Home > Always Meant to Be(61)

Always Meant to Be(61)
Author: Siobhan Davis

She shakes her head, her blush expanding as she smiles. “Not at all. I liked it. I liked it a lot.”

I kiss her softly. “That was incredible, and I’m dying to do it again.” Taking her fingers, I curl them around my cock so she feels how ready I am for round two. I kiss her again, harder this time, before purposely withdrawing. There is something I’m dying to show her, and it can’t wait a second longer. “But first, I want to give you a gift.”

“You already gave me a gift.” Her fingers close around the Tiffany chain hanging around her neck.

“I have something else for you. Something I couldn’t give you at Christmas.” Prying her fingers from my dick, I climb out of the bed. She pouts, and it’s adorable. Chuckling, I bend down to kiss her. “Don’t worry, babe. The night is young, and I am far from finished with you.” I give her tits a quick squeeze. “Let me grab my sketch pad.”

I race to the dining room table and snatch my pad before returning to the bed. Kendall is sitting up against the headrest with the covers pulled up under her arms. I get in beside her and set the pad on my lap. Turning to face her, I yank the covers down to her waist. “Let’s get one thing straight, sweetheart. When you’re in my bed, you don’t cover up. You’ll be naked and proud.” I let my heated gaze roam her body while I force her hand to my dick so she feels how it jerks and twitches while my eyes feast on her gorgeous body. “Do you feel what you do to me?” She nods. “Use your words, Kendall.”

“I feel it,” she croaks.

“Feel what?” I envelop my hand around her hand on my dick.

“I feel how much I turn you on.”

I peck her lips. “Good girl.” I clasp her face in my hands. “I know you’re nervous and suffering with doubts, so I will keep repeating myself until you understand. I love you. I want you. I desire you. You’re beautiful. You’re perfect. You never have to hide from me. Okay?”

“Okay.” A dazzling smile spreads across her lush mouth, and I’m entranced. “You’re so good for my ego.”

“I’m good for you. Period.” I pin her with a cocky look as I lower my hands to my sketch pad.

“You are.” She leans her head on my shoulder, glancing down as I flick through pages until I come to the one I want.

She gasps and lifts her head. “Is that…?”

“Your tattoo,” I confirm, moving the sketch pad onto her lap so she can inspect the butterfly drawing in more detail.

“Oh, Vander. It’s stunning.” She skims her fingers over the design with an awestruck expression on her face. The butterfly’s wings are open, as if in flight, and I colored them a vibrant blue with brown-rimmed tips. A myriad of twinkling white lights extends over the wings and above, giving it an ethereal quality. “I love these lights, and it’s so pretty. This quote is perfect too.” Her eyes are dancing as she raises them to mine. “Aurelius?”

I nod, sliding my arm around her shoulders and pressing my lips to her temple. “I found a couple of quotes that would work, but this one fit best.”

“The past is the doorway to the future,” she reads in a reverent tone.

“That’s a blue morpho butterfly,” I explain. “Butterflies have many meanings within different cultures, usually symbolizing life, love, change, and rebirth.” I track a path up and down her arm with the tip of my finger as I talk. “Many believe butterflies represent a person’s essence or soul, and the color blue represents joy or a change in luck. Some say the morpho butterfly is a wish granter.” I peer deep into her big blue eyes. “I wanted to design a tattoo that had meaning for us and was something that represented who you are as a person too. I wanted something feminine and pretty just like you. And I love that it matches the color of your eyes.”

Setting the sketch pad aside, she climbs onto my lap and smashes her lips against mine. Elation seeps from her mouth to mine as she kisses me passionately, and I want a lifetime of kisses like this. When we finally break for air, we are both panting, and I’m hard as a rock underneath her ass. “I have never met anyone who gets me the way you do or anyone more thoughtful.” Her eyes fill up. “You make it impossible not to fall, Vander. I can’t believe you are mine. It’s surreal.”

“Believe it, babe.” Reaching over, I pull the drawer open on my nightstand and grab a few condoms before tossing them on the bed. “Because I am yours. Now and always.”

Her eyes are drowning in love, and she doesn’t need to say it for me to know. Perhaps she hasn’t realized it herself yet, but I see it, and that’s good enough for now. “I already asked Boner if he’d do your ink, and he agreed.”

“Boner?” Her eyes widen. “Do I even want to know?”

I chuckle. “Probably not. He’s one of my friends from the boxing club. He’s the one who did my ink, and he’s a true artist. Honestly, I wouldn’t trust anyone else with you.”

Her fingers skate over my ink. “I wondered how you managed to get inked before you were eighteen because I know your father wouldn’t have consented.”

“He didn’t. I forged his signature on the paperwork.” I shrug, chuckling at her disapproving expression. “Boner knew. He didn’t care as long as he had something on file.”

“You’d better hope Gregory doesn’t find out.”

“I’m not worried. Even the psycho wouldn’t cross Boner.” I grab her ass in both my hands as my tongue darts out, and I lick between the valley of her tits. “He looks scary, but he’s a gentle giant, and I promise you’re in good hands.”

“Will you go with me?” she asks, grinding slowly on top of me.

“It’s not optional.” A moan slips from my lips as she moves over my erection. Stars burst behind my eyes as her bare pussy slides along the length of my cock. Goddamn. I really want to fuck her without any barriers. “Babe.” I clamp my hands on her hips, stalling her movement so I can look her in the eyes. “Are you on birth control?”

She nods as she drags her fingers through my hair. “I’m clean too. Got tested recently.”

“I have always used condoms, but I don’t want to with you. I want to feel all of you.”

“I would like that too.” She nips at my ear. “But I don’t think we should get used to it. The pill isn’t infallible, and we should still use condoms most of the time.”

I swat the condoms off the bed onto the floor. “Okay.” I’d agree to just about anything while she rubs her pussy back and forth along my dick. “Ride me, baby.” I tug on her lower lip, dragging it gently between my teeth. “Claim your cock, and do to it what you like.”

That alluring blush creeps up her neck and onto her cheeks as she reaches back, grips my cock, and holds it steady while she positions herself over me. I watch her chest heave as she slowly lowers herself onto my dick, until I’m fully situated, and I wonder if this is another first. Her eyes lock on mine while she holds herself still, letting both of us acclimate. Grabbing her face, I pull her lips to mine and ravish her mouth as my cock pulses inside her warm inner walls. “Jesus, Kendall,” I whisper over her skin as I nip at her jaw before trailing kisses along her neck. “You feel incredible. Nothing compares to this, but I need you to move, baby.”

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