Home > A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(26)

A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(26)
Author: Dani Rene

“Twenty-five percent?”

“We have to ensure we’re running at a profit,” I tell him. Even though they’ll pay full price for installation, it’s the running of the systems that need constant monitoring. When it comes to criminal organizations, you can’t leave anything to chance.

“Understandable,” he responds, before turning the page and screening what’s written there. I did read through it; it’s a standard agreement, which shouldn’t be an issue. “What are your thoughts on joining the Sovereign?”

“It depends on a few things,” I tell him. “My father and I still need to discuss it. I only learned about it yesterday.” The fact that my dad didn’t think it would be advisable to talk me through the Society beforehand frustrates me. But, there must be benefits or it would have been shut down years ago.

“It’s a good place to be,” Ares says. “I’ve wanted to be one of the Elders since I was a kid. My father, however, used the society for his own perverse intentions. I run it differently.”

“Why the hate between the Gilded Sovereign and Silver faction?” I ask. It’s something that’s been bothering me since I heard about the two factions.

A small smile dances on Ares’s lips. “All men are prideful bastards,” he tells me. “It’s nothing more and nothing less than that.” With a shrug, he chuckles then picks up the shimmering gold pen and signs the last page of the contract before initialing each one separately.

“Perhaps I’ll join then,” I tell him. “Pride may be a sin, but I’ve never been afraid of breaking the rules.” We smile, a knowing one that confirms we both have similar ideals.

“We will welcome you,” he says. “I think both factions need new blood and that will ensure we bring down the old mindsets of our fathers and forefathers. They ran the society like a goddamned criminal organization. I like to keep my nose clean, to a certain extent.”

“Once I get back, I’ll sit down with my father and talk to him about it. We can confirm in forty-eight hours.”

Ares nods before pushing to his feet. “I’m sorry you couldn’t stay longer. Perhaps in the future you can visit with your new wife and Jarred.”

“I don’t know about him, but thank you for the offer.”

Ares laughs. “Trust me when I say Jarred is stubborn. He won’t give up easily.”

I leave it at that because I’m just as stubborn. This will be an interesting few days.









The moment of heartache that slams into his chest is obvious. I see it shimmering in his perfectly dark eyes. I never thought this secret would come out. But there comes a time in everyone’s life when they need to face their demons. This is mine.

Finn stands silently as the chill in the air hits us. Zaria stands just behind him, watching, waiting, confusion creasing her brows. The ghosts of the past join us as we stare at each other.

“You’re from here,” Finn says again. His words are carried on the wind toward me. He doesn’t come near me, but as I hold onto the ice-cold tombstone, I nod. “And my father knew, which is why you’re here in the first place.”

The guilt that weighed heavily on me for months, for years, finally comes to a head and I don’t know how else to tell Finn that I lied to keep him with me.

I don’t have words. I can’t bring myself to say anything to him because I know he’ll walk away and there is nothing I can do now, but to let him go.

“I never deserved you,” I tell him honestly. “All these years, I knew that. But I took you anyway.” My throat closes with heartbreak and pain. “I needed to keep part of myself from you to safeguard our hearts.”

“This was never about that. You know I accepted you for all that you were,” Finn insists. And that may be true, but I don’t know how to fix this.

“I was scared,” I whisper. It’s a quite admission, but I know he hears it. I want to go to him, to bend him over a tombstone and fuck him into submission. To make sure he knows that he’s mine. I glance at Zaria, her eyes shimmer. Even at this distance, I can tell she’s just as hurt as Finn.

The past few days we’ve grown closer, there were some things I told them that I’ve never told anyone else. But the one thing I didn’t admit to was what I had done. The wealth I was born into didn’t fix my mistake. I had to suffer alone, and I did, for a long time.

Until him.

Until I found solace in Thorne Haven.

“You’re just like her,” Finn finally spits, his words hitting me right in the chest. I know who he’s talking about, and since he told us the story, Zaria knows who he’s talking about as well.

“I never left you,” I tell him. “I didn’t give up on us, on life.” My words cause him to wince. It’s the truth though. They say the truth hurts, and I’ve seen it so many times before. The destruction a few words can bring is nothing like a fist to the face. Perhaps that’s why there are so many broken people out there. They’re all searching for happiness. But just one simple phrase could shatter everything they built.

“Don’t you dare—”

“Leave Finn,” I tell him, my anger and pain taking a hold of me. Like I always do, I push those who care about me away. But this time, his father forced the situation on us. “It’s what everyone does.” My words may come across as confident, but my hurt forces them from my lips. I don’t mean it, not with him. And he should know it. At least I hope he does.

“Why did you lie?” He steps closer now, and all I want to do is pull him even closer. “Why did you not tell me that you’re part of the same society my family is? Did you think I would send you away? Did you think my feelings for you were so fucking fleeting that I’d just change my mind and tell you to fuck off?” With every question, Finn shoves at my chest until my back hits a trunk of the large oak tree behind me. He’s inches from me, I can feel the heat radiating off him.

“Finn, stop,” Zaria pleads with him, her hand on his arm, and it’s only then that rage clears from those dark eyes. I don’t blame him for being angry. I would be too. And I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to walk away.

“Why? Just tell me the fuck why, Jarred?” His voice cracks with the betrayal of what I did. Even though I never initiated into the Gilded Sovereign, I am still one of the sons born to the legacy. And it’s a well-known fact that the two societies may work in sync, but we’re rivals at the best of times. “Why, Jarred?” Finn asks again, this time through clenched teeth.

“Because I didn’t want to lose you,” I shout to the darkness, to the ghosts that listen as we fight. The truth spilling from my lips as easily as a damn volcano erupting in its anger.

Finn doesn’t respond. He just looks at me as if I were a stranger and that hurts more than seeing him walk away. Over the years, we’ve come to know each other, we’ve had our arguments, our debates, and challenges, but this, the cold look in his eye, it’s new. And it slices a hole right through my gut.

“We’re going to head back to Thorne Haven,” he says, gesturing to Zaria. “I think it’s best if you stayed here, perhaps thought about what it is you need and want in your life. If it’s not us, then I’m not sure what else I can say to you.”

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