Home > He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(12)

He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(12)
Author: Ruth Cardello






I stopped at the bar to down a shot before leaving the latest club I’d performed at. Nothing felt right lately, not my show, not my mood—nothing. The source of my frustration was easy enough to determine. My life, the one I’d worked so hard to hold together, was coming apart at the seams.

Riley was not only spending time with the Corisis on a regular basis, she was also letting them into our private business. My mother’s medical bills were paid off in full supposedly by a government grant. Her next surgery was already scheduled and would be fully covered by her insurance. Sure.

I told myself I was happy for her and it didn’t matter who had made her surgery possible. But none of it felt right. I was angry with myself for not being happier for my mother and angry with Riley for . . . hell, I was just angry.

The situation was out of control. Dominic Corisi was circling my family, throwing money around like we could be bought. He hadn’t respected my demand that he stay away from my mother and Riley. My mother was scared he would turn on Riley the first time she denied him, just as Antonio had with her, and I had no reason to believe my mother was wrong.

Antonio had wooed my mother with money, charm, and promises. How was that any different than what his son was doing? To what end? Why put so much effort into siblings he must have known existed. I didn’t believe for a second that someone like him didn’t.

As I was debating if I should do one last shot before heading out, a tall red-haired woman slid into the seat beside me. The bar was emptying so her intention wasn’t a mystery. Without even looking at her, I said, “Sorry, not interested.”

“Yes, that’s become clear and why I was sent.”

That gained my attention. “Sent?” My temper began to rise. “Dominic is hiding behind women now?”

She made a face. “Your brother isn’t the hiding type. He’s trying to respect that you’re not ready to meet him yet.”

I straightened to my full height. “Oh, I’m ready to meet him, but I doubt he’s ready to hear what I have to say.”

She sighed. “I was told to offer you some amazing things, but I get the feeling you wouldn’t accept anything from Dominic, would you?”

“How are you so observant and yet still here?”

Her chuckle was fuel on the flame of my irritation. “Sorry. It’s just that I’ve known your brother for a long time, and you remind me so much of him. The glare you’re giving me right now? Classic Dominic.”

“I don’t have time for this. Good night.”

“Wait.” Her tone softened. “Help me help both of you. I know what you don’t want. Tell me what you do want.”

I pinned her with a stare and growled, “I want to know that my family is safe. I don’t want to go to jail for killing a brother I never knew I had because he can’t resist finishing the work our father started. My mother has been through enough and my sister is too trusting to see how dangerous the Corisis are. Tell my brother what I want more than anything else is for my mother to stop crying because she’s afraid of what he’ll do to Riley. Tell him there is nothing he can say or do that will make me want anything to do with someone who let my mother suffer as long as he did. And what he’s doing now? Too little too late—I don’t trust his intentions. Tell him that.”

The woman dabbed at the corner of one of her eyes. “I didn’t know about your mother. If I had known, he would have. Your family was Antonio’s best-kept secret.” She sniffed. “I’m usually really good at uncovering things like this but there was no hint of your existence. Thomas knew but he kept his silence to protect you.”

“I’m sorry, who the hell are you?”


“You know, I don’t care.”

She blocked my path when I moved to walk away. “You do. And Dominic does as well. Please hear me out. A lot has been going on while you’ve been away.”

“That much I know.”

“Give me five minutes. That’s all I ask. If when I’m done you still don’t want anything to do with the Corisis I’ll go back and convince them to stay away from you and your family. But I don’t think you’ll want that. Five minutes and you won’t have to deal with me chasing you down after all of your shows for the rest of your tour.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “Five minutes. Starting now.” I glanced at the clock on the register behind the bar.

“Dominic started off as a happy little boy, just like any other. Unfortunately, his father, your father, beat his mother on a regular basis. When he tried to protect her, he was beaten as well. Then one day his mother disappeared. Everyone thought she was dead, but she’d actually changed her name and gone into hiding in Italy. Dominic never stopped looking for her. It was only later, after Antonio’s death, that his mother reappeared. To understand Dominic, you have to imagine what it was like for him to battle a man he couldn’t win against, a man so cruel Dominic believed he’d murdered his mother and gotten away with it. Antonio was the devil incarnate. He destroyed more lives than anyone will probably ever know, but Dominic is nothing like him. He was one of his victims, no different than your mother. He might not have visible scars from him, but Dominic’s just as damaged. Antonio’s sins do not belong on his shoulders, but Dominic is driven to make amends for them anyway. I’ve never known anyone who has craved having a family more than Dominic does, without any idea of how to show people that he loves them. He’ll manipulate situations, try to win your love by buying you things, and in general drive you crazy, but behind all of that is a man who is willing to learn to be whatever kind of brother you need him to be. All you have to do is believe in him enough to give him a chance and forgive him when he messes up because his intentions are always good.” She took a breath at the end and waited.

It was a lot to process and as well as believe. “My mother wants nothing to do with him.”

“She will. Riley is already winning her over. Your sister is relentless when it comes to bringing everyone together.”

“You’ve met my sister?”

“And Gavin, the man I bet she marries. That man has balls. Not many people stand up to Dominic and he did that right out the gate. I approve of him. Dominic does too.”

I wasn’t proud to admit, “I don’t know anything about Gavin. I haven’t spoken to Riley much lately.”

“I know. And I understand why. This isn’t the kind of situation anyone could prepare for. I realize you have no reason to believe me, but I am rooting for all of you. Bend just a little and you just might find that none of this is as bad as it seems. You have a spitfire niece, Judy, and a too smart for his own good nephew, Leonardo, who have already added you to their nightly prayers. The only thing stopping you from being part of their lives is you.”

I waved a hand at the club around me. “I’m sure I’d be a fabulous influence on them.”

The redhead laughed. “Oh, honey, you’d have to try a hell of a lot harder to shock anyone I know.” She sobered. “And you can leave this life behind you if you want. Nothing is holding you here.”

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