Home > The Trouble with Whiskey(52)

The Trouble with Whiskey(52)
Author: Melissa Foster

The guys chuckled.

“Get over here.” He pulled her closer, and she stole a glance at the neighboring table. “The way you were all over me earlier, I’m pretty sure they all know we’re together.”

She whispered, “Just one kiss. I’ve got my manager hat on.”

“I’ll take one now, but you have to make up for the ones I’m missing later.”

“That’ll be my pleasure, Whiskey.” She kissed him. “By the way, I told my mom I’d help plan the events with her and Wynnie this year.”

“What?” He was beyond shocked. “Who are you?”

“Shut up.” She lowered her voice. “I don’t want to feel like an outsider to your family anymore.”

“That makes me happy, darlin’, and I think what I’m about to say will help you feel like part of the family again. What night are you off this week?”

“Thursday. Why?”

“We’re planning a paintball game—”

Cowboy hollered, “Paintball!” causing a ruckus at the table.

Dare shook his head. “I’m thinking about having a barbecue and bonfire afterward. Interested?”

She arched a brow and said, “Shooting you in the ass? Heck yeah, I’m in,” full of hot-as-sin attitude, earning a round of jokes from the guys as she spun on her heel and strutted away.

“You’ve got your hands full with that one,” his father said as he sat down.

“I sure do, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”



Chapter Thirteen



AS THE SUN set Thursday evening, the paintball battle was in full swing. The field, located just beyond the main house, was at least twice the size it had been years ago, when Billie had joined their games. There were several sandbag bunkers, new stone walls, barrels, enormous upright tires that were pinned to the ground, and other obstacles and barriers. Ground lights illuminated the dark field, and the sounds of heavy footfalls, paintball guns shooting, and hollering filled the air. They’d split into teams, and between Dare’s family, the ranch hands, and their clients, there were about two dozen paintball-gun-wielding people running around in camouflage suits and helmets. Even Gus had joined them, in his tiny neon-yellow suit, so everyone could see him and be sure not to shoot at him.

Billie peered out from behind a barrel, trying to spot Dare as Birdie sprinted across the dirt and dove behind a wall. A paintball hit Birdie’s foot, and Doc bolted past her, cracking up. Birdie flipped up her mask and hollered, “Damn it, Doc! You freaking ninja!”

Billie laughed. She had forgotten how stealth Doc was. He didn’t often show his competitive side, but on the paintball field, he was out for blood.

Birdie pulled out her phone and grinned for a selfie. She shoved her phone into her pocket, pulled her mask down, and took off running.

Gus was G.I. Joe crawling across the middle of the field. Sasha, who was on Billie’s team, ran by and scooped him up under her arm like a football, earning loud giggles as she carried him behind a tire.

Ezra crept by the barrel behind which Billie was hiding, and Billie lifted her gun to shoot him, just as she felt the nose of a gun pressed against her back.

“Turn around slowly and lift your mask, darlin’.”

Dare. Her pulse quickened and she turned, meeting his mischievous gaze. She lifted her mask. “Are you going to shoot me?”

He wrapped his arm around her waist, tugging her against him. “Does it feel like I want to shoot you?” He lowered his lips to hers in a kiss that started slow and sensual but quickly turned fierce and passionate.

“Christ Almighty, Billie,” Cowboy grumbled. “You’re kissing the enemy.”

Billie tried to break away, but Dare held her tight as Cowboy lifted his gun, aiming for Dare, and Kenny sprinted behind him, yelling, “Take this!” shooting Cowboy in the back.

“That’s my man!” Dare hollered.

“I’ve got your back!” Kenny shouted as he took off running.

Just as Dare turned back to Billie, she broke free from his grasp and shot him.

He stumbled backward, holding his chest. “I’m in love with a traitor!”

She and Cowboy high-fived and ran off just as Gus ran out from behind the wall, yelling, “I’m gonna get you, Dad!”

Sasha ran after him. “If Gus doesn’t get you, I will.” She aimed for Ezra, who leapt over a barrel and ducked down behind it. Tiny popped up from a sandbag bunker aiming at Sasha as Wynnie ran past and shot him, laughing the whole way.

“Bet you forgot how fun this was, huh?” Cowboy said as he and Billie darted behind a wall.

“Yeah, it’s been too long.”

“I haven’t forgotten!” Simone yelled.

They turned, and Simone pegged them both from behind a bunker, cracking up as she darted away.

The game went on for a long time, and when they finally came off the field and took off their gear, everyone was smiling and talking at once. Dwight had opted not to join the paintball game and had prepared a feast of grilled chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, vegetables, and a host of side dishes, all of which were waiting for them to devour. Everything smelled delicious. Dare and Doc went to start the bonfire, while a bunch of the guys set up chairs and Billie and the others put the gear away.

“That was the coolest thing I’ve ever done,” Kenny said as they came out of the equipment shed.

Tiny put a hand on the boy’s shoulder, and she heard him ask quietly, “Cooler than stealing a car?”

“Way cooler,” Kenny said, eyes bright.


Hyde walked by with two of the other teenagers in the program and said, “Kenny. Let’s eat, buddy.”

Kenny looked at Tiny, seeking approval.

Tiny gave a nod, and as they walked off, Tiny joined Billie while she waited for Dare. “Good to have you back in the game, sweetheart.”

“I had forgotten how much fun it was,” she said as Cowboy walked by with Simone, complaining that she’d shot him awfully close to his junk. “I’ve missed nights like this, being around everyone.”

“We’ve missed you, too.” He nodded toward Dare. “And I’ve missed seeing my son this happy.”

“Dare is always happy.”

“He was a downright mess after losing Eddie.”

A pang of guilt sliced through her. “I know I made it worse by shutting him out of my life. I’m sorry for doing that.”

“Don’t sweat it, darlin’. We love you just the same. You did what you needed to, and Dare found his footing again. But it’s been far too long since I’ve seen him as happy as he’s been since you two got the burrs out of your britches. A big ol’ piece of him has been missing for quite some time. Don’t get me wrong. He’s good on his own, but he’s a hell of a lot better with you. Always has been.”

“I’m glad, because I’m happier with him, too. But I know there are moments when I’m a thorn in his side, like with the buses.” She and Dare had spent the last few nights talking about his jumping over buses and her fears. He’d pointed out that he wasn’t trying a new stunt he wasn’t qualified to do, like Eddie had. He was honing the skills he’d already spent years perfecting. She was still worried, but not quite as much.

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