Home > A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(22)

A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(22)
Author: Dani Rene

“And now you’re stuck in little, old Thorne Haven,” I say, the sneer on my face is apparent to Jarred, but I turn my eyes to the window. I don’t need her to know I hate being home. As much as I used to enjoy the parties, the guests, and the town itself, my heart is always wandering.

“I think it’s a beautiful town,” she says, and even though my hand hasn’t moved from her leg, she doesn’t ask me to remove it.

“It is if you haven’t spent your whole life there.” Both sets of eyes land on me. There’s no judgment, though, merely curiosity. “Being from a small town where everyone knows your life story isn’t as magical as Hollywood may make it out to be.”

“I didn’t think it was. The same way being seen as someone popular on social media doesn’t make it worthwhile. It’s more of a hinderance to living a normal life than most think.” Zaria’s words slam right into my chest. There is pain, guilt, and heartache entwined in every word.

“It’s the same way the past seems to linger, threatening to break down everything you’ve built. When you look into the future, when you hope for something better, whatever you think you’ve buried, will always come back to haunt you.” This comes from Jarred which surprises me because he’s usually silent about his history. Most times when we talk about his past, when I’ve asked him to tell me more about where he comes from, he’s always been against it. But now, I wonder why he would speak up about it.

“Are you trying to tell me something?” I quirk a brow in question. A flicker of guilt in the silver of those endless orbs tells me I’ve hit the nail on the head. He is hiding something, but he’s not confessing to it just yet which frustrates me. I don’t like liars, and I don’t like secrets.

“Not at all.” He shrugs it off, as if it’s nothing, but I know that’s a lie. He wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t feel guilt. He’s keeping something from me, but I can’t pinpoint why he would. “I just mean that sometimes, the past can suddenly fuck up everything you’ve worked so hard to build. And it usually happens when you least expect it.”

Even though I know he’s right, I don’t respond. I think back to when Nesrin came into our lives. Her father had left, walked out without so much as a goodbye. The secrets of her past came back and slammed right through our family, ensuring that everything hidden was made visible. It turns out her father was a lying, cheating bastard. He left his family for something better, or something worse. We don’t know where he is, even though I know my father tried to find him. Not for anything other than to put Nesrin’s mind at ease. But when every PI came back empty-handed, Dad gave up the search.

My stepsister, and sister-in-law, both in one, is no stranger to hidden truths. And she’s doing okay. Better than that, she’s happy now. And I hope that one day, Jarred will overcome whatever is bothering him. As much as I want to be there for him, annoyance has a hold of me. I’ve told him as much, time and again. But he’s stubborn.

I guess keeping secrets runs through the people of Thorne Haven. We’re not the easiest people to get along with.

“Why are you holding my leg?” Zaria whispers in my ear, the heat of her breath fanning over my neck and sending desire coursing through me. I glance over at the raven-haired beauty and smile.

“Because I feel like it, and you’re mine, so I’ll touch you whenever and wherever I please,” I inform her. It’s not a lie. She is mine. My future. It’s the same with Jarred, but with him, it’s mostly kept in private.

“I didn’t consent to your hands on me,” she responds easily.

I can’t stop the tilt at the corners of my mouth. “And I didn’t ask for permission.”

“You’re a bastard.” Zaria throws me an insult I’ve heard a few times before. Most girls and women call me other names—asshole, playboy, joker. But I’ll answer to any. I’m proud of who I am, even though I hide my relationship with Jarred, I only do it to keep him safe. That’s what I tell myself anyway.

“I know.” I release her leg and pick up my tumbler. I swallow back my drink and turn toward the window. “There’s no need to tell me things I already know about myself.”

“It seems you’ve accepted people’s opinion of you.” Her voice is low enough for only me to hear, but we’re in a small space, and I know Jarred heard her as well. There’s no doubt from the stifled chuckle that comes from the seat opposite me.

“I learned when I was young never to argue with fools,” I tell her, turning my gaze back to lock on hers. Those golden eyes shimmer as they regard me.

“It’s a good lesson to learn,” Zaria comments, before offering me a smile. I’ve never been one to stare at women. I’ve looked, I’ve planned, and I’ve conquered, but when this woman gifts me with a perfectly genuine smile, I can’t help but take notice. I flick my gaze between her and Jarred, and I note that he’s seen it too.

Tipping my head toward her, I grip her chin and hold her stare before I speak. “It is. I’m guessing you’ve also come to that conclusion?”

She locks those glimmering orbs on me and says confidently, “I did. I’ve learned a few hard lessons while growing up. But it didn’t stop me from pushing past those boundaries that had been set for me.”

When she first walked into the manor, I thought she was nothing more than one of those fake plastic dolls, who love to show off their perfect smiles and perfect bodies. Her following is enormous, and her photos come across as plastic as the masks that most people slide in place. But Zaria is different. I noticed it before, and now that we’re here, alone in close proximity, I once again see right through her social façade.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I say. “Jarred and I have found a connection through the difficult times we’ve both gotten through.”

“You’ve been through difficult times?” she teases with an amused smile.

I can’t help but lean in, bringing my lips to hers, but I don’t kiss her. Instead, I say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” It’s the same words she gave me a few days ago when I spoke to her via her private messages. She responded and then went offline, leaving me hanging in the darkness. I recall that night with clarity, lying in bed, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, and glaring at the screen.

Zaria’s lips curve up at the corners. “Touché.”

I release her and sit back. My eyes turn to Jarred, who’s sitting quietly. The silence that follows our conversation is heavy with something I can’t quite put my finger on, and it’s coming from Jarred.

The pilot announces that we’ll be landing soon, and I note how his shoulders tense and his jaw ticks. I run through the possibilities in my mind, wondering what could be bothering him, but nothing makes sense. Jarred didn’t say anything when I mentioned Tynewood, so it can’t be the fact that we’re going there. He’s never said anything about a fear of flying, not even when we boarded, so I rule that out too.

But when those silver eyes lock on mine, I see it—fear. I want to ask him what the problem is, but I don’t because, seconds later, we’re descending toward the small town of Tynewood.

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