Home > Always Meant to Be(31)

Always Meant to Be(31)
Author: Siobhan Davis

“Remember no one can know,” I remind him.

Before we came out tonight, I thought about whether I should confront Curtis or let him see me so he knows I know. I decided that wouldn’t work to my advantage. Knowledge is power, and this intel gives me some leverage. I’m not sure how I’ll use it, but having it in my back pocket, to whip out when needed, is of most value. Ensuring he doesn’t know I’m onto him works best for now.

“I won’t breathe a word of it to anyone, and I’ll ensure no one sees what I’m doing.”









“I need to tell you something,” Shirley says as we speed-walk around one of the less busy trails in the park. Usually, I help out at the retirement home on Saturday afternoons, but today I was asked to come at eight a.m., and I finished at midday, so I was home when Shirley knocked on my door thirty minutes ago asking if I was up for a walk. She slows down, gesturing toward a bench on my right. “I think we should sit for this.”

“Okay.” Nerves prickle the back of my neck as I take a seat beside my neighbor. I unscrew the cap on my bottle of water and knock some back. Shirley knots her hands on her lap and audibly gulps. “Whatever it is, just tell me.” I have a sixth sense I already know.

“There is no easy way to say this, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you, but I can’t keep this to myself any longer.”

“This is about Curtis,” I say, sure of it now.

Shock splays across her face. “You know?”

I drink another mouthful of water. “That he’s cheating on me? Yeah.”

“Oh, Kendall. I’m so sorry.” She rests her gloved hand on my arm.

“How do you know?”

“Adrian and I were out for dinner at Chelle’s Steakhouse, and we saw him having dinner with another woman. It was clear it was a date.”

I tilt my head to the side. “Don’t sugarcoat it, Shirl. What did you see?”

She steeples her fingers against her chin. “They were all over one another. It was blatantly obvious and really inappropriate.” Sympathy dances across her face. “It sickened both of us so much we got our dinner to go and left.”

“Did he see you?”

She shakes her head. “He was too engrossed in the woman. We considered confronting him, but Adrian felt we shouldn’t interfere. He’s disgusted with Curtis and wants nothing to do with him now.”

Adrian and Shirley are thirteen years older than us, and they’ve been married for twenty-five years. They don’t have any kids—by choice—and they are completely devoted to one another. I can say, with complete confidence, that Adrian would never cheat on his wife.

“When was this?”

“Last month,” she admits a little sheepishly. I guess now I understand her questioning me on psychic night.

“Don’t feel bad for not telling me straightaway. I get it, and I really appreciate you telling me this now even though I already knew.”

“How did you find out?”

“He told me.” I proceed to give her the Cliff Notes version of what’s been going on, and she listens attentively.

“I wouldn’t have believed Curtis capable of such treachery and deception if I hadn’t seen it myself.”

“That makes two of us.” I twist the bottle cap between my fingers. “Though my shock, hurt, and humiliation are gradually giving way to extreme anger. The instant West and Stella are gone and Ridge is in bed, he leaves, like he can’t stand to be around me. I’d get it if I was the one who had cheated on him, but I’m the injured party here.”

“He’s an asshole,” she seethes. “I don’t know how you can bear to look at him let alone have him touch you in fake PDAs. I would curl into a ball and die if Adrian did that to me.”

“I don’t have that luxury. I need to keep it together for the kids.”

“You have such inner strength.”

A harsh laugh spills from my mouth. “I really don’t feel terribly strong right now. I’m clinging to my sanity by my fingernails.”

“What are you going to do, and how can I help?”

My heart swells, and I reach out and hug her. “I’m not sure, on both counts, but knowing you know comforts me.”

“I’m here for you. Whatever you need. You only have to ask.”

“I need you to keep it confidential. I can’t risk the kids finding out. It would hurt them so much.”

“No one will hear it from us,” she assures me, and I know it’s the truth. She’s not the type to gossip. “But if Curtis continues parading his mistress all over town, someone else is going to see. Keeping it a secret from West and Stella may not be possible.”

“I can’t believe he’s being so reckless! Especially when he’s the one who insisted we play this charade until Stella graduates.”

“He’s a pig. You can’t possibly be considering going along with his plans.” She shakes her head.

I sigh. “I only agreed for the kids, but I’m not putting up with this. He thinks he calls all the shots, but he’s going to get a rude awakening.”

Her eyes glimmer. “What do you have planned?”

“I’m not going to sit back and let him play me for a fool. I have a few ways I can take back control. I met with a great divorce attorney this week, and she gave me some food for thought. There are things I can do to be smart. To cover myself when the time comes to divorce, and I intend to protect myself and the kids as much as I can.” I already have my own bank account, and my wages go directly in there. I transfer a set amount into our joint account on a monthly basis as Curtis does. He pays more as he earns more, and we both have access to our savings account. I’m going to start siphoning as much money as I can and buying anything I might need later when everything is divided up with the divorce.

I’m not as emotional this week, and hearing this new information helps to focus my anger in the right direction. I need that internal rage to spur me into action, and I know just where to start.

“What’s she like?” I know I shouldn’t ask, but I can’t help it.

Her features soften. “Are you sure you want to know?” I nod. “She’s young. College age if I had to guess. Dark hair. Big eyes.”

“Sexy and beautiful, right?” I tilt my head to the side. “You can say it. I know Curtis wouldn’t pick anyone who wasn’t gorgeous.”

“She’s not as gorgeous as you, and he’s a fool.” She scoffs. “No older man snags a pretty younger woman unless she’s after his money.”

“Curtis is flashy, but he has a lot less money than she might think.”

“Even less after you divorce.” She grins. “I hope you take him to the cleaners.”

“I have a full-time job, so the finances will be split accordingly. I’ll get the house as the primary caregiver, and there won’t be any issue with joint custody. The attorney said she can negotiate it as part of the settlement that Curtis has to pay for college for the kids. Those are my priorities.”

“Maybe you should quit your job so he has to support you after you divorce. Put the squeeze on his finances so he doesn’t have the cash to wine and dine his floozies.”

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