It’s okay, you can stop intercepting the emails. I don't expect you to continue helping me now,” I say this as I pack up my books and computer. This is the way I roll, push people away and remove them from my life, before they do it themselves.

I can see the others in the room accessing their emails and it’s about to come out, they just don’t realise how bad it truly is.

“Don’t be absurd, this does not change anything. I’m still your friend Henleigh, I don’t care where you have been or what you have done in the past. I know who you are now and that is what I will go by.” So simple, how can he survive in this world with such a black and white view, does he really not see the other colours and various shades of grey? But despite all that, I hope he never changes.

I want to cry at his words, relief coursing through me. And then the stares begin. Harrison is smirking as the whispering begins, and it's too much. I grab my bag and charge out of the room, Mr. Thompson has another thing coming if he thinks I’m going to pay any attention to him right now. “Miss Monterey get back here,” he calls. Funny how he can sound so tired in such a short sentence. Fuck that, I need to get out of here.

I run out of the advanced building and skid to a halt as I lock eyes with Mr. Terrifying. I haven’t seen him since he jumped me, and I can see that I hadn’t exaggerated the fear he sent coursing through me. His eyes really are dead, and his smile reminds me of a shark, all teeth and menace.

I am not going up against him again, so I spin on my heels and run around the corner of the building. I’m not one of those idiotic girls you see in the horror movie, who looks over her shoulder and inevitably trips. Nope eye on the prize, I know it's better to look where you’re going and not where you’ve been.

I think I’m going to be okay, I can get away from whoever he is and make it back to my room. I run track, come on Henleigh you do this almost daily. Oh, shit.

“Hello Henleigh, you are right on time.”

I look up at Chelsea and realise that I’m being surrounded, Octavia and Britney on either side of me and a flock of sheep covering the rest.

“What are you going to do, kill me?” So much sarcasm drips from my tongue, I’d like to see them try.

“Oh no, haven’t we made it clear that's what you’re going to do. We’re just going to give you another reason,” comes from Chelsea as something connects with the back of my head and the lights go out.



Ouch, my head feels like it’s been hit with a bulldozer. I try to move but pain radiates up my side and chest. I move one of my hands and prod my stomach and a whimper escapes me, I lift my head and realise I’m completely alone. Why did those psycho bitches knock me out and then just leave me? I try to move again, but I can’t everything hurts, even breathing.

I’m just lying here, waiting for the pain to subside or to have someone at least come by and find me, but neither happen. I can’t believe they could just leave me here like this, I move my hand up to my chest and relief courses through me as I find my phone.

I slip it out and turn on my torch, I slowly lift my top and see my stomach riddled in bruises and my top is caked in dried blood. I look at the time and yep my luck just keeps on getting better, it’s eight in the bloody evening everyone will have already left.

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