Home > Beautiful (Femme Fox #2)(15)

Beautiful (Femme Fox #2)(15)
Author: Jason Collins

So, why the hell had he sprinted out my front door?

I thought over the situation as I watched Lucky fall asleep beside me on the couch. She’d just finished eating her dinner, which was the only time she’d left my side since I’d brought her home. Even though she was a stray, she was acting like she’d been my dog for years, and we seemed to already have a natural rhythm to our interactions.

Her eyes flew open at the sound of rapid knocking at my door. She started to bark— loudly—and I had to shush her a few times just to get her to calm down. When the apartment was quiet again, I walked toward the door, carefully cracking it open.

“Oh.” I was surprised to see Harrison standing in my doorway. “It’s you.”

“It’s me.” Harrison grinned. “Can I come in?”

“That depends. Are you going to leave like something’s on fire again?”

“I’m sorry.” Harrison sighed. “I just…” Harrison never finished his sentence, his eyes peering further into my apartment. “How’s Lucky doing?”

“She’s good.” I nodded. “She hasn’t tried to randomly run out of my apartment for no reason, so some might say that she’s doing better than most.”

“Let me in,” Harrison whispered as he moved closer to my door. “And I promise I’ll make up for what happened earlier.”


I wanted to tell him to go away. I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t going to be at his beck and call, that I was never going to be a sure thing that he could just come visit in the dark of night.

But instead, I opened my door, letting Harrison into the apartment. As soon as I did, I felt Harrison’s mouth on mine, his tongue pressing between my lips. Our kiss was deep and intense, and I was unsure of what to do with my hands as Harrison only deepened his push, not stopping until it was hard for me to breathe.


Being with Harrison always left me breathless.

I pressed my hands against his shoulders as I gently pushed him away from me.

“What’s wrong?” Harrison murmured. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” I smiled. “I just thought that if we were going to do… anything… we probably shouldn’t do it in front of Lucky. She’s a little too innocent for all that.”

“Why are you talking about Lucky as if you’re the one who raised her?” Harrison seemed amused.

“I did raise her,” I replied, in a matter-of-fact tone. “She’s also my best friend, and if anyone tries to hurt her, I’ll hurt them, first.”

“That was fast.” Harrison laughed, placing his hands on my hips. “But I understand your concern. Lucky’s way too innocent to see what I’m about to do to you.”

Harrison’s gaze stayed on me, his eyes gleaming with a scorching intensity. I eventually broke off our eye contact, unable to process the way he was looking at me, like a man who’d been lost in the desert for years finding a river at long last.

Why does he have to look at me like that?

I had no problem hooking up with Harrison, but when he looked at me like that? It confused me even more. I didn’t think that either one of us wanted something serious, but I’d never met anyone else who looked at me the way he did.

In the middle of my thoughts, I felt Harrison start to slowly push me back toward my hallway. I didn’t react at first, my mind still mostly lost on Harrison’s eyes. But once I heard Harrison close my bedroom door, I realized that he’d moved me halfway through the apartment, far away from Lucky in the living room.

“Is that better?” Harrison asked as he brought his hands up to my face, pulling me in for another breathless kiss. I didn’t have a chance to answer his question, but I really didn’t want to, not if it was going to interrupt Harrison’s mouth on mine.

I pushed myself even closer to Harrison as we continued our kiss, wanting to get as near to him as I possibly could. I traced my fingers along his shoulders, his forearms, his upper chest, anywhere that I was able to touch at the moment. Harrison responded with a groan as he moved us towards a nearby wall, resting my back against it.

I wanted to say something, but my world was Harrison and only Harrison as he swirled his tongue inside my mouth. My fingers went down to the bottom of his shirt before I tenderly ran them across his lower abdomen, wanting to feel the softness of the skin that was so perfectly close to the most sensitive part of him.

It felt like I was unable to help myself as I pressed my fingers down even further, letting them envelop the outline of his cock through his pants. I was usually the one who was able to keep their cool, even in the middle of a hookup, but I didn’t have that willpower when it came to Harrison.

I wanted him.

And it was way too difficult to pretend like I didn’t.

Harrison chuckled before he moved my hand away from him. I wanted to protest the motion, but my protest vanished into thin air once I felt Harrison start to grind his hips against my own. He kept our kiss going, and I moaned into his mouth as my cock hardened in my jeans, my body already responding to him.

Harrison’s hands shot down towards my shirt, his fingers pulling at the fabric. I was wearing one of my old t-shirts, a simple cotton one that I liked to wear while hanging around in my apartment when no one was around. At first, I thought that Harrison was struggling to pull the shirt over my head, and I tried to help him by lowering myself a little towards the ground.

But then as I felt the fabric rip in two, soon falling away from my skin, I realized Harrison’s true intentions.

“Harrison… what…?” I asked, without finishing my question.

“I know. I’ll buy you a new one.” Harrison grinned. “And your shirt had it coming. It was in the way.”

I had to bite back a moan as Harrison dropped his head to my chest, kissing my now exposed skin.

Harrison was going to ruin me. I had no idea how I was supposed to hook up with anybody after him, with Harrison’s every move seeming to blow everyone else’s right out of the water. It was like he was stacking the deck against his future competition, making sure that I’d always keep him in the back of my mind.

And as Harrison’s mouth moved over my nipple, I shuddered beneath his frame. My chest was sensitive, and it got even worse when I was already turned on. Harrison seemed to pick up on my response as he licked my nipple again, bringing his hand up to my other nipple, his thumb brushing against the nub.

“Harrison…” I moaned his name as I threw my head back against the wall. “Fuck…”

“Does that feel good?” Harrison whispered, pushing his hips against mine, grinding into me at full force.

“Why are you asking a question you already know the answer to?” I tried being snarky, even as I let out another moan. “Do you just like hearing me say yes?”

“Yes.” Harrison grinned as his hips kept their rhythm against me.

“Too bad we can’t always get what we want,” I teased.

“Really? You’re going to act like you’re not turned on right now?”

I shrugged. “I feel fine. It’s just another day, you know? Why? Am I supposed to be feeling something else?”

“Oh, you really don’t want to play this game with me, Morgan.” There was a warning in Harrison’s voice as his voice dropped even deeper than usual.

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