Home > A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(31)

A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(31)
Author: Dani Rene

As Ares explains the situation that occurred within his own family, I wonder if Finn’s mother left because of the society. Perhaps she knew about it and wasn’t happy that Bradford chose his youngest son to become a part of a group of men who thought they could rule the law, the government, and the country, with violence and destruction.

“We’ll have the plane ready for you.” Philipe speaks this time. “It will take you straight to Thorne Haven. From there, you’ll need to talk to Finn. You’ll have twenty-four hours before my brother has to make the call,” he tells me.

I’m sure that will be enough time to get Finn to read what I hold in my hands. If I have to tie him up and shove this in his face, I’ll do it. Anything to save him from making an uninformed decision.

“Thank you,” I say to them both. With every moment that passes, I know I’m running out of time. I have to get there and do this as quickly as possible. “I don’t know what to say.” I’m grateful they’re offering me a second chance, it’s not something that comes with the Society.

“You know we will always have your back,” Ares tells me as we all stand. We walk out to the front door, where my suitcases are waiting. Thankfully the butler brought them down. “The car will take you to the airstrip.”

“I’ll be in touch,” I tell Ares before we say our goodbyes. In the car, my stomach tightens with anxiety as I try calling Finn again. The call is dropped within the first two rings. He’s been ignoring me since he left. Even when I leave voicemails, he doesn’t listen to them. But I try once more. “Finn, I need you to talk to me. I have information that you need to hear about the wedding.” When I hang up, I pray that he stops being angry long enough to listen to the message.

I sit back and watch the town pass by. It’s just as gothic and disturbing as Thorne Haven. With an enormous woodland surrounding it, the little oasis in the center is nothing more than a blip on a map, but it holds more secrets than anywhere else.

In a few hours, I’ll be home. I still consider Thorne Haven and the manor my home. Even though I didn’t grow up there, it’s kept me safe, it’s given me a second chance, and it’s given me a love I can’t lose.

I check my phone again, but there’s no reply from Finn. When I check Zaria’s social media, I notice she’s not posted in a few days. The last image on her profile is her arriving in Tynewood.

I open my news app to see what’s been happening in the world. At times, when I’m lost in my mind, I forget there’s a world out there. The first story that pops up is of Zaria’s mother. But it’s most certainly not what I’m expecting to read because this is going to break her heart.

“Shit,” I mumble. The woman has already remarried. It’s only been a short while since her husband passed away and she’s moved on. It makes no sense. But when I see the photo of the man beside her, the world stops and my breath is stuck in my lungs.

There is no doubt about who he is because his daughter looks just like him.









I didn’t expect to see Jarred again for at least a few weeks. When I left him in Tynewood, I told him I needed space. But as I pull open the office door, I find him sitting opposite my desk. He turns to regard me when I step into the room.

He’s dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt that shows off his inked arms. All the time we’ve been together, I’ve always loved how he was like a walking canvas. When I make it to my desk, I stop and turn to him.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him as I slip into my chair. Even though I’m trying to keep my tone calm, there’s a hint of frustration at seeing him. I’m still angry he kept a whole part of who he is from me.

“Did you not listen to my voice message?” Jarred asks, his eyes glowing with frustration. The silver turning to ice as he regards me. I’ve learned to read him like a book, and I know that most times, I drive him up the wall because I can be overly stubborn.

“No.” I open my laptop, ignoring him for a moment before I glance his way. “If you need to tell me something, do so now. I’m busy.”

“Don’t be a dick.”

“Don’t be a dick?” Incredulity drips from my words. “I’m the one you lied to for all the time we’ve known each other. Fuck you,” I bite out. “I am allowed to be fucking angry at you because I trusted you. I told you things I haven’t even told my brothers and you sat there, hiding shit from me.”

“I deserve that,” Jarred agrees with a nod. “But if you grew up in that bullshit secret society, rules and regulations, you’d understand why it’s part of my life I wanted to put behind me.”

People think growing up wealthy is easy. They believe that everything falls into your lap without consequence, but it’s the complete opposite. All the opportunities that come from a family name or legacy, all those perks that appear without you having to lift a finger, they come with terms and conditions.

“Fine. You’re forgiven,” I tell him with a nonchalant shrug.

“Don’t bullshit me,” Jarred responds as he pushes to his feet. “You’re angry, I can see it written all over your face. You need to listen to me, to really understand,” he insists, so I wave a hand for him to continue. “When I was growing up, there was only one path for my future, one I didn’t want. And even though I told my father I wasn’t interested in the society, he told me that if I didn’t want in, I could leave.”

“So you left,” I finish for him. “I’m not angry about anything other than you lying to me. My father found out and sent you along on the trip, so I could find out, and trust me, I’m going to talk to him about that,” I say, before leaning my elbows on the desk. “I’m angry because someone I loved, someone that I gave my fucking heart to lied to me.” I’d never told Jarred I loved him. Ever. He knew, I was sure of it, but I never once brought myself to utter the words. They weren’t who I was. And even now, it’s foreign to talk about my feelings.

Jarred’s mouth pops open, shock painting his handsome face. The glint of his piercing shimmering in the sunlight that streams through the windows.

I can’t draw my attention away, but the office door opens, and I glance Zaria leaning on the door frame. “Come in,” I call to her, so she can shut us in for privacy. I don’t like the staff being able to listen in on my conversations. They’re usually pretty good and will close the door if I’m in here, but right now, there’s a lot to discuss.

Zaria smiles at Jarred who seems perturbed that she’s here. “I think you need to see this,” Jarred says, without greeting her, and sets a folder on my desk. It’s thick. When I pick it up, I glance at him, but there’s not a hint of what’s in there for me to find.

Sighing, I flick open the cover and find police reports, agreements, and photos, profiling the newlywed couple. The images I find are different to those that were on the website. But it’s clear that it’s Zaria’s mother and her new husband.

I turn a few pages to find an agreement between the society and my father, as well as Zaria’s mother. She was the one who came to Bradford and asked for me to marry her daughter. It goes on to state that I will soon take my father’s seat with the Elders of the Silver Society. All of this is foreign to me because I only learned about them a few days ago.

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