Home > Stone (Pittsburgh Titans #2)(54)

Stone (Pittsburgh Titans #2)(54)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

I don’t think to question Natalie to see if she’s positive it’s his parents. There’s no way a random couple would come to this building that’s not even in Stone’s or Brooks’s names since the property is owned by a dummy corporation to protect their identities. I have no doubt that it’s Stone’s parents.

I don’t berate her for letting them in. I know she did it just to get them out of the cold.

“I went and knocked on Stone’s door, but he’s not answering, so I’m assuming he’s out somewhere.”

“He might have gone to the arena already,” I muse since he has a game tonight. “It’s earlier than he normally goes, but that would be my guess. I’ll text him and let him know, and I’ll head over and talk to them.”

I thank Natalie for calling me, and when I hang up, I tap my phone against my chin for a moment.

I have no clue why his parents are here. The text that Stone sent his dad a few days ago was an absolute cutoff in their relationship. Stone even blocked his father’s number so he couldn’t call.

Maybe they’re here to make amends with Stone. Maybe Stone severing the relationship finally made his dad wake up. Maybe they’re worried about him.

I’m an optimist by nature and refuse to believe that they’re here to cause trouble, although I’m not foolish enough to deny that possibility. Regardless, I’m going over there to see what they want and will offer them hospitality at my place until Stone can tell me what to do.

I shoot a quick text to Stone.

Your mom and dad are at the condo. Natalie let them in and they’re waiting outside your door. I’m at the office working, but I’m going over there and will let them into my place until you can tell me what to tell them.

I send the text and wait a few moments to see if Stone responds. When he doesn’t, I assume that he either has his phone off or is unable to look at it. Despite the way we left things last night, I know he would not purposely ignore me about his parents.

I save my work, log off my computer, and grab my purse, keys, and coat. When I exit my office building, I turn my collar up against the brisk wind.

It takes only about five minutes to walk from my office to the condo, and when I make it to the top of the stairs, I lay eyes on Stone’s father. His back is to me and he’s talking with animated hands to a woman I assume is Stone’s mom.

As I proceed down the hall, my movement catches Mrs. Dumelin’s eye, and her husband pivots to face me.

It only takes a second for him to recognize me, and his eyes flare wide before narrowing in anger.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he demands.

Before I can respond, he goes on the attack. “Don’t bother answering that. I’ve got it all figured out. You were fucking Stone and somehow both of you got Brooks to agree to leave his entire estate to his brother. I don’t know how you talked Brooks into it, but I’m not going to stand for these criminal actions.”

I had thought that Mr. Dumelin’s last text to Stone sounded a little bananas, but hearing that type of craziness straight from his mouth is shocking. I actually halt, unsure what to do now. There’s no doubt he is unwilling to have a reasonable, calm conversation.

I figure my best bet is to spin on my heel and head out of there. His parents can sit in the hallway until hell freezes over for all I care. It’s not an option to go to my unit because Mr. Dumelin stands in between me and my door, but besides that… I don’t think I want him knowing I live here. As of this moment, he thinks I’m here to see Stone.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” he snarls, striding down the hall with his fists balled in anger.

“Mason,” Stone’s mother implores, “please… let’s not—”

Mason Dumelin whirls and stomps back toward his wife, who shrinks in fear. “Don’t you fucking start on me, Nancy.”

She apologizes with downcast eyes. “Of course. You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

I frown at the scene playing out in front of me, taking in his aggressive stance, the way he went after her but stopped the minute she apologized.

Is he abusing her? Stone never said that his dad was physical with his mother, but I know he hit Stone and Brooks when they were growing up.

It makes me sick to my stomach but also fills me with a loathing for this man that I didn’t think was possible.

“Leave her alone,” I say with a steady voice, knowing his attention will come back on me and this could get ugly.

Mr. Dumelin whips around, his face mottled with fury that I would dare question him. He comes back after me, long strides down the hallway that eat up the distance between us. “And what the fuck do you know, bitch?”

I hold out my hands and try to speak in a calm, soothing manner. “Mr. Dumelin, I know you’re upset. Perhaps we can sit down and talk about this over coffee.”

He doesn’t stop but continues to barrel toward me. I consider attempting to skirt past him, perhaps get to my own door and open it to let Odin out. But there’s no way I’ll make it if he attacks me.

Stone’s dad moves too close and grabs the lapels of my coat. He spins me around and pushes me into the wall. It’s not hard enough to hurt, but he’s strong enough that I cannot move.

His eyes look wild with insanity. “You cost me a lot of money, you fucking whore, and I’m going to—”

He doesn’t finish the sentence because he’s simply gone. Torn away from me by a massive person who barrels into him like a linebacker taking down a quarterback.

Mr. Dumelin flies to the ground, and it takes me a moment to realize it’s Stone standing there over his dad. He’s sweaty but dressed in jeans, so I know he didn’t go out for a run.

Mason pushes himself up into a sitting position, and rather than ordering him to stay down, Stone actually helps his dad up.

But not by the hand, and not in a nice way.

He grabs his father by fistfuls of his coat, whirls him around just like was done to me moments ago, and shoves him into the wall so hard, it had to hurt.

Stone snarls at his father, “If you ever put your fucking hands on Harlow again, I will end you.”

I’m stunned. He just threatened to kill his own father, although I know rationally, it’s his anger talking.

“Stone,” his mother exclaims as she rushes forward. She puts her hand on Stone’s shoulder. “That’s your father. You talk with respect.”

Mason swivels his head sharply to look at his wife. “I don’t need you defending me, woman.”

Nancy shrinks back and lowers her gaze to the floor. Stone hasn’t taken his eyes off his father, though. He speaks in a low growl that sends a cold shiver up my spine. “I want you to leave and never come back. You are not welcome here or anywhere around me. If you come back, I will call the police.”

Stone doesn’t wait to see if his father nods in agreement. I’m sure he figures his father won’t agree to anything. He starts to loosen his hold, but Mason tries to assert his masculinity and control by shoving Stone’s hands off him. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

I don’t know if Mason is just so self-centered and egotistical that he would never think Stone would do this, but the next thing I know, Stone is ushering his father along the hallway, one hand on the back of his coat and the other on his arm. Mason is no match for his son’s strength, and although he struggles, Stone has no problem dragging him down the stairs. I rush that way and bend over the railing to watch him open the exterior door, shove his dad out onto the sidewalk, and shut it again where it auto locks.

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