Home > Wicked Heat (Chicago Heat #1)(41)

Wicked Heat (Chicago Heat #1)(41)
Author: Ella Frank

He chuckled and reached for his water. “No? And I suppose yours was.”

“To be a firefighter, uh, yeah. Simon and I got into a program for kids to keep us out of trouble, and that was the end of that.”

“That makes sense. For me, it was what was I good at? And how could I put it to use in a job? I love to organize and look after people, so a PA seemed like a no-brainer. Alexander came years later. You have to have experience to apply to work for someone like him.”

“Because he’s famous?”

Ryan laughed. “Well, yes, but because he’s so damn busy. He has an insane schedule that requires constant supervision and organization or his head would explode. I basically keep his work life in order and make sure he gets home in time to his husband. It might sound silly to some, but—”

“Now who’s talking down about himself?”

“Touché. It’s just some people don’t understand that I like spending my days organizing someone else’s life. I learned that when I was young.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, my brother was really sick growing up, and it put a lot of strain on the family. I had to grow up really fast and help out a lot when one of my parents needed a breather. The unknown really can be worse than the known sometimes, and we had to band together to get through it.”

“I’m sorry. I had no idea about your brother. Is he…”

“Okay? Yeah. He’s great.” Ryan’s eyes filled with joy and his whole face lit up. “He has Crohn’s disease, and every now and then it messes with him and he gives us all a heart attack, but at least we know what we’re dealing with now, and he can usually get it under control pretty quick.”

“Sounds like a tough childhood.”

“It wasn’t easy, but there are kids way worse off than I was. My family pulled together and rallied. I was lucky.”

“Yeah.” I thought about my parents and how they’d been more interested in scoring their next hit than raising children, and how in the end their bad habits and poor decisions led one of us down the same path. “I’m glad everything ended up okay. It makes sense that you got into a job where you look after others. You’re great at it. Hell, you took excellent care of me, and I wasn’t even paying you.”

“You’re right.” Ryan chuckled. “Maybe I should make you pay up now, since you’re better.”

He probably should. He’d been amazing when I was sick, attentive and caring, for a stranger who’d been nothing but a grumpy bastard from the moment we met. So maybe it was time for me to pay up and let him know how much I appreciated his help that weekend.

I popped the last bite of sandwich into my mouth and smirked. “Maybe you should.”

He grinned and settled back into his seat, and as we finished off our meal, I realized there was no one I’d rather spend my day off with than Ryan Carrigan.



Chapter 29






“WE NEED TO get together and catch up soon. I have so much to tell you. Call me back or text me.” I could barely contain my excitement as I ended my voicemail to Jude and stepped out into the cool night air.

My afternoon had flown by, and I’d barely had a chance to think about my amazing lunch date today, but the second I left work and got in the elevator, every single part of it came rushing back in.

Jameson had taken me on a date. Not just dinner with his roommate, a full-on he-paid-for-and-kissed-me-at-the-end-of-it date. If I hadn’t been there, I probably wouldn’t believe it. But I was, and it was real, and I was so happy I felt as though I could float home.

Between the first time Jameson kissed me and today at lunch, the difference in him was night and day. He was the king of keeping people at a distance—he’d said so himself. But the more time we spent together, the more he let me in, and I could feel myself beginning to fall.

I’d tried not to get ahead of myself, knowing it was too soon, but it was difficult not to think about tomorrows when my heart felt close to bursting every time he walked in the door.

But I needed to slow it down. I needed to keep my cool. Because if Jameson caught even an inkling of what I was feeling, he’d probably run for the hills.

He wanted to take things slow. He wanted no labels. But one thing he did want was me. I just had to show him how it could be. How we could be.

As I pulled into my parking spot, my phone began to ring. I cut the engine and picked up.

“Hey, Mom, how are you?”

“I’m doing well, darling. How are you?”

“Good, good, just working hard. You know how it is.”

“I do. I watch your man every night on the news.”

I laughed and shook my head, because no matter how many times I told Mom that Alexander wasn’t my man, she insisted on wording it that way, and I had a feeling that one day it would come back to bite me in the ass.

“How are Dad and Eric? I was going to call him but got caught up.” That was the truth. After talking to Jameson about my family, I’d had a sudden urge to chat with them all, but work got in the way.

“We’re good, and Eric’s fine. I was talking to him just last night. He seems well.”

“Good. That’s good.”

“I know. It’s been a while since we’ve seen the both of you, but that’s why I’m calling. He’s coming to town next month for my birthday, and we’re going to celebrate.”

“As you should.” It was my mom’s sixtieth, and I couldn’t wait to see them all.

“Well, I thought it best to embrace it than resist.”

“Why should you resist? You look no older than forty.”

“Oh hush. I taught you better than to tell fibs like that.”

I chuckled. “So you did. Do you need help organizing this fancy shindig of yours?”

“No. Your father has organized the entire thing. He told me all I had to do was let you know in advance, since you’re the one whose schedule is always the busiest.”

I felt a pang of guilt over that, but she was right. I’d skipped out on important dinners and holiday get-togethers in the past because of work. But there was no way I was missing this. Your mother only turned sixty once. Forty, maybe twice. But sixty? Definitely only once.

“Your birthday falls on a Saturday, right? So is it that whole weekend?”

“That’s what I’m told. Friday night arrival and Sunday night departure.”

“Okay, and the rest of the details are…?”

“A surprise.” She laughed. “I assume your father will be in contact with all the details. I just wanted to call and make you sure you were doing okay, and also tell you to save the date.”

“Consider it saved. I can’t wait.”

“Us either. Take care of yourself, young man.”

“Will do, Mom. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

I ended the call and headed upstairs, my mood bright as I thought about asking Jameson to come with me to my mom’s party. Would he think it too much? And was thinking about the two of us that far in advance bad luck? The last thing I wanted to do was jinx us.

I unlocked the door, and when I stepped inside, a haze of smoke filled the air, making my eyes sting. I could smell burning of some kind, and the fire alarm went off.

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