Home > Dream Maker (Vegas Vipers #2)(52)

Dream Maker (Vegas Vipers #2)(52)
Author: Stacey Lynn

“How are the baby preparations going then?”

We moved to neutral territory, talking about Garrett and Lizzie and me becoming an aunt. She had a baby shower in two weeks and I’d thought about going down, using it as an excuse to see Joey but if I did, I’d never leave.

I didn’t need everything settled and ready to open as far as the salon went before I saw him again—I just needed to know it was going to happen.

His doorbell rang and he glanced in that direction. “Guys are here.”

“I’ll let you go then. I love you.”

“I love you too—hurry home and soon. Please?”

A thick knot grew in my throat. “I’m working on it.”

“Good. See you soon?”


His screen went black and I sunk back into the pillows behind me.

God, I hope I wasn’t screwing this up.









She wasn’t thirty-seven weeks. Lizzie wasn’t yet thirty-seven weeks.

The babies didn’t care because they were coming.

I’d gotten Garrett’s frantic call this morning, right after my mom went to work. Unfortunately, she was currently investigating an overnight stream of murders, so she couldn’t take off.

I, however, could, so I absolutely did.

“I’m on my way,” I’d told Garrett. “Be there soon.”

While rushing to the airport, I’d texted Joey. Getting first flight down to Las Vegas. Lizzie’s in labor. Can you pick me up at the airport?

I could rent a car, but it would take longer. And who knew if I’d be rested or calm enough to drive.

Already heard and yes. Absolutely. Time?

At first, I’d been surprised by his reaction. Given the circumstances, understandable.

Only, another text came in right after that still had me grinning ear to ear.

I can’t wait to see you. Warning: I might not let you leave.

I love you too. I’d texted back.

Fortunately for him, for us, I wasn’t sure I would leave. Things were moving along and quickly with the salon. Construction on the inside of the building was well underway. I had my Nevada test to take already scheduled, planned around the time of Lizzie’s induction date when I was already going to be there.

Now, though, I was only thinking of Joey as I rushed off the plane and through the Vegas Airport. I dodged other flyers who looked like they partied way too hard and were regretting their life choices as they stumbled, clearly hungover to their gates, until I saw the sign for passenger pickup.

I wasn’t even down the escalator before a tingle spread through my body.

I glanced up and found him immediately.

It didn’t matter he had a worn, well-loved green and gold Vipers ball cap pulled down low over his brow. It didn’t matter he was only wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a short-sleeve plain top. It didn’t matter one single bit he was wearing Adidas black slides on his feet.

He was here.

He must have sensed me too because as I gawked at the man I hadn’t been able to touch and still hadn’t told the full truth to for six weeks, his head rose, and those dark eyes of his I loved and missed so much found me.

His lips parted, and screw this. I shoved—politely—past the couple in front of me who didn’t separate their glued together bodies or mouths as I pushed past them.

I must have blinked, or magic took me to him because in the next second I was in his arms, wrapped in them, his head burrowed against my throat and my face shoved into his chest.

“You’re here.”

His body shook.

Maybe it was mine.

Perhaps an earthquake.

As I tried to pull back so I could see him, touch him, kiss him, he held me tighter.

“I’m here.” I squeezed him back until Joey released his hold and my hands were trembling as I cupped his jaw. “I missed you.”

Dimples appeared, my knees wobbled. I playfully poked one with my fingertip and earned a wider grin.

“I can’t believe you’re here.”

He blurred in my tear-filled eyes. Stupid happy tears. “I’m finally here.”

My grin turned stupid and I rolled to my toes. I kissed him then, meant it as a quick peck but Joey shoved his mouth to mine until we were the ones glued together and mouths fused, right there, the stream of departing passengers shoving their way around us as they stepped off the escalator.

“We should go,” he murmured against my mouth. “Get to the hospital, but you have to know there are a million things I’m going to do with you later and one of them might be not ever letting you leave my sight again.”

The real reason I was here wiped away my smile.

But it was time for truth.

“You might not have to.”

His eyes closed slowly. “Best fucking news I’d heard in a long time.”

“Come on. Has Garrett updated anyone yet? How’s Lizzie?”

“Doing well. They’re trying to slow the labor but it’s not working. Apparently, these Dubiak boys might be stubborn.”

“Can’t be helped. It’s in their DNA make-up.”

“No shit,” Joey joked and flung his arm over my shoulders.

I laughed, but it was brittle. I’d spent the flight and all day a mixture of excitement and worry and fear.

They weren’t thirty-seven weeks yet. This was too early. Things could go wrong. Sensing my impending panic, Joey kissed my temple. “Everyone and everything will be fine. Just like last time she was at the hospital.”

“Right.” Because then, we’d thought she was miscarrying and instead received great news. “Just like last time.”



“Archer and Gavin.” I hugged Lizzie carefully. “They’re perfect.”

“So tiny,” she said and hugged me back. She was so tired.

We’d been at the hospital overnight. I’d refused to leave until the babies came in case there was an emergency but other than being born two weeks earlier than expected, they were perfect.

I hadn’t showered, both Joey and I were still in the clothes from yesterday but this morning, at five-thirty-three and five-forty-two, Archer and Gavin made their entrance into the world.

And they were, like I told Lizzie, absolutely perfect.

“They’ll grow,” I assured her and swiped away tears from my eyes and pulled back. “Their dad is monster-sized. They’ll grow.”

“You’re a pint-sized pain in the ass,” said my monster-sized brother. “And where’s my damn hug? They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me.”

“Oh?” I arched my brow and went to him. “Did you bring them into the world? Did you do all the hard work?”

“No. I did all the fun work.”

All four of us laughed. My mom was on her way, would be here in a few hours. I peered down at the tiny bundle wrapped in blue in my brother’s arm.

“Hey, Archer.” I gently trailed a fingertip over his cheek. “I’m going to be your favorite aunt in the whole world.”

Garrett cleared his throat.

“Shut up,” I mumbled without looking at him. “Just because I’ll be his only aunt doesn’t mean I won’t be his favorite.”

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