Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(36)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(36)
Author: B C Morgan

I check that the coast is clear before entering his changing room and a warm buzz fills me as I take him in. In nothing but a lightweight dressing gown and knee length shorts, he’s making my mouth dry.

“What are you doing in here?” he asks as he comes over to me.

I won’t give myself time to think it through as I lean up and kiss him, gently at first until he takes control and it becomes hard and bruising.

When he pulls away, I feel flushed and he has this hungry look in his eyes that makes my stomach somersault.

“I wanted to make sure you’re okay and wish you luck.” I’m breathless and stammering a little, but it doesn’t stop me from smiling up at him and lean a little closer.

“You’ll be in the audience little cub, everyone knows you’re my good luck charm. And stop worrying, I’m fine. Harrison is an incredible boxer and it’s intimidating, but I’m confident I can get the better of him. Now get back to your seat,” he says as he slaps me on my ass, making me moan in surprise.

“You cheeky sod, just you wait until I get you back for that.” I wink at him and I think I’m flushing all over, but I’m beyond caring right now.

“Promises, promises,” he replies with a wink of his own and one last breath stealing kiss before I return to my seat with a huge smile on my face.

The worry is still eating away at me, but I believe in him and I know he can do this.

I sit down between the guys and we wait as Amias and Harrison are announced, they’re not allowed to fight dirty so nothing will go wrong, right?

It starts off fine, Amias takes a few hard blows to the face and abdomen and even though I know he’s hitting Harrison hard, it doesn't seem to be having much of an effect. I’m holding both Elijah’s and Noah’s hands, and I’m holding on like they’re my lifeline.

“It’ll be okay,” Noah whispers as he kisses my temple and returns his attention to the fight.

They’re starting to tire as it hits the twenty-minute mark and Amias will definitely walk away with a broken nose. He pulls his arm back before sending his full weight into it and everything stops, before playing out in slow motion.

Harrison turns his head at the last minute, as Amias sends his fist into the back of his temple and he’s falling to the ground like a sack of spuds. Everyone is cheering as the ref counts it and Amias is announced as the winner, but Harrison still isn’t moving.

Amias is the first one out of the ring, right as the nurses enter the and the standby paramedics are soon following. Amias looks terrified, I have no idea what is happening, but I won’t leave him to deal with this by himself. It isn’t long before I’m standing beside him, holding him as he shakes.

Harrison isn’t responding, his pupils don’t even react as they peel back his eyelids and shine a torch. It’s not long before he’s being lifted up and out of the ring and carted away into an air ambulance. Amias’ victory is turning into a nightmare and we have no idea how this will play out.



It’s midnight and we haven’t heard any news, other than Harrison is in a stable yet critical condition. Amias is a wreck and I refuse to leave him, the staff tried to make me but when they saw what that was doing to him, they relented. They can jog right on, I’ll stay for as long as he needs me.

The guys have popped their heads in, but he doesn’t want to see anyone else, so instead I’m sitting on his bed. My back is leaning against the headboard and his head is in my lap with his arms wrapped around my stomach. I really hope nothing happens to Harrison, there’s no way Amias could deal with that. I’m struggling with my own demons and my victim is still alive, even if forever changed.

“Do you want me to get you something to eat or drink?” I ask softly, running my fingers through his hair. Every now and then it makes him sighs.

“No, just stay like this with me, please cub. I just need you.”

“I’m not going anywhere, I promise,” I say as he squeezes me tighter and I hear him softly say ‘mine’. I am, but not fully.

I think I may be falling hard for him, for all of them but can you really love more than one guy? I mean, Elijah’s mum does, and now more than ever I really need to speak to her. And despite everything, I hope Harrison will be okay. Not just for him but for Amias’ conscience as well, he’s too good to have a death on his shoulders for the rest of his life.

I must have drifted off; my neck is stiff, and my arse is definitely numb. I’m looking down at Amias who still has his head on my lap. He called me his good luck charm, please let that be true.

“Henleigh.” He lifts his head up slightly to look into my eyes just as there’s a knock at the door.

His face is so pale I swear he’s a ghost and he’s shaking, so I get up and answer the door for him. Please be good news, please be good news.

“Miss Monterey, I need to speak to Mr. Sallow Can you give us a moment please?” Mrs. Hutchinson may pose it as a question but really, she’s telling me to piss off.

“I want her to stay.” That’s all I need to hear, so I return to his side and wrap my arm around him.

“Very well, Mr. Welles has been placed into a medically induced coma. You are not in any trouble, and we know it was an accident, but you won’t be able to participate in any more fights for the time being.”

“So, he’ll be okay?” I ask hopefully but her face does more to deny it then her words ever could.

“Look I’ll be straight with you, this cannot go any further, but you have the right to know. The impact to his head has caused a bleed to occur on his brain. We’re not sure if there are any other injuries as of yet or what the impact will be. We have to hope he will wake with little to no side effects but it’s very early days. This is only preliminary, and his family is understandably upset. They were concerned this may have been done with intent.” Mrs. Hutchinson sounds beyond tired, and she looks as though she’s aged thirty years overnight.

“That’s ridiculous, you can see what this is doing to him,” I shout, losing my cool and she holds up here hands in a playing gesture.

“I know, I’ve known this boy ever since he came to this school and I know that is not the case. I could see with my own two eyes that his hit wasn’t malicious and I’m doing everything I can to ensure his family knows this too, but for now there will be no more fights for you. I’m sorry Amias,” she lays her hand on his shoulder for a moment before excusing herself, and I hold him while he cries.

I’ve never seen him like this before and it’s breaking my heart, please let everything work out okay in the end. He’s my freaking warrior.

“I don’t want to get back in the ring, I can’t do this again,” he says as he furiously wipes at his face.

I take his wrists in my hands as I pull them away from his face, before releasing him and holding his face in my hands instead. He tries to look away, but I won’t let him. I gently brush his tears away with the pads of my thumb before dropping kisses across his cheeks, anywhere a tear travelled.

“This isn’t your fault and no matter what happens I’ll be here, I promise you my warrior, I will not leave your side.” I place a kiss on both cheeks again, then the tip of his nose and one more on his forehead. “Even if that means I kidnap you for the summer and drag you along with me. You’re stuck with me now Amias Sallow.”

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