Home > Her Broken Pieces (Fallen Kingdom #2)(26)

Her Broken Pieces (Fallen Kingdom #2)(26)
Author: Rachel Leigh






She didn't leave. Thank fuck I was able to calm her down and convince her it was a bad idea. Byron’s out there watching and waiting for his opportunity to take something else from me—namely her. I’ll die before he lays a single finger on her delicate skin again.

I’ll die fighting for her, so she can live. Bella deserves it all. A life full of happiness without worry. The kids, the yard, the white picket fence. She deserves everything I don’t. But I have the power to give it all to her. Even if I don’t deserve her.

I’m despicable compared to this goddess. She’s vibrant and full of life and here I am sucking it right out of her because I can’t live without her in my life. How selfish is that?

I’m lying on my side, watching her sleep. Each breath flares her nostrils and every once in a while, her lips part, cracking a smile, and I find myself smiling in response. She’s perfection personified. The most beautiful art piece imaginable—a Mona Lisa.

Most people don’t believe in soulmates and maybe I’ve read too many novels, but I’m a firm believer that I was left in that alley as a newborn for Bella. So that one day, we would meet and our lives would be forever changed. She’s the only person in the world who’s ever given a damn about me and I’m not about to let some money hungry bastard take away everything I’ve fought my entire life for.

I haven’t told Bella yet, but I’m thinking about changing my last name as well as the name of the company. I never wanted to be an Ellis. In fact, I hate the fucking name and everything it stands for. I’m not even sure what last name I was born with. Hell, I don’t even know what time I was born. No clue if it was a hard labor or a C-section. Don’t know my birth weight or how long I was. I could probably pick any name in the world and go with it. Blake, perhaps? It’s Peter’s last name and he was the closest thing I ever had to a family.

My head rests on the pillow right next to Bella’s, and I watch her until my eyes don’t allow me to any longer. Slowly, I drift into a deep sleep. And when I do, I instantly regret it.

“Mr. Ellis,” I say, my voice soft and almost a whisper.

He doesn’t even look at me, just keeps his eyes on the spread newspaper in his hands. “What the hell do you want?”

“I was thinking maybe we could talk about school. Ya know? Me, attending.”

Mr. Ellis folds the newspaper in half as laughter climbs up his throat. “First of all, Caden,” he enunciates the name he’s plagued me with. “In this house, you call me Dad. Second of all,” he stands, pressing his hands firmly to the desk in front of him, “you will never attend public school. Now get your ass back in your room and do your schoolwork before dinner. Mom’s cooking tonight and I expect your compliance.”

I go to walk out, tail between my legs and head hung low, but instead of pulling the door open, I shove it, so that it latches closed.

Slowly, I turn around and meet his gaze.

With drawn shoulders, he steps around the desk and pins me with a hard stare. “You got a problem, boy?”

“Actually. I do.” My feet stay planted, fists balled at my side. His eyes wander to them, then back to my face, before erupting in full-blown laughter.

Heavy steps bring him closer. “Unclench your fists and walk your ass out of here before you make a big mistake.”

My heart is going a million miles a minute, sweat dripping down my forehead. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna punch this fucker right in the face. I’ve been doing lifts with my bed every day. It might not give me the brawn needed to lay him out, but I’ve got the mindset.

One more step and he’s in arm’s reach.

I’m gonna do it.

His hand extends, fingers spread as he goes straight for my throat. Before he can make contact, I cock my fist and aim right for his nose. Somehow, it lands, and I’m as surprised as he is as he cups his face.

Only, I didn’t think ahead, and I’m not sure what to do now. So I go in for another, ready to pound my knuckles into his wrinkly flesh.

This time, he stops me. Catching my fist and squeezing before twisting my arm in a full three-sixty. Cries of misery fill the room, echoing in my own ears. But, I don’t even feel the pain, all I can focus on is the sound of my bone snapping.

The look on his face is malevolent. This is no man; this is the devil incarnate. Inflicting pain on others is his favorite pastime. My punch to his nose didn’t even draw blood. I’m almost positive he’s not human. He doesn't have a heart, that’s for sure.

Tears prick the corners of my eyes, but I use them as fuel as I jerk my hand away, now able to feel the pain shooting up my entire arm. My hand hangs freely, but I don’t dare look at it out of fear of passing out. If he sees my weakness, he’ll use it to his advantage.

“Maybe you’ll think twice before you try that shit again. Now wrap that hand up and do your schoolwork.” He turns around and walks back to his desk. “Dinner is in an hour and if your mom asks, you fell.”

I hug my hand to my chest, the pain almost unbearable. It’s like my hand doesn’t even belong to me anymore. It just hangs by a thread of bone on my wrist and I can already feel the swelling around it.

Without a word, I turn and leave quickly. Once I’m out of his sight, I scream at the top of my lungs and fall to the floor in the hall outside his office.

“Cal. Wake up.” Bella shakes me, pulling me out of my dreadful nightmare. “Hey,” she peers over me, beautiful green eyes looking into mine, “I’m here. It was just a dream.”

I sit up, wiping the sheen of sweat from my forehead and rubbing my wrist. I look down and see the scar from the surgery. It’s another reminder of how hard I had to fight for what I've earned. I grab my bottled water from the nightstand. “If only it were a dream,” I tell her between sips.

I’ve been cursed with nightmares and rarely dream at all.

Bella places a calming hand on my arm. “You wanna talk about it?”

“Nah. It’s nothing. Go back to sleep, baby.” I kiss her forehead, hoping she doesn’t drag this out.

The only thing worse than a nightmare is having to relive it once you’re awake.



Crazy how a night full of monsters in your head can turn into the best night’s sleep you’ve had in months. It’s all because of the girl by my side. I smile, eyes still closed, and wrap my arm around her. Only, my arm sinks into the down comforter.

I open my eyes to see that Bella is not there. My mind immediately goes to the worst possible scenario, and I shoot up to a sitting position. That’s when I see her. Sitting at a desk in the corner of the room, blinds still closed and barely a wink of light.

“Whatcha doing over there?”

She spins around in the chair, my phone in her hand. “Trying to get into this thing. What’s the passcode?”

I tear the blanket off me and walk toward her, my morning wood greeting her through the fabric of my boxers.

“That depends on what you need it for.” I press my palms to the desk, caging her between my arms, and I kiss the top of her head.

Worried eyes look up at me. “Cal, please just let me call my parents.”

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