Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(35)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(35)
Author: B C Morgan

“Doesn’t it bother you that I like, and have now kissed, all three of you muppets?” I don’t know what answer I expect to hear, but I do need to know how he feels. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because I like more than one person.

“Why would it? I have four dads.”






Well fuck me sideways, he has four dads, like at the same time. Pretty much how I put it to him, way to go at handling it like a pro Hen.

“Yeah, four dads they all live together and get along. Mum is legally married to my biological father but spiritually married to them all, I even call them all Dad.” He shrugs his shoulders like it's the most normal thing in the world. “It doesn’t matter who created me, they have all raised me and pulled their hair out over my antics. You like us all, I haven’t got a problem with it. At least I like the guys, so that’s a plus for me.” His smile is so big and genuine and there's no way he’s putting this on to make me happy, and he has four dads, that’s going to take some getting used too.

“You speak so calmly about it all and I’m over here, having my mind blown. How does it even work? Isn’t there any jealousy? How does she split herself between four guys?” So many questions and I don’t think there’s enough words to ask them all or describe all the things I’m feeling right now. Confusion, shock, excitement they’re all there.

“Calm down beautiful, I can’t answer all of those. But if you really want to know I’m sure my mum would be open to talking to you about it, she’d shit the bed if I brought a girl home to meet them all. People are really judgemental about the whole thing and I’d rather not punch all my supposed mates, so I just don’t introduce them anymore,” he says as he sits down beside me where I’m sprawled out.

“You want me to meet your parents, damn that would be really awkward. We’re not even together, how would you introduce me?” Why am I even humouring him on this, I am not the type of girl who gets taken back to meet the parents, I should just say no now.

“I’d say Mum, Dads, this is Henleigh. She’s my friend and hopefully once she figures out if she wants what you guys have, or even just me, she’ll be a lot more. How does that sound baby?” Cheeky fucking shit, but it’s making me smile and feel all warm and gooey inside.

“It sounds nice,” I say. He called me baby and I certainly don’t hate that.

He smiles roguishly before kissing me, and we stay cuddled up and exploring one another’s mouths until we’re breathless and panting. It won’t go any further than this, not at the moment, but the relationship his parents have, yeah maybe I could have that myself one day. If only the other guys would be open to it too.



Mattias isn’t showing me the emails anymore, which means they’re getting worse. I’m not left alone at all and between the guys and the girls, I am beyond molly coddled. It’s stifling and I hate it, but what more can I do? After what Chelsea and the Shepherds did to me, I’d be a fool to send them away.

Everyone is already making plans for the summer holiday and I’m thoroughly depressed, because I can’t make my plan work. I need help and I think it’s time I start trusting my friends a little more. I’m browsing the books in the library when I hear a guy and girl talking. The problem is it’s hard to pinpoint exactly who it is when they’re speaking in hushed whispers.

“You need to stop this. You’ve got her all wrong. She isn’t cruel and self-centred,” says the girl, and I hear the guy scoff.

I’m trying to get closer without being seen, but it is not working for me today.

“She may have you fooled like everyone else, but not me. Come the last day of term, everyone will know what she did. You can’t stop me Vie.”

Someone is storming away, and I can hear someone else running, but I can’t catch sight of them, it’s just bugging me that I’m sure I know who the speakers are. I just can’t put the two together.

I’m shaking it off as I head outside to sit on the grass, with Noah, Elijah and Bella keeping me company. We found a dead bird outside my door this morning with a note telling me to slit my wrists like the bird’s neck. My skin crawls even now as I think about it.

I couldn’t stop my dad from taking this to the headmistress while he was down and they of course called the police, but their being useless with the ongoing investigation as usual and nothing has come of it. They said there wasn’t enough evidence for them to go on, didn’t seem to matter that the cameras conveniently went down anytime something occurred. The school likes to act as though their staying on top of it, but clearly, they’re failing miserably.

“Okay, here’s the catch. I can’t leave the school without my parents' permission, and to get that I will have to go home for the holidays. Only, I need to go to London, and I have no idea how I can make this happen.” I’m laying it all out on the table for them.

“What if you asked your dad if you could come to mine for a couple of weeks, we can go to London and then you can meet the folks.” Elijah’s idea is perfect in theory, but my dad would never agree to it.

“Why would he say yes, he doesn’t even know you,” states Noah. Bella watches them as they try to figure it out.

“You could just say you’re staying with me? my parents are away for the first half so they wouldn’t know that you’re not at mine.”

“Damn Bella you are amazing,” I say. As I throw my arms around her.

“Happy to help, but you better come and see me during break. I’m going to miss you guys.” she sounds like she’s on the verge of crying so I rush to assure her that I will definitely visit her.

I’m sending Dad an email now, while it’s fresh in my mind, and even though he expresses his sadness that I won’t be going straight home. He doesn’t say no, I guess I’m off to see an old friend and also meet the parents. My summer is going to be interesting that’s for sure.



Another month passes and the excitement of actually getting out of this school is amazing, no more sick letters and dead animals. No more adapting photos of Elliott and writing messages in dripping paint that is supposed to resemble blood. I’ve had my tablet stolen, and my shower head adapted so the water dyed me bright pink – similar to what they did in Private Benjamin. I’ve had my clothes covered in itching powder and hot soup poured over me, so yeah, I can definitely do with the break.

But before we get to leave there’s a party coming up and a fight between Amias and Harrison. I don’t care what that jackass thinks, I won’t be missing it. I never miss one of Amias’ fights and I won’t start now because of who his opponent is.

We’re all seated in the front row, waiting for Amias to come out and get in the ring. I’m worried because I could see how nervous he was, and he isn’t usually like that before a fight. Not to the extent he was earlier anyway.

“I’ll be back in a sec, I need to go make sure he’s okay,” I say as I stand up. They try and talk me out of it but I won’t be stopped, I won’t be able to switch off if I don’t see for myself that he really is okay.

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