Home > A Springtime Affair(51)

A Springtime Affair(51)
Author: Katie Fforde

Now, he kissed her fondly and lingeringly. ‘I’ll just grab a quick shower first, then I’ll be down.’


The following Sunday evening they were in Helena’s car. Jago was driving. They’d tossed for it.

‘I’m quite nervous!’ said Helena as she fiddled with Google Maps on her phone although they knew the way.

Jago glanced at her. ‘Why?’

‘Because James may not like me!’

‘I like you. Isn’t that enough?’

Suddenly it wasn’t. She needed him to tell her he loved her. He’d certainly shown her this was the case but now she needed the words. She wouldn’t ask though. ‘You know how it is. Your best friend! I’d have been miserable if Amy didn’t like you and I was desperately upset when I thought my mother was getting together with Leo.’

‘A mother is different, though.’

‘Of course. I did wonder if I’d never want her to have a man in her life but I’m fine about William. I mean, it took a bit of getting used to and a lot of blanking out about what they do that isn’t just having dinner or whatever, but basically I just want her to be happy.’

‘I’m sure James just wants me to be happy. And I am,’ he said. As they’d reached a set of traffic lights just then he took the opportunity to kiss her.

Helena was glad Jago was driving – a glass or two of Prosecco would make the whole date a lot easier, at least in the beginning. If James didn’t like her, Jago would be torn between his girlfriend and his old friend forever. As for her liking James, she’d made up her mind to. A lot of things were a matter of choice, she realised, even those that didn’t appear to be.

As arranged, Helena and Jago arrived first. James appeared minutes later. Amy was due half an hour after that.

‘Hey mate!’ said Jago as he and James hugged each other.

‘So this is Helena?’ said James. He hugged her too and she took it as a good sign.

While Jago went to the bar, Helena and James inspected each other. She was a bit more intense with her inspection than he was. For her part she liked his curly fair hair, very blue eyes and intelligent expression, and thought Amy would too. He wasn’t as tall as Jago and, in Helena’s opinion, not as attractive, but he was quite good-looking enough, she felt.

When they’d finished studying each other she smiled and he smiled back. ‘So, you’re a weaver?’ he said.

‘Yes. But Amy and I do a lot of workshops together which are more lucrative than selling the things really. I hope you’re not anti-weaver generally.’

He laughed, as he was supposed to. ‘Certainly not. So far, I’ve never met a weaver I haven’t liked.’ He paused. ‘Of course you are the first weaver I’ve met.’

She smiled. ‘Amy is also a weaver.’

‘Well, let’s hope she fits the pattern.’

‘I don’t know if there’s a pattern but she’s bright, and fun.’ She paused. ‘Jago says she’s jolly.’

‘You don’t agree with him?’

‘Oh, I do! She and I have a lot of fun but I’m not sure it’s a flattering description.’

‘I’ll let you know if I think she’s jolly.’ He winked.

Helena decided she liked James – he was definitely jolly.


As the evening was going so well, they decided to stay and eat. Amy and James seemed to hit it off and, Amy had confided, she fancied James really quite a lot.

But while they were sharing a selection of puddings, Jago frowned and got out his phone. ‘Sorry,’ he said, having looked down at it. ‘I’ll have to take this.’

Something in the way that he left the table made everyone else a bit less cheerful. ‘I hope it’s not something dreadfully wrong with one of his properties,’ said Helena. ‘We may need to leave at once to put buckets under burst pipes.’

‘Well, if you have to go, maybe me and Amy can stay on for a bit? Would you be up for that, Amy?’ James asked.

‘I should think that would be all right,’ said Amy. She sounded fairly relaxed about it but Helena guessed she was delighted by his suggestion.

Jago came back. ‘We’re going to have to go, I’m afraid,’ he said.

‘Burst pipes?’ said Amy.

‘No. Why should it be burst pipes?’ Jago seemed confused.

Helena got down from her stool. ‘We were just speculating about what your phone call was. I guessed a plumbing crisis at one of your rental properties.’

‘If only!’ he said. He pulled some notes out of his wallet and put them on the table. ‘Let me know if that’s not enough and don’t go crazy, kids!’ He gave a cheery smile but Helena could tell it wasn’t sincere. He was obviously very worried.

He didn’t volunteer any information after they set off for home and eventually she had to ask. ‘I don’t want to be nosy, but can you tell me what the phone call was about or is it confidential?’

He sighed. ‘I do have a business problem, I’m afraid. Which means I’ll have to be away for a while and I’m not sure how long.’

‘Oh.’ This was a shock but she didn’t want to appear clingy by letting him see how much of a shock. ‘But we’ll be able to keep in touch with each other?’

He shook his head and looked straight ahead through the windscreen. ‘I’m afraid not. There’s no phone signal where I’m going. Or any Wi-Fi.’

‘But what about your properties here? Will you need me to do anything for you?’

‘Sweet of you to offer.’ He gave her a warm smile and patted her knee. ‘I’ll sort things out before I go.’ He was silent for a few moments. ‘Will you be OK on your own in the house? It could feel a bit spooky with it being unfinished and everything.’

Helena didn’t know if she’d be all right or not. She hadn’t minded living on her own in her little studio, but he was right, the house was a bit spooky, being big and half a building site. ‘I might ask Amy to come and stay if you wouldn’t mind?’

‘Of course not. She could have your old room. She’s fun, isn’t she? I think she and James will enjoy each other’s company even if they don’t get together forever.’

Helena sensed he’d rather talk about Amy and James than his own situation. ‘Could you tell if he liked Amy? And you know what I mean when I say “liked”!’

He chuckled. ‘I think he did. She’s sparky and fun and she’ll take his mind off his lost love.’

‘As long as his lost love doesn’t come between them.’

Jago was thoughtful. ‘I don’t think she will. She wasn’t all that great, to be honest. Although she thought she was and James did too. Amy is a far better bet, relationship-wise.’

Helena laughed. ‘Glad she’s been promoted from being “a jolly girl”.’

‘You took that all wrong!’

They argued about it cheerfully for the rest of the journey home.


In the morning he left, early, before Helena was properly awake.

She tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t and found tears slipping out of the corners of her eyes as she listened to the birds and saw the room get lighter.

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