Home > Tight Ends & Tiaras (Varsity Dads #2)(25)

Tight Ends & Tiaras (Varsity Dads #2)(25)
Author: Lex Martin

Not that Janelle is a priority exactly, but she is Lily’s mama, and having grown up without a mom, I would never wish that on my daughter.

The kid kicks and squirms, eager to get out of my arms. I hoist her up so she’s standing on my legs and can get a good look at the lake, but I wrap an arm around her so she’s secure.

“Check out Sienna, baby. Are you gonna ski like her?” I soften my voice, and she stills, so I keep going. “Bet you’re gonna be super athletic, huh? You’ve got powerful legs. You could snowski or waterski. Or be a kicker on my football team.”

I chuckle at that thought. I’m sure I’d have my heart in my throat the whole time I’d watch her do any of those activities, hating the thought she could get hurt, but it’s probably unreasonable to cover her in bubble wrap and lock her in her room until she’s thirty.

Sienna does a few more tricks and then drags her sexy ass onto the boat. What was that old movie? Fast Times at Ridgemont High? My older cousin was always talking about that movie and how hot Phoebe Cates looked in a bikini. But that actress has nothing on Sienna. This girl is so effortlessly sexy, I want to eat her up.

She tosses off her life vest while chatting with Olly and Johnny, who are both complimenting her crazy skills, but I’m so entranced by her, I don’t hear their conversation.

Water slicks down her tight little body, and then she pulls her hair out of that wet bun, and it goes trailing down her shoulders. Over her mouthwatering tits that are pebbled so hard, they’re like beacons through her wet bikini top.

But then—wakeup call—my kid, who’s still standing on my thighs, nearly takes out one of my nuts, reminding me that I can’t be perving on Sienna when I have bigger fish to fry.

Sienna towels off, laughing and exclaiming how much fun she had on the water. We circle back for her other ski, and Johnny scoops it up and starts explaining what Janelle needs to do.

When Sienna drops down next to me, I lean toward her. “Where the hell did you learn to ski like that?”

The question must catch her off guard because she nibbles her bottom lip. “My dad’s friend. He toured, doing exhibitions and competitions.” She shrugs. “I spent a summer in Tahoe when my parents were in the middle of their divorce, and I got ski lessons from my dad’s buddy.”

Huh. Not what I thought she was gonna say. “As great as you ski, that’s kind of a shitty tradeoff.”

“The worst part is I didn’t know they were getting a divorce until I got home and all of my dad’s stuff was gone.”


“Sorry to hear that, sunshine.” I hook my arm around her shoulders and pull her in for a hug. I don’t know why I’m always hugging this woman. I’m not exactly known for being affectionate, but I hate seeing anything other than a smile on her beautiful face.

Which reminds me... “What was that quote you yelled before you jumped in the lake earlier?”

“A line by Ralph Waldo Emerson. To me it means living life to the fullest. Without regrets. Without always looking in the rearview mirror or questioning your intentions.”

There’s something really attractive about a confident woman. Not to mention I love that she’s so damn smart.

Lily turns to her and claps. “Wok. Wok. On wa-wa.”

Sienna and I stare at each other as we try to decipher what the midget said. “Walk on water?” Sienna says. “Oh, she saw me ski and thinks I walked on water. Aww.” She takes Lily from my arms and points out to the lake. “See that guy over there? He’s skiing. It’s like walking on water.”

My daughter starts babbling and looks to me excitedly, and it feels so good to not have her frowning at me or crying, I laugh. “You gonna ski when you get older, peanut?”

She hops up and down and claps and jams her fist in her mouth.

“Start her on a wakeboard when she gets a smidge older,” Sienna suggests. “It’ll give her confidence before she tries anything harder.”

I nod and ignore the frisson of fear that settles in my gut when I envision setting my little tyke on a wakeboard.

Maybe when she’s twenty.

I’m busy chatting with Sienna, so I don’t realize Janelle is having a hard time getting up on the skis until Sienna hands me Lily and wanders to the bow.

“Keep your arms straight,” she calls out to my ex. “Don’t bend them. And imagine slowly standing up from the cannonball position. If you overcompensate, you’ll go headfirst through the water. If that happens, let go of the rope or it’ll feel like you’re guzzling from a fire hydrant.”

Janelle gives her a look, not appearing appreciative at all for the solid advice.

Olly sits next to me as Johnny powers the boat. “I can see things are going smoothly over here in hot girl paradise.”

“Fuck Johnny for suggesting everyone come along on this getaway,” I say under my breath, and he laughs.

But when my daughter turns in my arms and smashes my cheeks together with her sticky hands and gives me the sweetest smile, something happens to my chest. It feels like that scene in the Grinch when his heart expands.

Olly sticks his face in my daughter’s and makes a silly expression. She erupts into laughter, and we coo at her like dumbasses.

“How are things going with Sienna?” he mumbles to me like a ventriloquist, so no one else can hear us. “You guys are gonna burn down the boat with your sexual tension if you’re not careful.”

He’s not wrong. I feel it every time I look at her.

“We’re just friends. That’s all I have time for right now.” And I aim to keep her as a friend, which means not fucking her until she passes out from pleasure like I want to.

I nod toward Amelia, who’s busy looking offended at whatever Johnny is telling her. “What’s her story?”

“She’s a senior at Lone Star, but she flies back and forth to LA to model.”

“What’s she doing with you?” I joke.

He shrugs, his brows furrowed. “I’m not sure.”

I study him for a second. “Just giving you shit. She’d be lucky to date you, dude. But... if it doesn’t work out, please consider my ex. I wanna make sure she ends up with a good guy so my kid is taken care of.”

He gives me a look. “As hot as Janelle is, I’m not crazy enough to jump into the deep end of the pool with that woman.”

Can’t say I blame him.

But I cover my kid’s ears because I’m suddenly aware we’re trash-talking her mama, and that shit ain’t cool. I lean toward my buddy. “As far as the peanut is concerned, I think her mom is awesome. Got me?”

When I lower my hands, he nods and punches me in the arm. “Look at you. Being all responsible.”

“Fuck off.”

He chuckles. “Funny that her ears are wide open for the profanity.”

I curse again. “Point made, you dick. I’ll work on it.”









Hot water pelts my shoulders, and I moan into the wall of the shower. This is what I deserve for showing off today. I haven’t been waterskiing in a while, so I wasn’t sure I could pull off those moves, but now my body is paying the price. It just felt nice to be good at something.

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