Home > A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(30)

A Death to Seek (Thornes & Roses #3)(30)
Author: Dani Rene



I spent most of my life running away. I don’t recall a time I stood up for myself, for what I wanted. Instead of fighting, I always turn my back and leave. It’s easier that way. But it’s been five days without Finn and Zaria, and I miss the connection I felt. I have to go back.

I try calling Finn one more time, but he doesn’t answer. Since he and I started our affair, we haven’t been apart for longer than a week. The last time was when he had to go to London to see Damien. Other than that, we spend every day together. And because I have the ruse of working at Thorne Manor, I’m able to see him whenever I want. But this distance that’s between us, the emotional separation is difficult.

But with Finn leaving me in Tynewood, I have time to think. Too much time. And I have finally figured out what it is I want. I know he will never take me back. That is, if I never do anything about it, he will accept the fact and move on.

I can’t accept it.

I won’t let what I have with Finn die, just like everything else in my past.

Stalking down the hallway, I make my way to the office, where I know I’ll find Ares. The Lancasters have been good friends with my father for years. And even though I didn’t want the life that I was born into, Ares was still a good man, and one that I know will help me.

I knock twice before pushing open the door to find him and Philipe, his older brother, sitting on the sofas near the fire. I shut the door and move deeper into the antique-filled room.

“It’s good to see you,” Philipe says, pushing to his feet and offering his hand, which I accept with a smile. We shake once in greeting. “I didn’t think you’d ever return to Tynewood.” He’s right, not even I thought I would ever come back. But I didn’t have a choice. It was taken from me. But I don’t tell him that.

“Same. How’s the Big Apple treating you?” He is the eldest of the four who run the Gilded Sovereign. Being the first born, he was to step into his father’s shoes. But I get the impression that Ares has been holding it together while his brother runs a club in New York.

“It’s busy,” he admits. “I’m opening three more venues over the next few months, so I’ll be away. I thought I should come and see how my little brother is doing before I disappear into the club scene for six months.”

“And he wanted to make sure I haven’t killed anyone,” Ares throws in as he leans back and settles his ankle on the opposite knee. He looks like a king. He has the air of a ruler, and I wonder why Philipe doesn’t just walk away from the Sovereign. It’s something I would do. Which is what I’m doing in his office.

“I need your help with something,” I say, glancing at one of my oldest friends. Even though I left Tynewood, I know I can always come back here, and the Sovereign have to help. My father walked out, leaving this life, and living in the next town over. When he left me with the Birchwoods, I thought my life was over, but I realized he only wanted me to become part of a society that could propel me forward in life.

“Anything for you, Jarred,” Ares says. “Sit. Let’s talk and I’ll see how the Sovereign can help you.” With connections all over the world, in every city on every continent, they have grown substantially since I last heard about them. Growing up, we were to learn about the traditions, the rules, and all we can achieve as part of the Society. But I didn’t go through with it. Instead, I focused on the normal life I believed I wanted.

“I need to get back to Thorne Haven, but I want to go back with an offer,” I tell Ares. Philipe settles on the opposite sofa, in his hand a tumbler with bourbon. The scent is strong, and I want to smile at the fact that he’s drinking at midday. I suppose when you’re used to the lifestyle of partying non-stop, you pick up certain habits.

“And what offer would you like to give the Thornes?” Ares seems interested, so all I can do is pray he’ll allow me to take my place in the Sovereign and do what is required of me. Whatever that may be.

If I can become one of them, I can impress Bradford, but I can also put myself on Finn’s level. I can show him that I did lie, but I changed who I am to be with him. And being part of the society will give me the option to offer Finn the chance to live a life he wants.

I take a deep breath and dive right into my favor. “I’d like to go to the Elders of the Silver Sovereign and offer myself to them in place of Finn Thorne.”


Ares watches me for a long moment before glancing over at his brother. I know they will have to talk about it. This isn’t a decision they can take lightly. Being born as part of the Gilded, I should become one of them. But with me asking to leave them and join another society, it’s against all the rules. They may work together to run the world, but they don’t like each other. It’s all part of the business. Agreements set in place thousands of years ago.

The reason I’m asking this is because if I become one of them, Finn can just be him. He doesn’t need to do anything that is requested of him. And as I pray that they will accept my choice, I hope it’s not too late.

Finn will have to get his tattoo soon. Each one of them branded to the society. They no longer belong to themselves. Every decision they make is bound by the law that doesn’t follow rules. It’s all bullshit.

“I’m concerned,” Ares says as he turns to me again. “I’ve spoken with Bradford, and it seems that the girl, Zaria, is to marry Finn. Now, I didn’t tell Finn this because his father requested it of me and I cannot go against a promise I’ve made.”

Concern rattles me. I thought Zaria was honest, that she was real. I’ve seen her talk about her life, about her family, and none of it seemed off, but I wait for Ares to continue.

“Her mother wants this wedding to go through because of his connection to the society,” Ares tells me and my chest tightens. “The agreement was that the moment Finn takes on his role within the Silver Sovereign, his position would ensure their security for the family company.”

“I don’t understand. Zaria’s father had a lucrative business that is doing well, even after his death.” Nothing makes sense. My confusion has taken on a whole new high now. I know the Abadi chain was making more money than ever before. Her mother is at the helm, running it so they don’t lose anything. Even if Zaria didn’t marry Finn.

Ares pushes to his feet and heads for his desk. He picks up a folder and brings it over to me. “This is what I was given. There has to be a decision from my side before Finn completes his initiation. Perhaps you can take this to him, talk to him and see what his choice is. I don’t want him to be integrated into a society he doesn’t want. I was born for this; I’ve always wanted it. But I’m not my father, I will not force anyone to join if they don’t want to.”

“I don’t understand how you could sway the Elders. What could you say that would change their minds? And why is it Finn and not Damien that takes the seat?” I know the rules of the Gilded, the eldest son will always step up into the role the father played.

“Bradford, like Abner, was an Elder. He chose to put Finn in his position when he stepped down. Because he was an Elder, he made sure that Damien and Cassian would not be called on,” Ares explains, then he shakes his head. “It’s not an easy decision for any parent, I know it broke my family up. My mother was angry with my father for even considering having both me and Philipe step up into his seat, the only difference is, it didn’t end well for my parents.”

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