Home > Double Exposure(5)

Double Exposure(5)
Author: Emma Nichole

What is wrong with me? I don’t even know this man.

The upbeat driving house rhythm that was leading this session has now gone to a chill vibe. My voyeur turns back to the bar, sliding his glass at the bartender. He’s looking for another drink. Does he need one?

Apparently, he does… and he’s still looking for me. My mind, driven by whiskey, wants to pretend he’s the camera. Each time he blinks is another image of me. Move slowly, I tell myself. I roll my hips left to right. I play with the hem of my dress, sometimes letting it ride even higher on my thighs.

Once I do that, he leans back against the bar with the glass barely touching his lips. It’s almost as if he needs the bar to stay standing. Why? It can’t be because of me, can it? Once the light passes his face again. I nearly catch the hint of a smile and I realize I’m smiling at him through my eyes.

I turn away quickly, feeling nearly naked with the game we’re playing. When I turn my head slightly to see what he’s doing now, he’s turned his attention back to the bartender. At that moment, I almost feel sad he’s no longer looking. Lucas weaves in to find me. He motions to a staircase near the back. After one quick look to the corner of the bar, I lead the pack as all of my new friends follow.

The VIP area we have for the night is brand new too. This club apparently was taken over by new management and upgraded not long ago, one of the girls tells me. The area is full of plush, black velvet couches settled against a short glass wall. We can see the entire dance floor and bar nearest the door from up here. There are chic glasses on the tables filled to the brim with different alcohols and waitresses balancing trays like pros, passing out shots of what I can only assume is tequila. The lights flash multiple colors and dance along the walls to the beat of the music.

I sit down closest to the edge of the glass. It’s amazing to see the sea of people up here. Most look like they don’t have a care in the world. That’s when I pick up on the one that definitely does. It’s my voyeur from a moment ago. He’s making his way through the bar like he’s lost something… or is it someone? Could that someone be me?

I entertain the thought of putting him out of his misery and at least get the courage to say hello when I watch him walk out the doors. I don’t know how I feel now. I don’t really like that a man was watching me with such interest that I don’t know, but for some reason… I also do. I kind of loved it.

Lucas slides in next to me and lazily rests his arm over my shoulder. I rest my head against his and speak softly into his ear, “Thank you for making me go out tonight. I want to come back.”


We end up forming our own portion of the club in the VIP section. If Lucas had told me we’d be up here most of the night, I wouldn’t have been so apprehensive. Who am I kidding? I still would have. I do feel safe, however, in this group. The women aren’t overly friendly, but they’re fine. The boys are paying close attention. I think that’s the problem.

I know they aren’t interested in me like that. At least, I don’t think they are. I’m not looking for it. In fact, I try to discourage it. The conversation flows around me. I catch bits and pieces between small dance parties near our booths. Every time I sit back down to rest my feet, have a drink, or both, I find myself looking toward that corner of the bar where the mystery guest was standing. If I look hard enough, I think he’s still there.

In the minutes that have passed between our connection, I seem to remember more about it rather than less. It’s like my mind wants me to have photographs of him in my mental photo gallery. I can see his black-on-black suit. It was crisp and immaculately tailored. The blood-red tie that was around his neck hung loose by a couple of fingers. His eyes were dark in color and seemingly in intent. The way his tongue would wet his lips before he took a sip of whatever dark alcohol was in that glass was a master class in sex.

Suddenly, I feel a flush come over me in ways I haven’t allowed in a long time. I realize I’ve been staring down at the dance floor rather than entering any of the conversations. Lucas startles me with a whisper in my ear, “Are you all right?”

I have to clear my throat before I can answer him. “Yes. It just got a little warm in here is all. I’m going to head to the ladies’ room. Will you let me out?”

He kisses my temple then motions to some of the others to let me pass. I get to the top of the stairs in the darkness and take hold of the railing. I need to pause before I go down with a deep breath. Clearing my mind of the last hour will be the only way I can move forward. I don't like the path my brain is leading me on...or do I?

At the bottom of the stairs is a tall, muscular member of the security team. I ask him where the restrooms are. He smiles leaning in with my answer, down the darkened hallway to my left. After I nod with thanks, I can feel him watching me as I walk away into the red lights.

The music begins to tunnel out in the hallway. I wonder if these walls are soundproof. It would make sense I suppose. I can finally think standing here, but I don’t want to do it under my new watchful eye. “Are you going to allow him to ogle you like that, love?”

A voice comes from just inside another passageway off the main hall. The voice is an intense growl that should have startled me, but doesn’t. The body it belongs to steps into the red wash with me. Impeccable black-on-black suit. Blood-red tie hanging just slightly loose around the neck. Dark rich eyes. No drink, but a voice that could soothe and arouse me all day and night. Mystery man...reveal yourself.

“Excuse me?” Those are the only two words I can manage.

“If I startled you, my apologies. I asked if you were going to let that caveman ogle you like that?”

How can one man have so much swagger to him? It’s overwhelming. In two short steps, he’s gone from a voice in the dark to living breathing sex within inches from me.

“People stare at me all the time,” I respond.

“Is that so? Do you think that’s what I was doing?”

“I don’t know. Were you?”

“I don’t stare, love, I appreciate. I think you may have been staring at me, however.”

“Was I? I don’t recall.”

The gentleman steps even closer. The red lights blaze through the hallway so I can finally, actually, see his eyes without guessing. They are as intense as his stature, dark as I imagined, and might be part of the sexiest thing about him.

“Oh, I think you were. Were you dancing for me?”

“No. I was dancing for me. Why would I dance for you? I don’t know you.”

“Do you want to know me?”

“I-I…” I’m back to that flushed feeling in my body. His intensity is overwhelming and draws me in with the same breath. He speaks and I’m lost.

“You don’t have to answer. Instead, grant me the honor of a dance. You don’t have to speak. I would just like the pleasure.”

He speaks like he’s from another time. He’s like an English duke with that accent. Good Lord, the accent. His hand extends to mine like he’s offering it to exit a carriage or something. Like earlier with allowing his eyes on me, I think I want his hands on me too. I quietly place my hand in his. I can hear an audible sigh from him when we connect. I shiver in the heat of the hallway when his hand grips at the small of my back. Most men would push up on me when asking to dance to music like this. This man takes me in a proper hold, but pulls me close.

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