Home > Hollywood (Oath Keepers MC Hybrid)(30)

Hollywood (Oath Keepers MC Hybrid)(30)
Author: Sapphire Knight

“Sweetheart, I’ve thought of you as my woman from the moment I felt your mouth against mine. As for Trixie, well, that little squirt wormed her way into my heart the moment she told me I could call her princess. I’m not sure of a lot in my life, but I’m damn sure you two are meant to be mine. Another thing, Hollywood, don’t ever sell yourself short. You’re more beautiful than any other woman I’ve dated. You’re not only pretty on the outside, but you’ve also got it on the inside where it matters most.”

She watches me quietly, setting my nerves on edge. She could decide I’m not what she wants and leave in the next beat. If I’m lucky, she’ll at least stick around long enough to give me a fighting chance, but there’s no telling. Hollywood is a rebel and does things on her watch and no one else’s. If she’s not feeling it, I don’t doubt for a moment she’ll let me know. It’ll most likely break my fucking heart, but I’ll deal. Somehow.

“Say something, baby,” I practically plea, not a fan of being kept waiting. She’s got me by the balls, and it’s a feeling I haven’t allowed myself to experience since Kadence was a little girl.

“No more lies,” she orders seriously, and my lips spread into a wide smile. Even if she’s only giving me an inch, I’ll take it.

“You got it. I’ll keep it straight with you, sweetheart. You have my word.”

“And you’ll tell me if we’re cramping your style? I don’t want you to think we’re a burden or using you because that’s not it. I earn my own money, and I always will.”

“I know you do, part of the reason I respect you so damn much. You do whatever you need, to provide for you and your kid. That’s pretty damn amazing in my eyes.” Perhaps down the road, she can have a business of some type to call her own, but I’ll leave that for the future. Bringing it up now would put her in defensive mode.

She finally allows a smile to break free. “You think so?”

“Hell, yeah, I do. However, if there’s anything you need, you let me know. I’m not trying to become a sugar daddy, but I want you to know you can always come to me. I want you to count on me. I can handle it.”

“Thank you,” she whispers and stands. She comes around the table, removing the distance between us.

It’s about damn time. I slide back enough so she can fit on my lap. She straddles me, our noses nearly touching as she watches me. She’s still a little skittish after finding out about my background, but it’ll melt away with a bit of time, and I’ll get her back completely. She’s showing me she’s willing to accept me for the man I am, and it means anything is possible with us.

“I’m so lucky I came across you. It was fate,” I murmur, rubbing my nose against the tip of hers.

“It was something, all right. Not sure if it was fate or your stubbornness.”

She makes me laugh, and it further breaks the ice. My hand moves to the back of her neck, holding her in place. I take her mouth in a passionate kiss, wanting to convey everything she makes me feel for her. I’ve learned it’s not like the first time I fell for my wife because things with Hollywood are different. My feelings are somehow more if that makes any sense. It’s the only way I can explain it. I have faith and trust in her, and those qualities alone are extremely significant to me.

My free hand cups her jaw, cradling it as I get lost in our tongues coming together. The heat inside me builds until a cool sweat breaks out along my spine. “I want you,” I confess against her mouth. Her scent, her taste, everything, it drives me wild for her. “I don’t think I’ll ever get my fill of you, beautiful.”

“Well, considering we’re about to live together, I’d say it’s a good thing.” She laughs, and I kiss her smile away. My free hand moves under the t-shirt dwarfing her frame. I went out and got her some basics from the store, but she’s been utilizing my t-shirts as well. I like the way my stuff looks on her and how she took it over without a second thought.

“Is Trixie okay without us for a little while?” I know whoever’s in the clubhouse will make sure she’s okay, but I still want to ask so she knows I think of them both.

She nods. “Cherry’s watching her. You want to sneak to the room?” Her gaze sparkles with heat and mischief.

“No, sweetheart, I want you here and now.” I shift her around until we can get her shorts and panties free and push my jeans far enough my cock can finally fill her again. Good thing she’s not shy because I have a feeling sooner than later, my brothers will be watching me claim my ol’ lady.

The thought brings warmth and pride to my chest.

I’ve finally found my woman.



Lockdown eventually comes to an end, and the three of us get moved into our new place. I watch Trixie blossom before my eyes. She thrives in this stability as does her mom. If I’d known life could be like it is now, I’d have tried to get Hollywood out of the RBMC clubhouse sooner.

We haven’t been able to stop in for a beer yet, the repairs have been taking longer than expected, unfortunately. I still keep in touch with Ripper and his brothers to shoot the shit, though. They’ve become a group I consider friends over the years of me stopping through to visit their club, and that won’t change anytime soon. I may have stolen their bartender away, but she left on good terms, so they always ask how she’s doing. Someday, I’ll bring her by for a visit, but for now, we’re simply happy to get settled into our own space and routine.

It’s been many years since I’ve lived with a woman, and I’m relearning the meaning of the never-ending honey-do list. I don’t mind at all. On the contrary, it’s exactly what I’ve been needing all this time. I was searching for more family in the name of peace and didn’t realize it. Hollywood and Trixie make my life better, and I can only hope I do the same for them.

We had church earlier, and I’d asked for a vote for my woman. It’s official, she’s got every brother backing her on being mine in the eyes of the club. I have to finish my claim on her to make it a forever deal. I need to figure out a way that the claiming is public yet doesn’t make my jealousy rear its ugly head in the process. I don’t want something that’s supposed to be celebratory to turn ugly because I show her body off in front of others. I’ll think of something, I have to.

My thoughts are interrupted as noise outside draws everyone’s attention. We glance around each other, wondering what the fuck is going on. Blaze flashes a twisted grin, “I thought it was only one female wanting in.”

Odin flashes him a glare. “The fuck did you do now, Blaze? I thought we agreed no more kidnapping women.”

Saint laughs giddily. “I can take care of it, prez.” He looks to Viking, but our prez just shakes his head.

“Torch. Chaos,” he orders with a sigh. “Go see what the fuck’s going on.”

We quickly make our way outside to discover the parking lot’s been flooded with an array of colorful bikes. They don’t belong to us, which is a screaming red flag if I ever saw one. The entire club before us is leather-clad females. Before the first one climbs from her motorcycle, I know exactly who they are. I swiftly shoot the brothers a text, telling them to come check this out for themselves.

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