Home > The Life : Sacrifice(75)

The Life : Sacrifice(75)
Author: Jordan Silver

I found no joy in the mountain of gifts I received and was barely cognizant of the festivities, same as last year, only last year we were all still caught up in finding her, so things weren’t as jolly as they are this time around. I can’t blame my family for moving on with their lives. That’s a dick move. But I can’t help sitting here in a roomful of people and feeling lonelier than I ever have.

The one good thing about feeling like this is that it fires up my revenge gene. I use all my anger and frustration to keep going and keep coming up with worse ways to bring down my prey. The more I dig into these people, the more disgusting I become. Luna, as I thought, isn’t the only one involved in the trafficking scheme. In fact, there are more players at work there than I first thought, according to Memnon.

He’s been plugging away on that for me while taking care of whatever else he’s into, which I appreciate, but now I’m getting just a little antsy that he might uncover something that would tip him off even more to what I’m doing. I’ve tried to keep the two things separate, my plots against Ricci and what he was doing to uncover Luna’s dark dealings, but I now realize that at some point, the two will intersect.

I waited until the house was dark and everyone was asleep hours later. I was going in alone this time, didn’t want any hangers-on sending back news because Pop would for sure lose his mind this time if he knew I was planning to walk into the enemy’s midst.

The reason I’ve been stringing Sal along was to give him a false sense of security. No fast moves; show no interest, so he’d never guess that I was leading him into doing what I want. We were there now because he was dying for his grandson, me, to be close. I’ve denied him that, keeping him at arm’s length until I move in for the kill. It was time to see Ricci face to face, time to start bringing his world down around his ears.



It was still early when I landed in Palermo the day after Xmas. St. Stephens day is big with Italians and Sicilians alike. I knew what plans the Ricci family had because Sal had never removed my ‘gift’ since the day I gave it to him. He has no idea that I can hear everything that goes on in his house within his range.

I know he’d kept his word not to tell Ricci about meeting me. I also know he’s been talking to his consigliere about me without giving too much away. I’m supposedly a long-lost relative that he wanted to write into his will. I’m guessing he’s not the most trusting soul because he’s known this man for over thirty years, and he didn’t come right out and tell him who I was or anything else about me, really. I also know he's been doing his best to find me, but so far, all he's got is what I want him to have.

I’ve even been privy to his conversations with his sons and the rest of his family, which gave me great insight into their relationships. This time I stayed at the hotel where we’d met the last time because I didn’t plan to be there for long. He had no idea I was coming because I’d told him last minute that I may not be able to make it after all because of school and my family not wanting me to leave this close to the holiday.

I knew that he would want me here even more so that by the time I call him, he’d move heaven and earth to see me. I spent the whole day putting the finishing touches on my plan for the night before getting dressed to go out. I walked a little ways away from the hotel before pulling the burner phone I’d been using to talk to Sal.

“Nannu, I’m here!”

“Ah, you’ve come. The family is having a party....”

“Oh, I don’t want to intrude. I guess I’ll see you next time I’m here.”

“No-no, what do you mean? Where do you go?”

“I don’t think I should stay here much longer. It seems kinda dangerous; I heard the stories, but….”

“Dangerous? What dangerous?”

“Um, it’s not that important; someone just tried to rob me, is all.”

“Niputi, are you okay? Where are you?” | gave him the name of the street. “I know this place; I will come to you, you stay, are they gone, the ones who did this?”

“Yes, I got away from them.”

He said something in rapid Sicilian then promised to be here in ten minutes. I hung up the phone and waited. Tonight is the perfect time, is right. It’s one of the only nights I’m sure to find all the players in this farce together. It’s one of the things I’d learned while eavesdropping.

Last night was all about family, but today and tonight are for friends to join in the fun. This works out perfectly because I’d been straining my brain trying to find a way to get them all together. I made up the lie about the attempted robbery to add a sense of urgency. This way, Sal won’t worry about me meeting his son or why I was okay with it, given the circumstances.

True to his word, he was there in less than ten minutes. His goons looked around as if expecting to see my fictitious attackers while Sal ushered me into his chauffeur-driven car. “Ah, you weren’t hurt. This is good. My men will take care of it—no need to worry. We’ll find who, and it will be done. After tonight they will know who you are; no one will bother you, here again, ever. I stake my word on this.”

I just nodded and showed no signs of weakness, not that I have any. But, a man like Sal takes great pride in those around him being strong. Since I know his son and only grandson are not up to par, I go out of my way to show him just how different I am to them, how capable. “It’s no worry. They were just boys. They probably just saw the stupid American and thought I was an easy mark.”

“How did you change their minds?” I just held up my fist with a smirk. He nodded his head with a beaming smile. Are all grandfathers like this?

I didn’t think I would react this way when we pulled through the gates of his palazzo. I didn’t expect the hit to the gut or to feel choked up. It was here, twenty years ago, that I was conceived, though I hate associating such a pure word with the atrocities that took place here.

We drove down the long winding driveway, and it was all I could do to keep the rage contained. I folded my fists out of his view and gritted my teeth against the cry of rage that lodged itself in my throat. “We’re here. It’s okay, do not be afraid, I’ve decided what should be done. Alonzo will know now, but not to worry. I’m here.”

As if I’m afraid of his spawn. I hope he has a heart attack at the sight of me and dies. No, that’s too easy. It looked like every light was on in the gargantuan palazzo, and through the huge windows in one of the rooms on the first floor, I could see people standing around with flutes of champagne in their hands as they talked and laughed. Was it like this that night? I shook my head to dislodge those thoughts. I can’t walk in hot, or no one would survive the night. I didn’t come here for that, not yet.

No one seemed to notice our entrance at first, but as if pulled by some invisible string, they turned one by one to see the two of us standing there in the doorway flanked by his goons. The whispers started, and exclamations of ‘who is he’ rang across the room as they got a good look at my face. Even the live band seemed to have started playing lower until the music was barely above a soft din.

Alonzo started to come forward, his eyes glued to my face. No doubt he thought I was some long-lost brother, a bastard of Sal’s. “Everyone, this is my grandson, Gabe, from America.”

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