Home > The Secret Love Letters of Olivia Moretti(73)

The Secret Love Letters of Olivia Moretti(73)
Author: Jennifer Probst

   “We still have two days,” Dev insisted. “Who knows what can happen?”

   Bailey grinned. “Well, look at you. Believing in magic and all that good stuff. How’s Hawke?”


   “Did you finally do the walk of shame?” Bailey teased.

   Dev stuck out her tongue. “Leave me alone.”

   Pris wagged her finger in the air. “I was up and I heard you creep in around six a.m. You did.”

   “Oh my God, I will not discuss this like a juvenile,” Dev said. Her cheeks were hot, which made Bailey and Pris laugh.

   “Damn, I always shared with you,” Bailey said. “And I gave details!”

   “And now we’re grown-ups and should act like it. I will say we discussed our future and came to a mutual decision.”

   Bailey flopped on the couch and pulled her knees up. “Tell us.”

   Dev tried to keep a straight face, but Bailey caught the wild look of happiness glinting in her eyes. “Hawke is coming back to Manhattan to work in about three months. We’ll do long-distance, and then get a trial run when he moves back to New York.”

   Pris clapped her hands. “That’s the best news! Man, it was like fate or something. Who comes all the way to Positano and finds her soul mate, plus he lives in New York?”

   “Pretty lucky,” Bailey said.

   Dev cocked her head. “What about you, Pris? Have you decided what you’re doing about Garrett?”

   Pris paced gracefully back and forth. “I don’t want to say this trip magically made all of our problems go away. But something’s changed between us. I think it was me.” She peeked over as if waiting for them to interrupt, but they kept silent. She continued. “It was exactly what you guys said. I never shared my feelings with him—nothing beyond temporary things like irritation, or sadness, or stress. None of the deeper stuff. I think I didn’t want to feel it? Being here is a reminder I get to choose what makes me happy and what I want from my life. I lost my power along the way. Garrett’s not to blame for that, but he also has to be willing to deal with the changes.”

   “Does he seem up for meeting you halfway?” Bailey asked. “You complain that he’s always at work. Do you think he can change too?”

   “Yes, if we both want to. And he says he does. These past few nights I’ve felt closer to him. We talk about everything like we did when we first fell in love. It’s like we’re getting to know each other again.”

   “And you? You mentioned pursuing a new career. Any ideas?” Dev asked.

   “Well, I actually made a list of stuff I loved, to try and figure things out.” She rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, there wasn’t that much, but I decided to contact one of my old friends from the New York City Ballet. We were on the phone for a while, catching up, and she says she always has spots for guest teachers or lecturers. She opened up her own ballet school and invited me to come by.”

   “You’re kidding! Pris, that’s amazing,” Bailey said. Seeing her sister even mention ballet was a huge deal, and just by the expression on her face, it seemed right.

   “What was the stuff on your list?” Dev asked.

   Pris recited them. “Not much to work with, huh?”

   “Actually, you’re missing a key thing that you’ve always thrived on. Competition.”

   Pris stared at Dev in confusion. “What do you mean?”

   “Dude, you run endless miles every day for—how long?”

   “A few years,” Pris said.

   “That’s a big deal. Have you ever considered entering the NYC Marathon? Or training for one?”

   Bailey gasped. “What an awesome idea! I agree with Dev; you need a challenge for yourself. Running would be perfect.”

   Pris opened her mouth, then shut it. Surprise flickered across her features, along with something else Bailey spotted.


   “I never thought of that,” Pris said slowly.

   “Well, think about it,” Dev said. “Competitive running is a huge pastime. Combine that with teaching dance, and you may have found a new direction.”

   Pris nodded. “I’ll think about it. I have no idea where it would lead, or if I even want to teach. But it’s time I open myself up to more opportunities. I’m tired of believing my only role was as wife and mother. I’m so much more than that.”

   Bailey’s chest tightened. She was so proud of her sisters. How had they made such leaps and bounds in only two weeks?

   Because they’d finally been truthful with each other. And themselves. It was like Mom had been guiding them here all along.

   Pris sat next to her and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “What about you, Bae? Will you be making any big changes?”

   A touch of shame hit her. She wasn’t leaving Italy with a new love or an old flame. She still had no real job prospects lined up, or even an idea of where she wanted to settle next. As usual, she was caught in between, but this time, it didn’t fill her with a sense of passion and adventure. It felt a bit . . . empty. She forced out a laugh. “Guess I didn’t get the memo we should’ve been working on transforming into butterflies. But I’m excited to get back. Find a new play. Maybe take a few art classes and work part-time at that café I love. I’m good.”

   Oh God, she sounded pathetic.

   Dev leaned in, her gaze fastened on hers. “Bae, I’m sorry I was such a bitch.”

   She blinked. “You already apologized for that and we moved on.”

   “No, not for the asshole Liam incident. Or calling you out on your stuff. I’m not sorry at all for those—I meant every word. I’m sorry for making you feel less than just because you’re not like me.”

   “What do you mean?”

   Dev sighed. “You’re comfortable seeing how things unfold, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m someone who needs a secure nine-to-five job. I need to know where to go and what to do when I get up in the morning. But does that make me right? Or better? No. It just makes me judgmental and mean. You’re different and it’s time I supported you rather than trying to make you feel bad for it.”

   The apology healed the wounds that had been deeply slashed so many years ago. She respected Dev so much—the way she lived her life with high goals and no apologies. The way she allowed herself to fall for Hawke against all rationale. Knowing that Dev really did support her meant . . . everything. “Thanks,” she said softly. “I really appreciate it.”

   “Is Will still texting?” Pris asked curiously.

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